
Kankakee Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Momence City Council met March 18

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Momence City Mayor Charles Steele | City of Momence

Momence City Mayor Charles Steele | City of Momence

City of Momence City Council met March 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council Meeting of the City of Momence was held in the Council Chambers at 29 North Dixie Highway, Momence.


Roll was called by the Clerk with Aldermen Doody, Vela, Huddelston, Cook, Temple and Lesyna present. Aldermen Clark and Fordahl were absent.


Alderman Cook made motion to approve the minutes of March 4. Alderman Huddelston seconded the motion with Aldermen Doody, Vela, Huddelston, Cook, Temple and Lesyna voting yes.


Alderman Doody made motion to approve the bills for payment. Alderman Vela seconded the motion with Aldermen Doody, Vela, Huddelston, Cook, Temple and Lesyna voting yes.

CITIZENS FOROM – Scott Franko with Surf Internet – fiber internet. Can leave information prices and further conversation.

Tom Peterson – Corn guy requesting use of property right east of the chocolate factory during the Gladiolus Festival and the 4th of July. Alderman Cook made motion to approve

Momence HS Softball tag day - requested permission for tag day on April 6, 8AM – noon. Locations: Second/Dixie, Washington/Dixie, Dixie/Rt. 17. Alderman Cook made motion to approve. Alderman Doody seconded the motion along with Aldermen Doody, Vela, Huddelston, Cook, Temple and Lesyna voting yes.

Steve Gross – community garage sales. Grant Park would like to couple with Momence and Heritage Day. Requesting June 13, 14 and 15, and to waive the fees for the garage sales. City would still request the forms to be filled out. Alderman Cook made motion to approve. Alderman Huddelston seconded the motion along with Aldermen Doody, Vela, Huddelston, Cook, Temple and Leysna voting yes.

Old Business –

Aldermanic – Alderman

Lesyna – looked into the liquor license ordinance while staying in compliance. A proposed changed is to change the number of the licenses in each class to unlimited. This has become an issue with the new requests for gaming. Alderman Lesyna made motion to approve Ordinance 885, amending the number of liquor licenses to unlimited. Alderman Temple seconded the motion along with Aldermen Doody, Vela, Huddelston, Cook, Temple and Lesyna voting yes.

Alderman Doody – Budget and Finance, April 1, at 7:15 PM

Alderman Temple requested executive session to possibly come out to do business

Department Heads –Scott – Rebuild Illinois money around $330,000.00, asking for Wishlist of things to spend the money. Lead service survey has been mailed; this was paid for by a grant.

Tina – all documents were sent to start the rate study. Lisa will start February balancing. Chief Siemson – police chaplain, speed trailer, ordinance violations, EOP plan

Treasurer report –

MAYORAL REPORT – Resolution 220, Street Closures for Gladiolus Festival. Alderman Doody made a motion to approve. Alderman Huddelston seconded the motion along with Aldermen Doody, Vela, Huddelston, Cook, Temple and Lesyna voting yes.

Alderman Temple made motion to move into executive session. Alderman Cook seconded the motion along with Aldermen Doody, Vela, Huddelston, Cook, Temple and Lesyna voting yes.

Adjourned to executive session 8:03

Returned to open session 8:19 PM

Alderman Temple made a motion to move Chris Roop from part-time to full-time. Alderman Cook seconded the motion along with Aldermen Doody, Vela, Huddelston, Cook, Temple and Lesyna voting yes.

Alderman Doody made motion to adjourn. Alderman Vela seconded the motion Aldermen Doody, Vela, Huddelston, Cook, Temple and Lesyna voting yes.

Meeting adjourned at 8:22 PM
