
Kankakee Times

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Westmont Village Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met May 1

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Westmont Village Board: Left to right - Trustee Frank Brady, Trustee Marie Johanik-Guzzo, Village Clerk Jinny Szymski, Mayor Ron Gunter, Trustee Steve Nero, Trustee Linda Liddle, Trustee Bruce Barker, Trustee Amylee Hogan Simonovich | Westmont Village

Westmont Village Board: Left to right - Trustee Frank Brady, Trustee Marie Johanik-Guzzo, Village Clerk Jinny Szymski, Mayor Ron Gunter, Trustee Steve Nero, Trustee Linda Liddle, Trustee Bruce Barker, Trustee Amylee Hogan Simonovich | Westmont Village

Westmont Village Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met May 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

Chairman Kovanda called the May 1, 2024 Special Meeting of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners to order at 10:00 AM

2. Roll Call

Chairman Kovanda - Present; Commissioner Qualizza - Present; Commissioner Mulhearn -

Present; A Quorum was present.

3. Public Comments

Chairman Kovanda opened the meeting to any public comments; there was none.

4. Ongoing Business

The Commission discussed the Rule and Regulations of the Fire and Police Commission.

Deputy Chief Brian Gruen updated the Commission on the testing process for Sergeant Promotions.

5. New Business

Chairman Kovanda moved to name Natalie Michalek as the FOIA Elected Officer for the Fire and Police Commission. Commissioner Mulhearn seconded the motion.

Vote: Yes-3, No-0 Motion Carries

6. Adjournment

There being no additional business before the Commission at this time, Chairman Kovanda made the motion to adjourn and Commissioner Mulhearn seconded the motion.

Vote: Yes-3, No-0 Motion Carries

Commission adjourned at 4:30 PM
