
Kankakee Times

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Village of Bourbonnais Community & Economic Development Committee met Feb. 28

Webp 21

Bourbonnais Village Clerk Brian Simeur | Village of Bourbonnais

Bourbonnais Village Clerk Brian Simeur | Village of Bourbonnais

Village of Bourbonnais Community & Economic Development Committee met Feb. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Meeting Opening

Meeting called to order at 3:30 PM by Trustee Jeff Keast

Action, Procedural: A. Roll Call - Trustee Jeff Keast at 3:30 PM

Members present: Mayor Paul Schore, Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, and Trustee Jack Littrell, Trustee Angie Serafini (arrived at 3:47). Also in attendance, Treasurer Ron Riebe, Attorney Patrick Dunn, Administrator Michael Van Mill, Asst. Administrator Laurie Cyr, Finance Director Tara Latz, Deputy Chief Dave Anderson, Public Works Superintendent Terry Memenga, Community Development Technician Tyler Goodrich, Planning Commissioner Mark Argyelan, Asst. Public Works Superintendent and Admin Assistant Margie Beach.

2. Review & Approve Minutes

Action, Minutes: A. Community & Economic Development Committee Meeting Minutes from November 14, 2023

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Bruce Greenlee to approve the Community & Economic Development Committee minutes from November 14, 2023 as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, and Trustee Jack Littrell

3. Planning Commission Reports

Discussion: A. Case PR24-0001: Zoning Variance to consider Rezoning from B-1 Central Commercial Business to R-1 One-Family Residence at 246 N Convent St. Applicant: Roland Metzger

> Mrs. Goodrich gave an overview from the February Planning Commission meeting for one case that was presented to rezone a parcel from B-1 to R-1 at 246 N Convent Street. A presentation was given by the applicant, explaining the current configuration of the lot does not meet the standards for a B-1 Business lot.

> After deliberation of the information presented, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to approve the rezoning of 246 N. Convent St from B-1 Central Commercial Business to residential R-1 One-Family Residence

Community & Economic Development Committee concurs with the Planning Commission's recommendation, and legislation will be created for the next Regular Board meeting on March 4, 2024.

Discussion: B. Recommendation to appoint new Planning Commission Member- Michelle Bade

> Planning Commissioner Mark Argyelan stated Member Paul Cavitt would like to retire from the Planning Commission after serving as a Member since 1987. Mr. Argyelan stated he and Mayor Schore have spoken with resident Michelle Bade who has shown interest and is willing to serve on the Planning Commission Zoning Board.

> Recognition for Mr. Cavitt will occur at an upcoming Regular Board meeting.

Community & Economic Development Committee agrees to appointing Michelle Bade as a Member to the Planning Commission, and legislation will be created for the next Regular Board meeting on March 4, 2024.

4. New Business

Discussion: A. 2024 Zoning Map

> Mrs. Goodrich gave an update on changes that have occurred to the 2023 Zoning Map. We had one annexation and two rezoning cases, so they have been updated on the Zoning Map for 2024 (on Board Docs).

Community & Economic Development Committee agreed to the changes of the Zoning Map, an update will be made, and legislation will be created for an upcoming Regular Board meeting.

Discussion: B. Redwood Special Use Extension

> Ms. Cyr gave an update regarding the Redwood Planned Unit Development located on 29 acres north of Larry Power Road, east of Sunridge subdivision, south of Burns Road and west of I-57. In 2022 the village granted Redwood USA LLC a special use in an R-4 zoning to allow a planned unity development. Property owner Mr. Burns is requesting to extend the special use permit to 36 months - August 15, 2025.

> Redwood Representative Paul DeKruiff was in attendance and explained some of the challenges of building this project. Federal interest rates are much higher compared to 3 years ago which makes the total cost of capital higher, and a reduction of loan proceeds. Lenders are very careful with commercial loans during these financial times. Also labor shortage continues to be an issue and concern for construction, and product availability.

Community & Economic Development Committee agreed to extend the Special Use request in an R-4 zoning for 36 months, and legislation will be created for an upcoming Regular Board meeting.

Discussion: C. Kankakee Convention & Visitors Bureau - Bylaw and Intergovernmental Change Trustee Serafini arrived at 3:47 PM.

> Executive Director Nicole Gavin from Kankakee County Convention Visitors Bureau (KCCVB) gave an overview of their operation and what they do regarding marketing for Kankakee County (on Board Docs).

> Ms. Gavin presented their new 2-year Intergovernmental Agreement so they can continue to operate and promote tourist destinations in the County. New by-laws were created recently, which would run from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026. KCCVB is requesting an annual membership of $60,000 from Municipalities & County with 7,500+ residents, along with a $5,000 fee per hotel. The KCCVB will no longer collect the 5% hotel tax, it would go directly to each municipality, which they would then pay for a membership to KCCVB and keep the hotel tax.

> Participants at this time comprise of Village of Manteno, Village of Bourbonnais, Village of Bradley, City of Kankakee, and Kankakee County. The Park Districts will no longer be on this Board.

> Questions and comments were discussed amongst the Board and Ms. Gavin.

Community & Economic Development Committee agrees to continue to be a member of KCCVB, and enter into this Intergovernmental Agreement, with legislation to be created at an upcoming Regular Board meeting.

Discussion: D. PSI Development Agreement Amendment - Tabled for a later date.

Discussion: E. Riverfront Park Master Plan Update

> Ms. Cyr gave an update that we have had 658 online surveys completed for the Riverfront Park study, which goes until March 8, 2024 on the Village's website and Facebook page.

Discussion: F. Cobblestone Park Plan

> Mrs. Goodrich went over the Cobblestone Park plan which included the park layout with components, such as baseball field, back stop, picnic tables, pavilion, etc. (on Board Docs).

> Provided an up-to-date cost estimate for the Cobblestone Park plan.

Discussion: G. Ed Hayes Park Plan

> Mrs. Goodrich went over the Ed Hayes Park Pickleball project located in the Highpoint subdivision neighborhood. The park currently has a playground and pavilion on the site. We are planning to add 4 pickleball courts, having adjustable nets so residents can also play badminton and have volleyball court as well, The park will also have a 20' x 40' lighted with a fan pavilion, bike rack, water station, pet area, and benches with canopies (on Board Docs).

> Provided an up-to-date cost estimate, along with a list of funding sources.

Discussion: H. Other

> Trustee Keast asked if we know when we will be doing any Campus events this fall and planning for a budget for this event.

> Mayor Schore explained it will depend on available dates, on what else is going on in the area, but will be discussed soon.

5. Old Business - None

6. Public Comments - None

7. Executive Session - Not applicable

8. Adjournment and Time

Action, Procedural: A. Adjournment Time

Motion by Trustee Jack Littrell, second by Trustee Rick Fischer to adjourn the Community & Economic Development meeting at 4:32 PM.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini
