
Kankakee Times

Friday, February 28, 2025

City of Watseka Public Works/Water Wastewater Committee met Jan. 21

Webp 14

Don Miller, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Watseka

Don Miller, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Watseka

City of Watseka Public Works/Water Wastewater Committee met Jan. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

PRESENT: Aldermen Cahoe, Marcier, Barragree, Anderson, Miller, Muench, Alderwoman DeLahr, Mayor Allhands via phone

ABSENT: Alderwoman Rohlfs

GUESTS: Public Works Director Loren Grosvenor and Keith Mulholland with Robinson Engineering

Alderman Cahoe opened the meeting at 7:25 pm. There was no public comment. Public Works Director Loren Grosvenor reported on the following projects:

Well 9 and 10: Peerless installed and wells are operational

Test Wells: Loren would like to move forward with purchasing the North St property. He is in the process of getting an appraisal. The permit has been mailed to IEPA Well 6: Still waiting on Nicor to remove the gas meter

Watermain Valve Exercising & Locating: Almost finished- repaired 4 valves Lead Service Line Inventory Grant Approved: the city has used $20,000 of the $80,000 grant to date, Loren stated there will be another survey sent out because people are just not responding. Alderman Anderson suggested Loren put together a press release and maybe call the local radio stations for an interview, or maybe even the text alert program so residents know this is a legitimate project. Loren stated if the lead service line would need to be replaced the cost will be on the city not the homeowner.

Grant for Watermain extension on Elm St: lengthy discussion was held about this potential project, the cost is roughly 1.8 million, question about can public works do some of the work? A letter needs to be sent to the EPA stating yes we are interested or no we are going to hold off for now, Keith will look into seeing if the city can do some of the work and it will be on the agenda next week for full council.

Watermain Breaks: 714 S 10th-8” watermain on 1/15/25, 912 S 5th St.-4” watermain on 1/8/2025 and 607 N Virginia 4” watermain on 12/14/2024.

Source Water Protection Plan: draft report expected December 13th Watermain Projects: Belmont & 6th St reviewed 50% designs with REL Wastewater Treatment Plant: NPDES permit renewal 2025 sent to IEPA 11/12/2024, sludge transfer to drying beds working, next step is to add blowers to digester to convert to aerobic digester

Locust/Brown St. Manhole Project: only thing left is the asphalt patching that will be done in the spring

602 E Lincoln Ave: manhole project completed

OSLAD Grant: a decision needs to be made now that the city has received the grant, the cities portion is $600,000 and there is 2 years to complete the additions to Lakeview Park. Keith stated costs are approximately: outdoor equipment $50,000, Pickleball Court fencing $60,000, fitness court $200,000, volleyball $75,000, Splash pad $416,000, amphitheater $275,000 with no bathrooms, sidewalk to connect all events $60,000. This will be discussed more next week to decide which project to start with first. It was stated that public works will be doing as much as they can to save on costs.

Streets: No parking on the east side of 5th St from Fairman to Coney, still a work in progress,

Martin Ave: sewer main and laterals installed and watermain completed and loop opened , storm sewer partially completed-about 40%

Road Projects: Using TIF 3 funds asphalt cores shows need deeper mill-Keith state on Belmont the aggregate is 2-2 ½ inches and it needs to be 10inches, he suggested a mill of 1 ¼ and 1 ½ overlay would be a doable option,: Martin Ave: Keith stated asphalt would cost $180,000 and Belmont would be $130,000 to remove all the asphalt and make a thicker pavement on Martin Ave. or do 1 ¼ on both for a cost of $180,000 each total of $360,000, there was also discussion about STU routes. After more discussion it was decided to go with 1 ¼ on both roads

Old Santa House: a suggestion was made to possibly move this to Legion Park and let it be used for a concession stand, there is a concrete slab close to the pool that it could set on and it would need minimal work done that public works could do and run an electrical line for power- or sell it as is. This also will be discussed at the full council next week. 3 Ton Truck Replacement: Loren has 5 quotes: 2026 Peterbilt $215,395, 2026 Freightliner $189,880.89, 2025 Western Star $206,586.89, 2026 Mack $234,074.03, and 2026 Kenworth $210,620.79. Loren suggests the 2026 Peterbilt for $215,395 as it is a local dealer and Rahn Equipment will do the work. This will replace the 2001 3-ton dump truck.

Alderman Anderson asks who authorized the work being done at the opera house and Mayor Allhands stated he did.

Alderman Cahoe makes a motion to adjourn at 8:18 pm and Alderman Barragree seconded. Roll call carried 8-0.
