
Kankakee Times

Friday, September 20, 2024

Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met Aug. 5

Webp 53

Jamie Hawkins, Village President | Jamie Hawkins / Facebook

Jamie Hawkins, Village President | Jamie Hawkins / Facebook

Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met Aug. 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call The Meeting To Order

2. Pledge To Flag

3. Roll Call

4. Approval Of Previous Meeting(S) Minutes,

5. Public Comments: Comments Are Limited To 3 Minutes Pursuant To Ordinance O-1-15-1, Rule 22-H

If You Wish To Hold A Discussion With The Village Board, You Must Be On The Published Agenda. Agendas Are Published The Thursday Prior To Monday Meeting.

6. Approve Bills For Payment

7. Approve Payroll

8. Department Reports

• Clerk Scott Dillman

• Attorney's Report Michael Santschi

• Engineer's Report Neil Piggush

• Ordinances & Insurance Committee Chairman Susie Wiedl

First Reading Ordinance Amending Title 6 (Burning)

• Street & Alley Committee Chairman Frank Passini

Streets & Alley Commissioner Steve Sullivan

• Finance Committee Chairman Gerry Morgan

Village Treasurer Joe Hubbard

• Community Outreach Committee Chairman Ben Detloff

Update On Meeting With Surf Internet, July 25

• Buildings & Grounds Committee Chairman Robin Bruni

Motion To Approve M3 Electric To Replace All Old Lighting In Library Not To Exceed $2745.00

• Law Enforcement Committee Chairman Morgan Whorrall

Police Chief Carl Frey

• Village President Jamie Hawkins

Discuss And Vote On Leaf Pick Up By Garbage Company 

Update On Esson Farm Road Project

Update Main Street Drainage Project

Update Taylor Street Drainage Issue

Update On New Street Signs Going Up In Town

• Executive Session

9. Motion To Adjourn
