
Kankakee Times

Monday, March 3, 2025

Kankakee County Executive Committee met April 25

Kankakee County Executive Committee met April 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Members Present

Mr. Hess, Ms. Polk, Ms. Webber, Ms. Parker, Mr. Fairfield, Mr. Ekhoff, Mr. Carrico, Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Miller, Mr. Long, Mr. Hunter, Ms. Foster, Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand

Mr. Wheeler was present by Zoom.

Members Absent

Mr. Sirois

In Attendance

Department Heads

Kevin Duval, John Coghlan, John Bevis, Erich Blair, Delbert Skimerhorn and Theresa Goudie

Media Present

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by the County Board Vice-Chairman, Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present.

Quorum was present.

Public Comment - None

Approval of Minutes: March 28, 2023

Mr. Long made a motion to approve the minutes and Mr. Miller seconded. Motion carried with a voice vote.


Information Services – Kevin Duval

Mr. Duval provided an update to the committee and spoke about the projects at the courthouse with Tyler Technologies.

Health Department – John Bevis

Mr. Bevis reviewed the report with the committee.

Discussions were held.

Schools – Frank Petkunas

Mr. Petkunas was not present.

Veterans Assistance Commission – Karen Smietanski

• Monthly Report

Ms. Smietanski was not present.

Mr. Ekhoff made a motion to accept the report, and Ms. Parker seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.

County Administrator’s Report – Anita Speckman

Monthly Update

Ms. Speckman was not present.



• Reappointment of Troy Coffman to the Limestone Fire Protection District

• Reappointment of Maurice O’Keefe to the Manteno Community Fire Protection District

• Reappointment of David Horn to the Greater Momence Fire Protection District

Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand reviewed the reappointments with the committee.

Mr. Long made a motion to combine and approve the first 3 reappointments, and Mr. Fetherling seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.

• Appointment of Scott T. Dillman to the Grant Park Fire Protection District

Mr. Wheeler made as motion to approve, and Ms. Parker seconded it.

Mr. Wheeler advised the committee that one application was received at the time the agenda went out. After the agenda was posted, the current member submitted his information.

The committee can choose to consider the current members application, but it could not be included today as it is not on the agenda. Mr. Wheeler recommended that Mr. Dillman be considered at this meeting.

Motion carried with a voice vote. There were 0 nays.


Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand read the openings to the committee.

• Openings:

• One Opening on the McGillivray Special Drainage District

• One Opening on the Kankakee County Convention and Visitors Bureau

• One Opening on the Kankakee River Valley Forest Preserve District Board

• One Opening on the University of Illinois Extension

• One Opening on the Cabery Area Fire Protection District

• One Opening on the Essex Township Fire Protection District

• One Opening on the Otto Township Fire Protection District

• One Opening on the St. Anne Fire Protection District

• Two Openings on Bourbonnais Fire Protection District

• Two Openings on the Kankakee County Board of Review

• Five Openings on the Kankakee County Ethics Commission

New Business

Mr. Hunter commented on the Social Service application from Fortitude and their request for ARPA funding. Mr. Hunter stated that the Social Service committee had requested that Fortitude provide day programming for the homeless.

Mr. Wheeler commented on the discussions with the recommendation committee for social services.

Discussions were held.

Old Business



Mr. Fetherling made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:46 a.m., and Mr. Hess seconded it.

Motion carried with a voice vote.
