
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Manteno Public Works Committee met Oct. 25

Village of Manteno Public Works Committee met Oct. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Committee Members:

Timothy Nugent, Mayor


Tim Boyce, Trustee


Todd Crockett, Trustee


Diane Dole, Trustee (7:01 AM)


Joel Gesky, Trustee (7:03 AM)


Samuel Martin, Trustee


Wendell Phillips, Trustee


Other Attendees:

Chris LaRocque, Village Admin


Jim Hanley, Super of PW


Ryan Marion, Code Official


Sarah Marion, Marketing Cord

Sheila Martin, Treasurer


Al Swinford, Chief of Police


Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk


Bruce Hill, Novotny Engineering


Meeting was opened by Trustee Boyce at 7:00 a.m.

MOTION: A motion by Mayor Nugent, seconded by Trustee Martin, to approve the minutes from September 27, 2022 meeting as presented. Voice vote – All ayes, No nays. Motion approved.

No public participation.

No action items.

Discussion Items:

• New Banner Ideas for 2023 – Mr. Hanley stated that the green banners are old and not matching with the Hometown Hero Banners. Mr. Hanley will research some banners that have the same color scheme to match the Hometown Hero Banners.

• Golf Cart Path (east of Hamilton) – Mr. Hanley has spoken to Mr. Curwick. Mr. Curwick is waiting to hear from his partners about paving the path that currently has crushed limestone base. An easement will be needed. Trustee Crockett asked if it is not possible to asphalt, could a different product be used that doesn’t make it hard for bikes to ride upon. Mr. Hanley will continue to check with Mr. Curwick.

• Legacy Park Concession Stand Update – Mr. Hanley stated that a couple of trees have been planted. A-1 Locksmith has been installing the electrical lock system. Ruder will be continuing the lock system. This will be a FOB system. Mr. Hill stated that the site will have a driveway entry with a new dumpster pad. Mr. Hill spoke to five different contractors about doing this project this fall. Only one stated that it may be possible, but no one could guarantee. The project will be held for a spring bid. Stone will be placed to help get the Zamboni out of the storage area. The plans will be sent to Township for their approval. Enclosure around where the port-a-potties will be dismantled. Security cameras are installed and working. A pad to be used for a grill will be poured instead of allowing users to put a grill under the canopy.

• Public Works Facility update – The steel structure is going up. Site work will continue this week. The south portion of the parking lot will have the binder put on before winter. Also, miscellaneous concrete along with some irrigation will be completed. A final decision will be completed on the salt shed design.

• Entry Way Signs Update – The foundations are poured. Masonry work will start next week. Solar lights will be installed, otherwise a electrical box would have to be put in which incurs a monthly charge.

• South Creek Drive Path Update – Tenco is back working and hopes to path next week. Electrical poles will be installed once paving is completed. Mr. Hill is still working with ComEd on the electrical service.

• MFT Update – Mr. Hill stated that Davis Concrete was going to remove curb and gutter on Eighth Street, Hickory and a segment on Brian Dr. (weather permitting). Pouring will start on Monday then Gallagher will follow up with asphalt. The lot on Eighth Street where a detention area is located should have sidewalks installed. The village will complete the sidewalks.

The village hall and food pantry parking lots were resealed after having an issue with last year’s parking lot update. The contractors did not what caused the problem but did reseal the lots.

• Parks Update:

o Mayor Nugent showed a video of a park in Minnesota. Mayor Nugent stated there may be ideas from the video that could be used. Mr. LaRocque stated that there may be some money left over from TIF that could be used in the area. Some ideas given:

▪ Pickle Ball Court

▪ Miniature Golf Course

▪ Handicap park equipment for children

Ideas should be given to Mr. Hanley.

Public Works Committee – October 25, 2022 Page 2 of 3

• Equipment Update –

o The dump trucks are at the outfitter – It may be another month before we have the trucks to use. Will be surplusing a 2002 and a 2004 truck.

o Would like to order a F550 to replace our current F350. This would have a switch and goo to allow for a flat bed and a dump bed. This is a budgeted item.

• Misc.:

• Signs have been erected for the new snow ordinance

• Would like to request Aqua have the Kmart logo removed from the water tower located on the west side of the village.

Motion by Mayor Nugent, seconded by Trustee Dole to adjourn meeting at 7:51 a.m. Voice vote: all ayes, no nays.
