Jamie Hawkins, Grant Park Village President | Jamie Hawkins / Facebook
Jamie Hawkins, Grant Park Village President | Jamie Hawkins / Facebook
Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met Nov. 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
6:25PM Meeting called to Order / Pledge
Roll Call was taken, all members present
*Motion to approve minutes from previous 10/24/24 meeting
Motion: Morgan 2nd: Detloff Motion Carried 5-0-1 Bruni abstaining
Public Comments: Kim Raloff addressed Chief Frey concerning leaves. She acknowledged knowing about the leaf vac out of commission, and the situation in general. But she has noticed several residents are piling leaves in the parkway as before, thinking this is now a violation. Chief Frey answered at this point it is not a violation.
Gidgit Curtis, representing Serv-Pro addressed the Board, explaining their services
*Motion to approve Bills for Payment: <10/31/24 General Fund $15,075.04, TIF $8,386.19, Payroll <10/26/24 $19,808.56
Motion: Morgan 2nd: Bruni Motion Carried 6-0-0
Departmental Reports:
Neil Piggush spoke of the current project status: West Taylor Street is complete. North Main Street is 95% complete, groundwork to be finished, Esson Farm Road project: Sidewalk completed, groundwork to be done, curb work at school entrance to be done. All should be done at the end of next week. Streetscape project submitted to IDOT, Hilgert Park Grant could be awarded December 13th.
Clerk Dillman: Vote Tomorrow!
Ordinance & Insurance, Wiedl: no report
Streets & Alleys, Passini: no report Detloff reported Aqua filled hole on Curtis Street
Finance, Morgan: gave a midyear review of FY25 Budget (is doing fine to date)
Community Outreach, Detloff: Next Fest meeting 11/20/24 6PM at Village Hall
*Motion to approve purchase of LED replacement bulbs for Community Center not to exceed $185.
Motion: Detloff 2nd: Wiedl Motion Carried 6-0-0
*Motion to approve purchase of 2 100 cup commercial coffee pots for Community Center
Motion: Detloff 2nd: Wiedl Motion Carried 6-0-0
Reminder given of Veteran’s Day event Nov. 11 at 11AM
Building & Ground, Bruni: no report
Law Enforcement, Whorrall: Break down of calls for the last 3 months given…totals were: 113 in August, 90 in September, 127 in October
Pres. Hawkins: Read a review of winter weather planning by the Union Pacific.
Halloween at the Community Center was a great success! 360 hot dogs were served.
Gave a report of a recent Girl Scout Troop tour of the Village Hall and got a better knowledge of Village Government. Pictures the girls made, were presented. Seaboard Solar contacted the Board on proposed projects in the area. A “letter of disconnection” was received from the Passini family. No action taken
No Executive Session held
7:14PM Meeting Adjourned