
Kankakee Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Watseka City Council met Oct. 24

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Watseka City Mayor John Allhands | City of Watseka

Watseka City Mayor John Allhands | City of Watseka

City of Watseka City Council met Oct. 24.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

The City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor John Allhands at 6:30pm. Present were Aldermen Barragree, Marcier, Cahoe, Miller, Anderson, Muench, & Alderwoman Rohlfs & DeLahr.

A Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Barragree to Approve the City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 26th, 2023. Motion passed 8-0.

Public Comment-Jay Patel the manager of the Super 8 Motel was in attendance asking why his water bill is so high, how often are the water rates increased and he asked about late fees. Mr. Patel stated the due date for his water bill was the 16th. He said he was a day late paying the bill and that this was his first time it was an accident that the city could check his history he questioned the $452.52 late fee. The mayor shared that the council is not able to comment during public comment and they would investigate this.

The mayor then asked about the Christmas Parade Resolution if the council would give him verbal authority to sign and the council will make it good next month so this can be submitted to IDOT. Everyone was in favor of this.

Melinda Mustered gave a quick update on a community Children’s sensory play place she would like to start up in January 2024. She will also be planning to apply for some grants.

Ordinances, Resolutions, Agreements & Proclamations

• Ordinance #2690-Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property Commonly Known at 304 W Oak St, Watseka, Illinois.

• Ordinance #2691-Amending Title 9, Public Ways and Property, Chapter 3, Driveways, Section 9- 3-1, Construction Regulations of the Watseka City Code.

• Ordinance #2692-Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for Participation in the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System.

Consent Agenda

• Ordinance #2690-Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property Commonly Known at 304 W Oak St, Watseka, Illinois.

• Ordinance #2691-Amending Title 9, Public Ways and Property, Chapter 3, Driveways, Section 9- 3-1, Construction Regulations of the Watseka City Code.

• Ordinance #2692-Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for Participation in the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System.

A Motion was made by Marcier, second by Cahoe Ordinance #2690-Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property Commonly Known at 304 W Oak St, Watseka, Illinois. Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by DeLahr Ordinance #2691-Amending Title 9, Public Ways and Property, Chapter 3, Driveways, Section 9-3-1, Construction Regulations of the Watseka City Code. Alderman Anderson was curious as to why did this did not come through committee and does the $2000 bond fee apply to everyone. City Attorney Cainkar shared that the bond is required in case of street damage it can be fixed. The current ordinance all that was changed was the width. The bond is refundable if there is no damage. Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Marcier Ordinance #2692-Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for Participation in the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System. Motion passed 8-0.

Standing Committee Reports

• Finance, Legal and Audit

A Motion was made by Marcier, seconded by Barragree to pay claims in the amount $362,214.67. Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Barragree, seconded by Cahoe to Accept and Place on file the September Treasurer Report. Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Cahoe, seconded by Barragree TIF 4 Disbursement to Designer Homes $2615.00 for 605 S. 5th St./219 E. Hamilton Ave. Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Marcier, seconded by Cahoe IMLRMA liability insurance $158,768.09. Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Marcier, seconded by Barragree Transfer $337,100 from general fund 1-10-8000 into street and alleys 9-10-9000. Motion passed 8-0.

• Public Works/Water Wastewater

A Motion was made by Cahoe, seconded by Rohlfs Compensatory Storage at public Works not to exceed $9,000 pay from water and sewer bond. Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Cahoe Purchase a Kubota Excavator from McCullough’s $84,914.04 pay from water department. Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by DeLahr Purchase a 2023 Econoline Trailer from Morris Trailer not to exceed $15,343 pay from water department. Loren gave a new updated quote $13,809. Motion passed 8-0.

• Public Safety-None

• Code Enforcement

A Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Anderson Triple A Asbestos $6900 to remove asbestos at 100 W walnut St. Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Muench 209, 213 & 217 E. Walnut St. NBC Demo $32,400, Lee Farms $65,000, KB&E 11 $74,400 Discussion, and action. The lowest bid from NBC Demo $32,400 was chosen. Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Barragree Family Inn Façade Grant for $5,000 (350 W Walnut St.) Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Cahoe Garrell properties Façade Grant $5,000 (800 W Walnut St.) Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Barragree, seconded by Muench to go into Executive Session at 6:53pm. Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Barragree, seconded by Rohlfs to return to the regular council meeting at 7:02pm. Motion passed 8-0.

A Motion was made by Marcier, seconded by Cahoe to approve $1500 for the Community Children’s Sensory Play Place. Motion passed 8-0.

• Miscellaneous Business

Mayor brought up that Super 8 Motel called last month not wanting to pay the late fee, he had spoken to the owner of the motel. Mayor felt that this was a communication error between the Super 8 Motel owner and manager. The city helped them with a leakage issue this summer, this is not the first time that Super 8 have not paid their bill on time. Alderwoman Rohlfs asked about having something on the city website to pay their bill so that the residents have more flexibility. Loren Public Works director suggested to set-up auto payments. Discussion was had to investigate new software to do this. Alderwoman DeLahr shared that Milford does something like this and she would be willing to investigate it. The Council agreed not to waive the late fees and that Super 8 will be responsible for those fees. Alderman Anderson asked about the bids for the cameras where are we. Alderman Marcier shared he will follow up on this as they are waiting a design and bids.

Loren Public Works director shared that the lead service line survey will be going out to all the residents, and it is a legit survey. This needs to be done by April 2024. He wanted to be sure everyone was aware of this survey it is just going to be a few basic questions. Alderman Anderson asked if a full press release would be sent out to all the media outlets, so they are aware also, Alderman Anderson offered to help write the press release if needed just let him know. Loren shared that well 11 is in progress, it has been drilled to the correct depths so within the next few weeks they can start testing it. The road projects are completed he is waiting to get the information to IPC. Martin Ave. soil boaring survey is next hopefully within the next few weeks its moving along. Locust Street it was started last year and inaccurate information was given so with sheet piling, the shoring will need to be larger and deeper which makes this more expensive Robinson will be paying for this not the city Loren is looking at options now.

A Motion was made by Cahoe, seconded by Barragree to Adjourn at 7:20pm. Motion passed 8-0.
