Westmont Village Board: Left to right - Trustee Frank Brady, Trustee Marie Johanik-Guzzo, Village Clerk Jinny Szymski, Mayor Ron Gunter, Trustee Steve Nero, Trustee Linda Liddle, Trustee Bruce Barker, Trustee Amylee Hogan Simonovich | Westmont Village
Westmont Village Board: Left to right - Trustee Frank Brady, Trustee Marie Johanik-Guzzo, Village Clerk Jinny Szymski, Mayor Ron Gunter, Trustee Steve Nero, Trustee Linda Liddle, Trustee Bruce Barker, Trustee Amylee Hogan Simonovich | Westmont Village
Westmont Village Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met Feb. 28.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Comment
5. Unfinished Business
A. Commission to review and discuss testing results:
Candidate: #24, #35, #37, #38 from the non-lateral legibility list
Candidate #2 from the recent lateral candidate list
The review and potential vote will determine if the candidates are moved onto the next testing phase of the process.
6. New Business
A. Setting dates for future testing of the next five non-lateral candidates
B. Review of invoices to be approved
7. Reports
A. Committee Chair
B. Department Director
C. Division(s) Reports
8. Miscellaneous
A. The Board of Fire and Police Commission may enter an executive session to discuss personnel and legal matters as needed. However, all board votes are conducted during the public portion of a meeting.
9. Adjourn