Kankakee County Executive Committee met July 25.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Members Present
Ms. Polk, Ms. Webber, Ms. Parker, Mr. Fairfield, Mr. Ekhoff, Mr. Carrico, Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Long, Mr. Hunter, Ms. Foster, Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand
Members Absent
Mr. Hess, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Miller,
In Attendance
Department Heads
Anita Speckman, Kevin Duval, John Coghlan, Delbert Skimerhorn, Frank Petkunas, Erich Blair, John Bevis and Theresa Goudie
Media Present
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by the County Board Chairman, Mr. Wheeler, at 9:01 a.m. Quorum present.
Quorum was present.
Public Comment – Helen Green , Kankakee rural, spoke about tenants of theirs that were deceased and are having difficulties with the sewer and garbage bill.
Roosevelt Grenne, rural Kankakee, spoke about the same issue as his spouse.
Approval of Minutes: June 27, 2023
Ms. Parker made a motion to approve the minutes and Ms. Polk seconded. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Information Services – Kevin Duval
Mr. Duval provided an update to the committee. Mr. Duval advised that he would bring the phone system to Finance once ready.
Health Department – John Bevis
Mr. Bevis was present and reviewed the report with the committee.
Mr. Bevis spoke about the IRIS System, Discussions were held.
Schools – Frank Petkunas
Mr. Petkunas gave an update on legislation that will effect the schools and truancy. Discussions were held.
Committee Meeting
July 25, 2023
Veterans Assistance Commission – Karen Smietanski
• Monthly Report
Mr. Long made a motion to accept the report, and Mr. Fairfield seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Ms. Smietanski stated that they have open positions in the VAC. Scheduling for the VAC is about 2-3 weeks out, they are keeping very busy.
County Administrator’s Report – Anita Speckman
Monthly Update
Ms. Speckman reviewed open positions within the county, stating there 10 open positions currently.
Ms. Speckman updated the committee on the Resource Fair and also the Daily Journal job fair.
• Reappointment of Erich Blair to the Kankakee County Supervisor of Assessments
Mr. Fetherling made a motion to approve the reappointment of Erich Blair, and Ms. Parker seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 12 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were: Ms. Polk, Ms. Webber, Ms. Parker, Mr. Fairfield, Mr. Ekhoff, Mr. Carrico, Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Long, Mr. Hunter, Ms. Foster, Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand
• Reappointment of Sharlene Parr to the Kankakee River Valley Forest Preserve District Board
• Appointment of Khristine Kirchner to the Essex Township Fire Protection District
Mr. Ekhoff made a motion to combine and approve, and Mr. Long seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Wheeler read the openings to the committee.
• Openings:
• One Opening on the McGillivray Special Drainage District
• One Opening on the Cabery Area Fire Protection District
New Business
Mr. Long made a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss litigation at 9:42am, and Mr. Ekhoff seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 12 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were:
Ms. Polk, Ms. Webber, Ms. Parker, Mr. Fairfield, Mr. Ekhoff, Mr. Carrico, Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Long, Mr. Hunter, Ms. Foster, Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand
The committee came out of executive session at 10:10am.
Old Business
Ms. Polk thanked everyone for a successful fashion show event and appreciated the support and participation.
Mr. Fetherling made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:12 a.m., and Mr. Carrico seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.