Watseka City Mayor John Allhands | City of Watseka
Watseka City Mayor John Allhands | City of Watseka
City of Watseka Finance, Legal & Audit Committee met Sept. 17.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
PRESENT: Aldermen Marcier, Cahoe, Miller, Muench, Anderson, Alderwomen Rohlfs and DeLahr and Mayor Allhands
ABSENT: Alderman Barragree
GUESTS: Tom Dobbins with Make your Move Team, John Whitman with Save the Opera House
Alderman Marcier opened the meeting at 6:30 pm. There was no public comment. Tom Dobbins with Make your Move Team attended the meeting via zoom. Mr. Dobbins gave a short presentation about what his company does. They help relocate families from larger communities that are looking for a safer place for their families. This helps by bringing new families to the area and filling jobs, and by helping with getting more children in the school system. Mr. Dobbins stated there are 74 homes open in Iroquois County. The cost is $1500 per month for the city to enroll. There will be more discussion about this in meetings to come.
John Whitman with Save the Opera House spoke next. He stated the group has created a Facebook page, are making business connections, are attending group meetings, looking into grants, and are working with Landmarks Illinois. Alderman Marcier stated the cost to demo the building is close to the cost to repair the roof. Alderman Marcier makes a motion to recommend to the Council to Not Demo the JC Penney/Opera House building and Alderwoman Rohlfs seconded. There was much discussion with Alderwoman DeLahr and Alderman Anderson about spending taxpayer monies. Roll call carried 6-2 with Alderman Anderson and Alderwoman DeLahr voting no. Alderman Marcier than makes a motion to hire Carlise to send our RFPs for a cost of $22,000 and Alderwoman Rohlfs seconded. Roll call carried 6-2 with Alderman Anderson and Alderwoman DeLahr voting no. Alderman Anderson asked about getting more quotes for this and Keith Mulholland with Robinson Engineering stated he contacted 3 other firms, but all were to busy. John Whitman stated the Save the Opera House group is in the process of getting their 501C3. Alderman Marcier stated he would like to see the city fix the roof to reduce the cost for the group and the possibly the roof next door and by then the group should have the 501C3. It was stated if the group dissolved the building would then go back to the city. John Whitman read a letter from Landmarks Illinois stating that by saving the building it would help the downtown area more than an empty grass lot. Alderwoman DeLahr asked about giving the group a small business loan through the city at a low interest rate.
Alderman Marcier makes a motion to recommend to the Council to accept the August Treasures report and Alderman Miller seconded. Roll call carried 8-0.
Alderman Marcier stated he would like for the city to give the Watseka FFA a donation of $500. They have been really helping the city lately, with the putting out of the flags and with the electronic recycle event. Last year the city donated $500. Alderman Miller makes a motion to recommend to the Council to donate $500 to the Watseka FFA and Alderwoman Rohlfs seconded. Roll call carried 8-0.
Alderman Marcier stated the city’s website developer is retiring, and the committee has before them 2 different quotes, Civic Plus and Webfoot. Alderwoman DeLahr stated she liked the Civic Plus because it has the bill pay option. Alderwoman DeLahr makes a motion to recommend to the Council to use Civic Plus Premium Design for a one-time fee of $850 and hosting and support annual fee of $4758. Alderman Anderson seconded. Roll call carried 8-0.
Mayor Allhands stated the city received a letter from IMH requesting a donation for a new Physical Therapy Center. This will be on the agenda for full council.
Alderman Marcier stated the 911 Dispatch fees will be going up considerably. The city currently pay $126,000 and there is a possibility of them going up to $162,400. There will be more information to come as the dispatchers are in union negotiations.
Alderman Marcier makes a motion to adjourn at 7:09 pm and Alderman Muench seconded. Roll call carried 8-0.