
Kankakee Times

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

City of Watseka City Council met Sept. 12

Webp 12

Watseka City Mayor John Allhands | City of Watseka

Watseka City Mayor John Allhands | City of Watseka

City of Watseka City Council met Sept. 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Special Called Meeting

Mayor Allhands called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Present were Alderman Anderson, Muench, Cahoe, Marcier, Miller, and Alderwoman DeLahr. Absent were Alderwoman Rohlfs and Alderman Barragree.

Public Comment-None

Ordinance # 2718- Authorizing the Purchase of Right-of-Way and Easements in an 18.92 Acre Subdivision to be Proposed for Vacant Land South of and Adjoining the Porter Martin’s Subdivision (8th Addition), Watseka Illinois

Resolution For Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code: Reducing RBI Funds on Mulberry St. (2023 MFT Project)

Resolution For Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code: RBI Funds on North St, Kay St., and 5th St.

Supplemental Resolution: for MFT Funds on North St., Kay St., & 5th St.

Engineering Agreement: RBI & MFT Funds can be used for design & Construction Engineering on North St., Kay St., & 5th St.

Ordinance # 2718- Authorizing the Purchase of Right-of-Way and Easements in an 18.92 Acre Subdivision to be Proposed for Vacant Land South of and Adjoining the Porter Martin’s Subdivision (8th Addition), Watseka Illinois. Keith from Robinson gave an update. Alderman Miller asked about Ninth street if this would be a future project some discussion was had and possibly this can be looked at in the future. A Motion was made by Cahoe, seconded by Marcier Motion passed 6-0

Resolution For Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code: Reducing RBI Funds on Mulberry St. (2023 MFT Project). Keith gave an update & cost $73,000.00. A Motion was made by Marcier, seconded by Anderson. Motion passed 6-0.

Resolution For Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code: RBI Funds on North St, Kay St., and 5th St. Keith gave an update. A Motion was made by Cahoe, seconded by Anderon to accept. Motion passed 6-0.

Supplemental Resolution: for MFT Funds on North St., Kay St., & 5th St. Keith also gave an update. A Motion was made by Cahoe, seconded by DeLahr. Motion passed 6-0.

Engineering Agreement: RBI & MFT Funds can be used for design & Construction Engineering on North St., Kay St., & 5th St. A Motion was made by Cahoe, seconded by Miller. Motion passed 6-0. Alderman Cahoe asked regarding the curbs if possibly Public Works could do this to get the project started. Loren PW Director will look at it and the costs. Loren PW Director also shared that they are having a hard time keeping concrete local based on costs.

Police Chief Ad-Nita Dubble was present, she handed out a rough draft of a Police Chief job description. Nita suggested a three-person committee for this Derek Hagen, Scott Muench and herself. Nita will receive all the applications; Discussion was had on the council not interfering with this committee that the committee would take care of it and then present their suggestions to the council. Salary was also discussed $123,000.00-$135,000.00 but can be negotiated depending on the experience and applicant. Nita said that her committee will get started on this. A Motion was made by Cahoe, seconded by Anderson. Motion passed 5-1 with Alderman Muench abstaining.

Mayor Allhands stated that the departments have been busy, thank you. The FFA has been a huge help lately with things going on in town and the help is greatly appreciated. Loren PW Director would like to see the city give a donation to the FFA, possibly $500. This will be added to the Finance meeting agenda. Alderman Marcier reported on the electronic recycling event, the FFA helped at that event also, very successful, weather was good 303 cars in the first hour.

A Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Marcier to adjourn at 7:12pm. Motion passed 6-0. Amanda Hibbs, City Clerk
