
Kankakee Times

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

City of Watseka Code Enforcement Committee met July 9

Webp 14

Don Miller, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Watseka

Don Miller, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Watseka

City of Watseka Code Enforcement Committee met July 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

PRESENT: Aldermen Miller, Anderson, Muench, Barragree, Marcier, Cahoe, Alderwomen Rohlfs and DeLahr and Mayor Allhands

GUESTS: Building Inspector Eric Brandt and Code Enforcement Bill Walver

Alderman Miller opened the meeting at 7:43 pm. There was no public comment. Building Inspector Eric Brandt reported on the following properties:

IDNR Flood Mitigation: The city is still waiting on a reimbursement, and there are currently no contracts out. Eric asked if anyone had any ideas on the empty lots, he stated some of them have been adopted but there are a lot left. The committee thanked him for the map of the lots. It was stated none of these lots could be used for a dog park as you can’t put up fencing on the DNR lots.

Ordinance Citations: 13 warnings and 2 citations issued

520 N 2nd St: the home has been demolished and looks much better

306 W Oak St: Eric stated this property is now owned by the city should he put it out for bids? There was a short discussion about the fire department using this house for training.

400 E Cherry St: the demolition started today, there are about 6-8 loads to be hauled out, it should be done by tomorrow

100 W Walnut St: still waiting on the site inspection

Sign Ordinance: Eric asked for any comments, there was discussion about painting on buildings vs murals on buildings. There was discussion on the signage when a business closes also.

Petitions for Variances: 506 E Cherry St.: wants to add another detached garage and 433 S 6th St.: is going to demolish the house but wants to save the garage. This will go before the zoning committee on July 29th and will come before full council in August. 400 N Jefferson St: Eric is asking if he should start demolition proceedings with the city attorney, the committee is ok with this

Grants: Eric stated the city has moved to the next step with the bric grant and the grant for updating the hazard mitigation. He believes the city should get both grants.

It was stated Gailey Eye Clinic on N 8th St needs to be cleaned up and also behind the old city hall on E Walnut St.

Code Enforcement Bill Walver reported on the following:

Crime Free Rental: 4 inspections done

Inoperable Vehicles: sent out 8 owner notifications, 6 vehicles removed or now incompliance, received 1 junking certificate from the state and 1 vehicle has been sold. Other Interactions for June: 31 warnings for miscellaneous violations

Alderman Marcier thanked Bill for the list of stops he has made and had questions about the status of junk vehicles at 1111 N Jefferson and the debris on Western Ave. Bill stated they are both a work in progress and should be cleaned up completely in a few days.

Mayor Allhands stated everyone has a copy of an email and pictures of a possible sign for Clement Pond that will discussed next week in Finance.

He also stated the dedication for the Horner Park on W Walnut was well attended and turned out nice.

Mayor Allhands also reported 2 businesses have picked up applications for the revolving loan. He went on to say several businesses in the downtown area are being renovated and being sold so some new businesses will be opening soon. Mayor Allhands stated the city now owns the Hanford Lot on E Walnut and public works will be removing the concrete soon. Mayor Allhands reported the factory on Fleming St will be opening in September and will employ 60-85 people.

Alderman Anderson asked to have 468 E Cherry St be put on the Public Works agenda for next week. This is the property where a city tree fell on a car.

Alderman Anderson also stated the county board asked him about having a recycling dumpster year-round instead of just once a year.

Alderman Anderson also stated the dumpster ordinance will also include multiple family apartment buildings that have dumpsters.

Alderman Miller makes a motion to adjourn at 8:21 pm and Alderman Muench seconded. Roll call carried 9-0.
