
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Clifton Board of Trustees met June 27

Webp 16

Clifton Centennial Pool | Village of Clifton

Clifton Centennial Pool | Village of Clifton

Village of Clifton Board of Trustees met June 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order 

Roll Call 

● Jeff Hall – Y           John Tammen - Y 

● Tim Goodrich –N   Sue Schafroth - Y 

● Paul Hess - Y        Cathy Dundas – Y 

Other Attendees 

Lesa Lukow 

Randy Gigl 

Sandy Tammen 

Tim Kent 

Trenton Dunn 

Teresa Simoneau 

Mike Thompson 

Kari Thompson 

Joe Kolosky 

Jim Lehmkuhl 

Paul Hess made a motion to approve Trenton Dunn as Maintenance Director. John Tammen seconded the motion. Trenton would be able to start as early as Monday. Randy Gigl discussed Trenton’s experience. 

● Motion passes 5-0 

John Tammen made a motion to go into executive session at 5:07p.m. Jeff Hall seconded the motion. 6:05 p.m. back in session for a special meeting. 

Discussed Maintenance Director Supervisor and officer rolls will be discussed at the July 8th meeting. 

Discussed training plan for maintenance director will be discussed at July 8 meeting.

Discussed appointing building inspector, will be discussed further at the July 8 meeting. 

● Jeff Hall discussed he has someone who is interested in the building inspector position, and would like it split out of the maintenance job. Sue Schafroth discussed she asked a few people and they are not interested. Randy Gigl discussed that he also has someone interested in the job. 

Discussed comp time and time off, will be in discussed in July 8 meeting Discussed time off procedures will be in job description 

Sue Schafroth discussed Silversmith with Trenton Dunn, and the training that will be done with him and Kellie. 

Lesa Lukow discussed that if anyone noticed meeting minutes not available on the website, to contact her. Website is having issues holding the minutes online. 

John Tammen made a motion to adjourn at 6:19 p.m. and Paul Hess seconded the motion.
