
Kankakee Times

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Village of Clifton Board of Trustees met May 13

Webp 16

Clifton Centennial Pool | Village of Clifton

Clifton Centennial Pool | Village of Clifton

Village of Clifton Board of Trustees met May 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order / Pledge

Roll Call

Jeff Hall- Y               John Tammen - Y

Tim Goodrich- Y      Sue Schafroth - Y

Paul Hess- Y           Cathy Dundas – Y (Zoom)

Ben Potts

Therese Simoneau

Mike Thompson

Kari Thompson

Joe Kolosky

Karie Frake

Jim Lehmkuhl

Sue Hess

Hanley Guy

Delmer Schoolman

Carol LeClair

Joe LaCost

Approval of Minutes

● Paul Hess made a motion to approve April 8, and 30, 2024 minutes. John Tammen seconded the motion.

Public Questions and Comments

o Joe Kolosky asked if any progress had been made on north fourth street. Ben Potts is waiting on a call back from Haleys.

o Sue Schafroth asked where Ben Potts was at with Silversmith data, and if Ben had been working on it once a day. Ben will start working again on silversmith once a week.

o Jeff Hall asked if Randy had the keys that were voted on for Randy to have. The sign out/up sheet for the keys, Randy will get the keys after the meeting. Discussion on cameras came up at the same time. Jim does not have all the camera information for the maintenance. Jim needs the password for the maintenance building cameras.

o Joe Kolosky asked who was paying for the boring in town when something gets hit, who is paying for it, if it was not located correctly. Joe explained that he had an issue in front of his house. Boring company would be responsible for charges.

o Jeff Hall spoke of a complaint Saturday May 4, that CJ had said he saw Ben Potts' kid at the pool house, and that he should not be there. Ben asked if anyone had checked the camera. Jim said that he had looked at the camera and seen Ben’s truck, but could not tell who was in the vehicle. Discussion went further on camera and complaint. Ben assured the board it was not his son, that it was him.

o Sue Schafroth asked why Ben Potts’s son was power washing the pool. That he was hired to mow grass. Ben explained everything was caught up, and all safety protocols were taken.

o Karie Frake asked how the pool is being filled, and if it does put a strain on the water. Discussion on pool filling present and past.

o Sue Schafroth asked if Brenda could be filling up the pool? Ben explained that he had spoken to Brenda about filling the pool and he’s trying to keep track of how many gallons were going in.

o Discussion on reconcile water and finding 35,000 gallons up to 74,000 gallons a day leak. Ben believes he did find the leak and contacted Haileys.

Village President-Beginning of year business

● Administration Appointments

o Sandy Tammen, Village Treasurer

▪ Motion Passes

o Connie James, FOIA Officer

▪ Motion Passes

o Ben Potts, Street Superintendent, Sewer Superintendent, Superintendent Waterworks, Building and Zoning Officer, Code Enforcer, Animal Control-

▪ Jeff Hall – N John Tammen - Y

▪ Tim Goodrich – Y Sue Schafroth - N

▪ Paul Hess – N Cathy Dundas – N

● Motion Denied 4-2

o Kellie Holohan, Maintenance Full time Employee

▪ Motion passes

o James Lehmkuhl, Police Chief

▪ Motion passes

o Joe LaCost, Full Time Police Officer

▪ Motion passes

o Dean Hartman, Water Technician and part time Community Building Superintendent

▪ Motion passes

o Lesa Lukow, FOIA Officer

▪ Motion Passes

o Randy Gigl, Assistant FOIA Officer

▪ Motion Passes

o Sue asked why they are as officers, and not employees. Joe Kolosky discussed that it was something that was changed when he was on the board.

o John Tammen called for an executive session to discuss personnel. Sue Schafroth seconded the motion. At 7:48 p.m.

