
Kankakee Times

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Village of Bourbonnais Community & Economic Development Committee met May 16

Webp 19

Bourbonnais Police Chief James Phelps | Village of Bourbonnais

Bourbonnais Police Chief James Phelps | Village of Bourbonnais

Village of Bourbonnais Community & Economic Development Committee met May 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Meeting Opening

Meeting called to order at 4:00 PM by Trustee Jeff Keast

Action, Procedural: A. Roll Call - Trustee Jeff Keast

Members present: Mayor Paul Schore, Trustee Bruce Greenlee, and Trustee Jeff Keast. Also in attendance, Treasurer Ron Riebe, Attorney Patrick Dunn, Administrator Michael Van Mill, Assistant Administrator Laurie Cyr, Finance Director Tara Latz, Deputy Chief Dave Anderson, Public Works Superintendent Terry Memenga, Public Works Superintendent Assistant Frank Triveline, and Community Development Technician Tyler Goodrich. Absent: Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King (arrived 4:27 PM), Trustee Jack Littrell and Trustee Angie Serafini.

2. Review & Approve Minutes

Action, Minutes: A. Community & Economic Development Committee Meeting Minutes from April 11, 2024

Motion by Trustee Bruce Greenlee, second by Trustee Jeff Keast to approve the Community & Economic Development Committee minutes from April 11, 2024, as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Mayor Paul Schore, Trustee Bruce Greenlee, and Trustee Jeff Keast

3. Planning Commission

Discussion: A. Case PSU24-0003: Special Use at 1780 Career Center Rd in an R-1 One-Family Residence for the allowance of Solar Electric Power Generation (NAIC Code 221114). Applicant: St. Paul's Lutheran Church

> Mrs. Goodrich gave an overview from the April Planning Commission meeting for one case that was presented requesting a Special Use from applicant St. Paul's Lutheran Church located at 1780 Career Center Road. This is an R-1 One-Family Residence Zoning District, and they are requesting to allow Solar Electric Power Generation (NAIC Code 221114) (on Board Docs).

> Mrs. Goodrich stated a presentation was given by the applicant regarding this 26.8 acres site located at the northeast corner of Career Center Road and West Burns Road. The site is adjacent to residential on the north and northeast sides of the property (Map provided on Board Docs). The solar panels are about 6 feet tall and there will be a 6 foot tall fence around the panels with arborvitae trees. There are 792 proposed panels covering 1.3 acres. They are an inert system, with no oils or chemicals and are made of glass and plastic panels with copper wiring.

> Several resident objectors present at the Planning Commission meeting stating their concerns regarding this project, which were documented in the Planning Commission report. Solargistix was available on Zoom for questions from the Board.

> After deliberation of the information presented, the Planning Commission provided their findings, and voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the Special Use.

> Mayor Schore invited residents that were in attendance at the C&ED meeting to speak regarding their concerns of this project.

> A petition was presented to the Board that contained 46 signatures from Meadowbrook subdivision residents asking the Board to reconsider this project until the Village has fully studied and passed a comprehensive solar power plan (petition will be attached to completed C&ED minutes).

Trustee Randy King arrived at 4:27 PM

> Meadowbrook residents Brett Reum, Dwight Lockwood, Nakita Tribett, and Linda Lockwood spoke to the Board stating their concerns.

> Mayor Schore explained to the residents what the process is for Special Use requests that are presented to the Planning Commission, and the decision process with the Village of Bourbonnais Board members.

> Rod Place, CEO of Solargistix (EPC - Engineer, Procure and Construct) is the contractor who will install the solar panels. He spoke through Zoom and gave an explanation about the company and how they do business and will provide information to the Village to be shared. Actual equipment will come from the manufacturer Solar America who they have used many times in the past. Mr. Place addressed residents' concerns about the project, regarding the end of life plan on the solar panels stating after 20 years installing these panels, they have never had an issue of lead contaminating the fields. They can provide reports with that information from previous studies. He addressed safety concerns, and agreed to put up an 8-foot fence as well around the solar panels. Mr. Place stated that they are not looking to offend any homeowners and are willing to work with St. Paul's Church.

Community & Economic Development Committee agreed to table Case #PSU24-0003 until further information is obtained and will be discussed at an upcoming meeting.

4. New Business

Discussion: A. Administration Office Vestibule Improvement Plans

> Ms. Cyr gave an update on the Administration building vestibule improvement project. Two months ago Alliance Architect was hired to redesign the front entrance to become ADA compliant. We have published in Wednesday's May 15 Daily Journal the notice for bids and plans will be available on the Village Website by Friday, May 17 with bid openings on June 21, 2024.

Discussion: B. Garage, Rummage and Occasional Sales Regulations Update in Chapter 18

> Ms. Cyr is requesting to update Chapter 18 in our policy adding Garage, Rummage and Occasional Sales regulations. We are currently having issues with homes that are having daily garage sales.

> We are looking at adding regulations that will limit the number of garage sales residents can have in a specific amount of time. We are recommending 3 garage sales per calendar year, and only one garage sale per month, for 2-3 days in a row. Verbiage was provided for the Board to review (on Board Docs).

> Discussions were had about adding a fee, an application, and certificate, so garage sales can be tracked. Ms. Cyr stated she will amend documents and have another discussion at an upcoming meeting.

> Ms. Cyr also had a request about allowing Occasional Sales (on Board Docs). We have a commercial business in the Village requesting to have a craft show in their parking lot every Friday from May until October. Ms. Cyr is suggesting to add language to legislation regarding this request as well, with limiting how often the sales are had on their property, and we can regulate how often these sales occur.

Community & Economic Development Committee agrees to amend the draft legislation and discuss in more detail at a future meeting.

5. Old Business

Discussion: A. Pickleball Courts at Ed Hayes Park Update

> Ms. Cyr gave an update on the Pickleball Courts at Ed Hayes Park (on Board Docs). After a previous Community & Economic Development meeting, it was suggested to shift the courts to the north a little bit and further away from the houses at the south end of the park, and move the pavilion closer to the streets (on Board Docs). Letters were sent to the adjacent property owners last month notifying them about pickleball courts being added to the park. We received feedback from only one property owner regarding the traffic, and another about how happy they were to have them added to the park.

> The park will consist of 4 pickleball courts with removable posts, two courts will have adjustable nets for volleyball, badminton and pickleball. An acoustic fence panel will be on the southside of the court, a 6-foot chain link fence, 2 benches with canopies, a 20 x 40 foot picnic pavilion with electricity and a fan, a water fountain with a bowl filler and dog bowl, a pet waste station, and 3 bike racks.

> Costs of the project was provided as well to review, and the project is expected to be completed by mid August. Funding for this park project will be coming from ARPA funds and two grants the Village has received.

6. Public Comments - None

7. Executive Session - Not applicable.

8. Adjournment and Time

Action, Procedural: A. Adjournment Time

Motion by Trustee Bruce Greenlee, second by Trustee Randy King to adjourn the Community & Economic Development meeting at 4:44 PM.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Mayor Paul Schore, Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Randy King and Trustee Jeff Keast
