
Kankakee Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Manteno Board of Trustees met March 6

Village of Manteno Board of Trustees met March 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Roll Call

President Timothy Nugent

Trustee Timothy Boyce

Trustee Samuel Martin

Trustee Diane Dole

Trustee Joel Gesky

Trustee Wendell Phillips

Absent: Trustee Todd Crockett

Also Present:

Chris LaRocque – Village Administrator

Al Swinford – Chief of Police

Michael Cainkar – Village Attorney

Jim Hanley – Supt. Public Works

The meeting was called to order by President Timothy O. Nugent, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of the Board was made by the Village Clerk.

Motion by Boyce seconded by Phillips to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the regular Board Meeting minutes of February 21, 2023, as presented by the Clerk.

Motion approved: 4-0 (includes Mayor Nugent’s vote) Martin, Dole abstained Crockett absent Public Participation: None

Reports of Village Officials:

Village President’s Report: Timothy Nugent

• Reminder again that Hometown Hero banners applications are available until March 31, 2023. The cost will be $100.00 for a three-year period. Applications and program details are available online at the Village of Manteno website or by stopping by the Manteno Village Hall

• Village residents who have golf carts can register them at Village Hall and receive the new sticker that should be visible on the cart. New golf cart owners who wish to register will also need to contact the Manteno Police Department in order to have an inspection done and provide proof of insurance.

Village Administrator’s Report: Chris LaRocque

• Update on new police department building. We are looking forward to completion in June 2023.

• Jim Hanley gave an update on the new Public Works building. Completion to be sometime in mid-summer 2023.

Committee Reports:

Public Works- Trustee Boyce

• Consideration RE: A motion to authorize the purchase of building materials to be used for the salt shed at the new Public Works facility, from American Steel Carports, Inc., at a cost of $32,125.00. As discussed at several committee meetings, Jim Hanley researched numerous options for the construction of a salt shed at the new public works facility. This was the best option for the materials. Construction labor will be decided later, as they do not provide prevailing wage labor.

• Resolution 22-12 - A Resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code. Every year the Village is required to submit documentation to IDOT approving material unit pricing and engineering percentages for the upcoming year.

Next Public Works meeting on Tuesday March 28, 2023, at 7:00 am Village Board Room Parks and Recreation- Trustee Martin

• Jim Hanley gave an update on plans for Lucille Thies Park, which will include parking, additional pickleball courts and a wiffle ball court.

Next Parks and Recreation meeting has been cancelled.

Public Safety and Health- Trustee Dole

• National Slam the Scam Day is Thursday March 9, 2023. National Slam the Scam Day is an initiative to raise public awareness to combat Social Security related scams. Additional resources can be found at www.ssagov/scam/resources.html.

Next Public Safety & Health meeting Wednesday March 8, 2023, at 7:00 am at the Village Board Room Planning and Zoning- Trustee Crockett, absent

• Ordinance 22-19 - An Ordinance amending Title 8, Building Regulations, Chapter 1, Building Code, Section 8-1-14, Exterior Wall Covering Materials, and Section 8-1-15, Accessory Buildings, of the Village of Manteno Municipal Code. Due to several new shed options the building department has encountered over the last several months, Ryan Marion felt it necessary to amend our shed codes to reflect the changes discussed by staff and the Board at recent committee meetings. These changes will better clarify what’s allowed and what’s not for our residents so that they are able to have sheds that meet the Village requirements.

The next Planning and Zoning Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday March 28, 2023, at 7:00 am at the Village Board Room

The next Planning Commission meeting is canceled for Tuesday March 14, 2023, at 6:00 pm at the Village Board Room.

Finance: Trustee Gesky

• Payment of bills $284,386.69 (includes TIF #1 bills of $230.00)

• Bills authorized and paid between Board Cycle: $34,534.75

• Ordinance 22-20 -An Ordinance authorizing the Sale of Personal Property (Surplus Municipal Equipment). With Sarah Marion’s departure, the Village and Chamber agreed to surplus her laptop so that she can maintain ownership of it.

The next Finance meeting will be held Wednesday March 8, 2023, at 7:00 am at the Village Board Room. General Government- Trustee Phillips

Nothing on the agenda tonight.

Mayor Nugent read the items to be included on the Consent Agenda. The consent agenda is as follows:

Old Business: (A)


New Business: (B)

1) Ordinance 22-19 - An Ordinance amending Title 8, Building Regulations, Chapter 1, Building Code, Section 8-1-14, Exterior Wall Covering Materials, and Section 8-1-15, Accessory Buildings, of the Village of Manteno Municipal Code.

2) Ordinance 22-20 -An Ordinance authorizing the Sale of Personal Property (Surplus Municipal Equipment).

3) Resolution 22-12 - A Resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code.

Awarding of Bids/Contracts and Authorization to Purchase (C)

1) Consideration RE: A motion to authorize the purchase of building materials to be used for the salt shed at the new Public Works facility, from American Steel Carports, Inc., at a cost of $32,125.00.

Financial Reports: (D)

1. Motion to approve payment of bills in the amount of $284,386.69 (TIF #1 Bills - $230.00) Motion by Phillips seconded by Gesky to take a single roll call vote on the question of passage of agenda items as designated for voting purposes on the consent agenda.

Motion Approved 5-0 Crockett absent

Motion by Martin seconded by Dole to approve by an omnibus vote those ordinances, resolutions, motions, and orders contained on the consent agenda.

Motion Approved 5-0 Crockett absent

Final Comments:

Trustee Boyce: No comment

Trustee Martin: No comment

Trustee Dole: Don’t forget that we “spring ahead” this weekend for Daylight Savings. The seventh-grade girls volleyball team is playing to win sectional tonight at the Manteno Middle School and the eighth grade girls will be playing for regional later this week. Good Luck to all!

Trustee Gesky: No comment

Trustee Phillips: No comment

Mayor Nugent: Fortitude Community Outreach will be attending our Planning and Zoning meeting on March 28th, 2023, to do a presentation to the board. They are seeking monetary help from area communities to help with them securing a building in Kankakee for the homeless. Motion by Boyce to adjourn at 6:18 pm. Seconded by Dole

Motion approved 5-0 Crockett absent