● Authorization to purchase or pay for annually occurring expenses until April, 2025

o Mulch for Village properties not to exceed $5,000.00 (Delegated to maintenance)

▪ Jeff Hall – Y John Tammen - Y

▪ Tim Goodrich – Y Sue Schafroth - Y

▪ Paul Hess - Y Cathy Dundas – Y

▪ Motion passes

o Christmas Decoration not to exceed $2,000.00

▪ Jeff Hall – Y John Tammen - Y

▪ Tim Goodrich – Y Sue Schafroth - Y

▪ Paul Hess - Y Cathy Dundas – Y

▪ Motion passes

o Extra security for Fun Days (Delegated to Police Department)

▪ Jeff Hall – Present John Tammen - Y

▪ Tim Goodrich – Y Sue Schafroth - Y

▪ Paul Hess - Y Cathy Dundas – Y

▪ Motion passes

o Ammunition for duty, training, and qualifying, not to exceed $750.00 (Delegated to Police Department)

▪ Jeff Hall – Y John Tammen - Y

▪ Tim Goodrich – Y Sue Schafroth - Y

▪ Paul Hess - Y Cathy Dundas – Y

▪ Motion passes

o Liability Insurance not to exceed 105% of previous billed amount (Delegated to Sandra Tammen)

▪ Motion passes

o Christmas/Easter Egg Hunt, not to exceed $500.00 each or $1000.00 total (Delegated to Local Improvement)

▪ Jeff Hall – Y John Tammen - Y

▪ Tim Goodrich – Y Sue Schafroth - Y

▪ Paul Hess - Y Cathy Dundas – Y

▪ Motion passes

o Authorization for the Maintenance Supervisor to make purchases up to $750.00 between meetings, with accounting provided to the board at the next meeting. Discussion on $750.00 Randy discussed they could use between meetings, and not have to wait. Sue discussed she has not been seeing debit card receipts. Sandy and Sue discussed the amounts that have been submitted. Will discuss at June 10, 2024 meeting

Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals

Department Reports

● Maintenance Department

● Building and Zoning Department

● Police Department

o Jim Lehmkuhl discussed 70 percent of golf carts have been completed. Sue Schafroth asked where we are at with the police truck, Jim discussed it should be done at end of May

Streets and Alleys Committee

Water and Sewer Committee

● Jeff Hall discussed how he got a breakdown of what it was to get the sewer plant up and running. $267,000.00 to upgrade. John asked if they had an engineer, and yes, they do have their own. The amount is with signing a

contract with them. John discussed that with Neil he had grants, and with ERH we do not have that. Sue discussed that she ran numbers from last year on what was spent, and compared the prices. Sue asked if he could come, and do a presentation for us, Jeff will get it set up before the next meeting if he can. Jeff will contact ERH for a special meeting.

Police and Public Safety Committee

Ordinance and Zoning Committee

o John Tammen made a motion to approve ORDINANCE NO. 2024-06 an ordinance establishing standards for the construction of facilities on the rights-of-way by adding article v, construction of utility facilities in the rights-of-way, to chapter 32, streets, sidewalks, rights-of-way and other public places, of the Clifton Village code for the village of Clifton, Iroquois county, Illinois, Sue Schaftorh seconded the motion

o Motion passes 6-0

Budget and Finance Committee

● Review Treasurer Report and Review Bills

● Treasurer’s Report

o Sandy Tammen discussed the treasurer's report. Sue Schafroth made a motion to approve the treasurer's report. Jeff Hall seconded the motion.

o Motion Passes 6-0

● Sue Schafroth made a motion to pay the bills. Tim Goodrich seconded the motion.

o Jeff Hall – Y John Tammen - Y

o Tim Goodrich – Y Sue Schafroth - Y

o Paul Hess - Y Cathy Dundas – Y

o Motion passes 6-0

● Motion to approve 2024 – 2025 budget, discussed will be approved at special meeting.

● Sue Schafroth made a motion to approve annual pay increases to start within the new fiscal year May 1st. Jeff Hall seconded the motion.

o Jeff Hall – Y John Tammen - Y

o Tim Goodrich – Y Sue Schafroth - Y

o Paul Hess - Y Cathy Dundas-Y

o Motion passes

Local Improvement Committee

Village President

Concluding Public Questions and Comments

o Paul Hess discussed the heater that it will be another month before it arrives.

o Sue Schafroth discussed the summer sewer rates, will be on the special meeting agenda

o Sue Schafroth discussed another debit card for the pool manager. Randy will call the bank and get one.

o Jim Lehmkuhl discussed the fox in town has 7 pups.

o John Tammen asked if going forward, if the clerk could ask who all had a meeting, then at the end of the year, it would all be tallied up.


John Tammen made a motion to adjourn at 9:44 p.m. Jeff Hall seconded the motion.
