
Kankakee Times

Friday, September 20, 2024

Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met July 1

Webp 54

Jamie Hawkins, Grant Park Village President | Jamie Hawkins / Facebook

Jamie Hawkins, Grant Park Village President | Jamie Hawkins / Facebook

Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met July 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

6:35PM Mr. Morgan made a motion to designate Mr. Detloff Village President pro-tem for purposes of this meeting. Seconded by Ms. Wiedl. Approved 6-0-0

6:38PM Meeting called to Order / Pledge

Roll Call was taken, all present except Pres. Hawkins

*Motion to approve minutes from previous 6/17/24 meeting

Motion: Morgan 2nd: Wiedl Motion Carried 5-0-1 Bruni abstaining

No Public Comments

*Motion to approve Bills for Payment: <6/27/24 General Fund $11,750.50, Sewer $728.00, M.F.T. $597.92, Fest Fund $25.00 Payroll <6/22/24 $19,652.01 <6/24/24 $6,375.00

Departmental reports:

Clerk Dillman: questioned delay in revised zoning request Ordinance. Will be looked in to

Ordinance & Insurance, Wiedl: no report

Streets & Alleys, Passini: recommending street light repair quote from Schmidt Electric for $2700, questioned to the Board what to do about the leaf pickup. Machine is essentially dead, needs replacing. Will be taking down Senior flags, and putting up USA Flags

Finance, Morgan: Spoke about the MFT compliance review, from May 2020 to April 2024, delayed due to Covid. Went well, the reviewers will be reviewed at a later date. Village has an appx balance of $140k.

Community Outreach, Detloff:

1. Discussed having a meeting with Surf Internet concerning their proposal

2. Discussion held concerning a gaming license requested by Sunny Johns and Tyler Bell at the former Circle K station. Trustees were polled on the topic, concerns expressed included if a gas station, not being a truck stop can even get a license in Illinois, is there room, parking concerns, do we need more gaming in town…..

3. Next Fest meeting July 8th, 6PM at the Community Center

Building & Grounds, Bruni:

*Motion to install a donated pickle ball net on the tennis court

Motion: Morgan 2nd: Bruni Motion Carried 6-0-0

Law Enforcement: Whorrall:

*Motion to approve purchase of new patrol car, 2025 Ford Interceptor SUV, not to exceed $58,000 with equipment set-up

Motion: Whorrall 2nd: Morgan Motion Carried 6-0-0

Pres. Hawkins: absent. Todays water outage discussed briefly, Hydrant flushing July 1-2

No Executive session held

7:10PM Meeting Adjourned
