
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Watseka Finance, Legal & Audit Committee met Feb. 21

City of Watseka Finance, Legal & Audit Committee met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

PRESENT: Aldermen Miller, Barragree, Cahoe, Marcier, Alderwoman Rohlfs, Mayor Allhands

ABSENT: Alderman Garfield and Alderwoman Musk

Alderman Marcier opened the meeting at 6:30 pm. There was no public comment.

Mayor Allhands stated Alderman Barragree has stepped down from being finance chairman and Alderman Marcier has volunteered for the position. Alderman Cahoe makes a motion to recommend to the council to appoint Benny Marcier as Finance Chairman effective immediately and Alderman Miller seconded. Roll call carried 6-0. Mayor Allhands stated he would like to step down from Public Safety chairman and appoint Brandon Barragree as chairman. Alderman Marcier makes a motion to appoint Brandon Barragree as Public Safety Chairman effective immediately and Alderman Cahoe seconded. Roll call carried 6-0.

Alderman Cahoe makes a motion to accept the January Treasures report and Alderman Miller seconded. Roll call carried 6-0.

Alderman Marcier stated the ICOM agreement needs to be passed the cost is $120,000 with no increase from last year. Mayor Allhands stated he will be attending a meeting next week to discuss the cost of dispatching. It seems that some of the smaller communities do not pay into the dispatching costs. The committee is in agreement that all communities should be paying into this as they are also using the service. Alderman Marcier makes a motion to recommend to the Council to accept the ICOM agreement for $120,000 and Alderman Cahoe seconded. Roll call carried 6-0.

Mayor Allhands read a letter from Next Site regarding the efforts they have put forth to get developers interested in coming to Watseka. Next Site has attended the ICSC Red River Conference in Dallas and has made some contacts with 15 developers. They have talked to Dollar Tree and Scooters Coffee about possible sites. They have also made contacts with developers that might be interested in the KFC building. Mayor Allhands also stated Pelligrens are working in the old Promises building downtown to serve Chicago Style Pizza. Mayor Allhands also stated that Berkots are moving forward with putting gaming machines in. Mayor Allhands also stated he has talked with someone that is interested in putting a food truck in the city full time but it would leave for special events if needed. This food truck would be serving pastries and baked goods. Mayor Allhands stated the Historical District people are in town and will be working with different organizations and residents to gather information.

Alderman Maricer makes a motion to transfer $310,000 from the general fund 1-10- 8000 into the police pension fund 40-10-5001 and Alderman Barragree seconded. Roll call carried 6-0.

Alderman Rohlfs stated she has a meeting next with the Iroquois County Development Association to discuss a possible indoor farmers market.

Alderman Marcier makes a motion to adjourn at 6:51 pm and Alderman Cahoe seconded. Roll call carried 6-0.
