
Kankakee Times

Friday, September 20, 2024

Iroquois County Public Health Department Board of Health met July 1

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John Shure, Chairman | Facebook

John Shure, Chairman | Facebook

Iroquois County Public Health Department Board of Health met July 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Dr. Phillip Zumwalt, President

Ms. LuAnn Armantrout, Secretary

Ms. Jolene Foster

Mrs. Brenda Burnett

Dr. Rodney Yergler

Mr. Lyle Behrends


Dr. Aravind Reddy, Vice President


Mr. Eric Ceci, ICPHD Administrator (ZOOM)

Mr. Tyler Robinson, ICPHD

Ms. Rachel Nelson, ICPHD

Mr. John Shure, Iroquois Co. Chairman

Ms. Kate Mueller, ICPHD

Mr. Cody Fredrick

Mrs. Danielle Walls, ICPHD

Mr. Daniel Walls

Mr. Scott Anderson, ICPHD, EMA

Mrs. Judy McCann, ICPHD

Mr. Paul Ducat, Iroquois Co. Vice Chairman

Mr. Carl Gerdovich, WGFA

Mr. Derick Carlson

Mrs. Tina Crider-Honeycutt, ICPHD

Mr. Roger Bard

Mrs. Carla Prizy

Mr. Joe Prizy

Ms. Carla Waters, Times Republic

Mr. Aaron McCray

Mrs. Chelsea McCray, ICPHD

CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Dr. Zumwalt, President, called the Iroquois County Public Health Department Board of Health meeting to order at 6:00 PM on Monday, July 1, 2024, in the Iroquois County Board Room. Roll call was taken.

APPROVE AGENDA: Dr. Rodney Yergler made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Motion seconded by Brenda Burnett and was approved by voice vote.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: ICPHD Senior Services Director, Bethany Dewitt, thanked the Iroquois County Board for listening to the concerns of ICPHD employees. She submitted a written statement alongside multiple different grievance letters on behalf of over half of the Iroquois County Public Health Departments employees. She finished by calling for the board of health to make a decision while keeping the integrity of the health department intact.

ICPHD Care Coordinator, Danielle Walls, spoke on behalf of two other employees who could not be in attendance and showed her full support for the grievances submitted to the board of health.

ICPHD Financial Officer, Tina Crider-Honeycutt, began by stating that, as a retired Human Resources professional, she has not seen any offence that would be grounds to terminate the current administrator's contract. She concluded by stating she would not recommend terminating the administrator's contract.

Iroquois County Board Vice Chairman, Paul Ducat, spoke about the decision made by the Policy and Procedure committee to recommend the termination of the administrator's contract. Paul explained he had multiple reasons for making the motion after addressing ICPHD employee complaints.

ICPHD Receptionist, Judy McCann, made comments regarding the grievance letters being about past events with dates and times. She concluded by saying this was not character assassination, but a documentation of past issues.

APPROVE MEETING MINUTES FOR MAY 6, 2024 BOH MEETING: A copy of the May 6, 2024 BOH meeting minutes was reviewed for approval. Dr. Rodney Yergler made a motion to approve the May 6, 2024 BOH meeting minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Jolene Foster and was approved by voice vote.

APPROVE MEETING MINUTES FOR JUNE 5, 2024 BOHFC MEETING: A copy of the June 5, 2024 BOH Finance Committee meeting minutes was reviewed for approval. LuAnn Armantrout made a motion to approve the June 5, 2024 BOHFC meeting minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Dr. Philip Zumwalt and was approved by voice vote.

REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF CLAIMS FOR JUNE 2024: A claims listing for June 2024 was distributed for review and approval. Discussion was held. Dr. Rodney Yergler made a motion to approve the June 2024 claims. Motion seconded by LuAnn Armantrout and was approved by voice vote.


A. GRANTS AND CONTRACTS UPDATE: A copy of the ICPHD grants and contracts list for FY 2024 was distributed for review and discussion. Eric detailed a few upcoming grants such as the Local Health Protection grant, the Emergency Senior Services grant, the Public Health Emergency Preparedness grant, the Preschool Vision and Hearing grant, and a new grant known as the Respiratory Surveillance and Outbreak Response grant. Eric finished by providing an update on the Illiana Migrant Headstart grant and reiterating that the breast and cervical program will no longer be a service that ICPHD offers.

B. ICPHD PROGRAM UPDATE: A copy of the June 2024 program summary report was distributed for review and discussion. Eric detailed a new program known as Tick Surveillance and its purpose.

C. 2024-2029 IPLAN UPDATE: ICPHD Administrator, Eric Ceci, discussed the status of the 2024-2029 IPLAN.

D. ADMINISTRATOR COMMENTS: ICPHD administrator, Eric Ceci, detailed the health department's cash balance. In addition, discussion was held regarding the ICPHD Iroquois County Fair booth and current employment opportunities. Eric concluded by sharing how ICPHD celebrated their tenth anniversary with an open house.

EXECUTIVE SESSION – 5 ILCS 120/2(c): THE APPOINTMENT, EMPLOYMENT, AND COMPENSATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES: At 6:35pm, Lyle Behrends made a motion to enter into executive session. Motion seconded by LuAnn Armantrout and was approved by voice vote.

At 8:19pm, the Iroquois County Board of Health exited executive session and resumed normal session.



ADJOURNMENT: At 8:57PM, Dr. Rodney Yergler made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by LuAnn Armantrout and was approved by voice vote.
