Jessica Andrade, Board Member District: 13 | Kankakee County Website
Jessica Andrade, Board Member District: 13 | Kankakee County Website
Kankakee County Highway Waterways & Building Committee met Jan. 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The meeting of the Kankakee County Highways, Waterways, & Buildings Committee was held on January 16, 2025 and was called to order by Committee Chairman, Mr. Carrico at 9:00 am. The following members were present:
Mr. Carrico, Mr. Dunnill, Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Kerkstra, Mr. Smith, Ms. Amber Turner, Ms. Rittmanic-Emme, Ms. Parker, Mr. Miller, Mr. Crutcher, Mr. Nims, Mr. Long, and Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand
Members Absent –Mr. Marion, Mr. Tholen and Mr. Swanson
Mr. Smith made a motion to approve Ms. Parker attending by zoom and Mr. Miller seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Department Heads Present –Greg Heiden, Ben Wilson, Anita Speckman, Delbert Skimerhorn, Ted Workman
Media Present – Present
Mr. Fetherling made a motion to amend the agenda and move New/Old Business after Buildings and Ms. Emme seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Public Commentary –None
Minutes of the Last Meeting
• December 12, 2025
Mr. Amber Turner made a motion to approve the minutes and Ms. Parker seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
• Bidding and Lettings – None
• County Engineer Pay Estimates
Mr. Dunnill made a motion to combine and waive the reading of the pay estimates and Ms. Amber Turner seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
There were no comments or questions on the pay estimates.
Mr. Fetherling made a motion to approve the pay estimates and Mr. Smith seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 12 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. Carrico, Mr. Dunnill, Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Kerkstra, Mr. Smith, Ms. Amber Turner, Ms. Rittmanic-Emme, Ms. Parker, Mr. Miller, Mr. Crutcher, Mr. Nims, and Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand
• Resolutions
• Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code Mr. Heiden stated that this is a resolution that they pass every year which they need to send to IDOT as it appropriates the MFT money that they receive. This is the first step in the process of spending their MFT money.
Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the pay estimate and Mr. Dunnill seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 13 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. Carrico, Mr. Dunnill, Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Kerkstra, Mr. Smith, Ms. Amber Turner, Ms. Rittmanic-Emme, Ms. Denise Turner, Ms. Parker, Mr. Miller, Mr. Crutcher, Mr. Nims, and Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand
• Declaration of Highway Department Equipment as Surplus Property Mr. Heiden reviewed with the committee the equipment that he needs to declare as surplus.
Mr. Fetherling made a motion to approve and Ms. Rittmanic-Emme seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
• Resolution Authorizing the County Board Chairman to Sign an Engineering Agreement with Gonzales Companies, LLC and Appropriate County Bridge Funds to Design Two (2) Bridge Replacements on County Highway 16 in Manteno and Sumner Townships.
Mr. Heiden stated that these two bridges are just a couple miles from each other so they bundled them together and got a better price.
Mr.Dunnill made a motion to approve and Ms. Parker seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 13 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. Carrico, Mr. Dunnill, Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Kerkstra, Mr. Smith, Ms. Amber Turner, Ms. Rittmanic Emme, Ms. Denise Turner, Ms. Parker, Mr. Miller, Mr. Crutcher, Mr. Nims, and Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand
Other Business
• River Equipment Storage
Mr. Heiden stated that once the river equipment started coming in they ran out of storage for it. Chairman Matt Alexander-Hildebrand and Sheriff Downey came up with an agreement to allow them to store the equipment down at the unused portion of the jail that is secure. He thanked the Chairman and the Sheriff for working out this solution. They are waiting for a couple more pieces of equipment to arrive.
Mr. Fetherling stated that he thought that there was a pontoon boat and a bus that was to come.
Mr. Wilson stated that from a position of caution they want to make sure that they get the key equipment and they are working with the experts as to what other equipment will be needed.
• Aroma park Sediment Management Project Update
Mr. Wilson updated the new board members on the project.
• Kankakee County Waterways Advisory Subcommittee Update Mr. Carrico stated that the subcommittee met on the first Thursday of this month and a lot of topics were discussed. The main recommendation was to start working on the agreement for the access to the river so we can work with the residents.
Mr. Heiden stated that he has been working on it with the State’s Attorney’s Office but has not heard anything new.
Mr. Wilson reviewed with the committee the process that they are working on with this project.
The next Waterways Advisory Subcommittee is on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 8:30 a.m. in the county board room. They meet every two months.
Buildings – Ted Workman
• Facility Dude Report
They did 107 work orders throughout the building last month with 18 still in progress.
• Financial Report
Mr. Workman reviewed the report with the committee.
• Building Report
Mr. Workman reviewed the various projects in progress throughout the various county buildings.
Mr. Dunnill made a motion to combine and approve the reports and Mr. Smith seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
• Declaration of Surplus Office Equipment & a Vehicle
Mr. Workman reviewed the list of surplus equipment with the committee.
Mr. Miller made a motion to approve and Ms. Denise Turner seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Workman stated that they are acquiring a mower/brush/plow from the City of Kankakee which can be used in all four seasons.
Mr. Fetherling made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:37 am, and Ms. Amber Turner seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.