
Kankakee Times

Thursday, September 19, 2024

City of Watseka Public Safety Committee met Sept. 10

Webp 14

Don Miller, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Watseka

Don Miller, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Watseka

City of Watseka Public Safety Committee met Sept. 10.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order 

2. Roll Call 

3. Public Comment 

4. Auxiliary Department Report 

a) Monthly Meeting- all attended but one 

Reviewed Family Festival Event, no problems; Preparing for Big Train event on 9/9/24; Discussed Harvest Daze Event in October 

b) No call outs in August 

c) Promotion of an Officer to Sgt. 

5. Fire Department Report 

6. Fire & Police Commission Report 

7. Police Department Report 

a) Officer Josh Douglas discussion and possible action regarding tuition  reimbursement 

8. Executive Session-Personnel 

9. Other 

a) Committee Members Inquiries 

10. Adjournment 
