
Kankakee Times

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met May 20

Webp 54

Jamie Hawkins, Grant Park Village President | Jamie Hawkins / Facebook

Jamie Hawkins, Grant Park Village President | Jamie Hawkins / Facebook

Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met May 20,

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

6:00PM Meeting called to Order / Pledge

Roll Call was taken, all members present

*Motion to approve minutes from May 6th previous meeting, with correction, adding June 2nd to Lucky 7 Farms vaccination clinic

       Motion: Morgan       2nd: Wiedl        Motion Carried 5-0-1 Bruni abstaining

Public Comments: Jino John and Sunny John asked to speak to the Board. They are the new owners of the former Circle K gas station. Up and running currently, spoke about plans for the future, and wish to work with the Village and its residents

*Motion to approve Bills for Payment: <5/16/24 General Fund $14,487.51, M.F.T. $101.13, T.I.F. $40,925.00, Payroll <5/11/24 $19,620.02, Stipend <5/13/24 $3,909.02

       Motion: Morgan      2nd Whorrall        Motion Carried 6-0-0

Departmental Reports:

Clerk Dillman: requested 50 trees in the Com-Ed Arbor day program

Attorney: Professional fee Ordinance being drafted

Engineer Piggush: Pre Construction meeting on Main Street project this week

Ordinance & Insurance, Wiedl: no report

Streets & Alleys, Passini:  Memorial flags will be put up, replaced with HS Graduates when removed. A meeting with the School Board being planned. Leaf Collector in bad shape, looking in to fixing, or replacing

Finance, Morgan: Reviewed FY24 Budget, Gave a projection on FY25 Budget

*Motion to approve FY25 Budget as presented

       Motion: Morgan      2nd: Detloff       Motion Carried 6-0-0

Set June 17th for appropriations Ordinance hearing at 6PM

Set June 3rd meeting for first reading of appropriations Ordinance

Set June 17th meeting for second reading of appropriations Ordinance

Community Outreach, Detloff: requested 100 trees from Com-Ed Arbor day program

Building & Grounds, Bruni: no report

Law Enforcement, Whorrall: no report

Chief Frey: Discussed a report on Police Car status, age, mileage, state of repair. Applied and received a grant for 3 police vests

Pres Hawkins: reported HS Girls are in softball regionals, HS Graduation was last week, have received 2 estimates on the Police Station roof replacement, waiting on one more. New version of the employee handbook due out soon

No Executive session held

7:01PM Meeting Adjourned
