Kankakee County Community Services Committee met November 21.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Members Present
Mr. Sirois, Ms. Webber, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Snipes, Mr. Payton, Ms. Peters, Ms. Parker, and Mr. Fairfield
Members Absent
Mr. Tholen, Ms. Polk, Mr. Hildebrand, Ms. Evans, and Ms. Dunbar
In Attendance
• Board Members
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Liehr, and Mr. Einfeldt
• Department Heads
Lori Gadbois, Bruce Clark, Julie Boudreau, and Dr. Gregg Murphy
• Media
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Sirois, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present.
2. Public Comment
3. Approval of Minutes: September 19, 2017
Mr. Vickery made a motion to approve the minutes, and Ms. Peters seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
4. County Clerk: Bruce Clark
• Monthly Reports – September & October 2017
Mr. Payton made a motion to combine and approve the above reports, and Ms. Parker seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Clark reviewed and discussed the reports with the committee.
• Change of Polling Place Location for Aroma 1
Mr. Clark stated that CR Auto Group, which was previously used for a polling place, has been boarded up. Located across the street is Eastridge Church of the Nazarene which will welcome us as a polling place.
Mr. Vickery made a motion to accept Eastridge Church of the Nazarene as the new polling place for Aroma 1, and Ms. Peters seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
• November 7th School Election
Dr. Murphy stated that Mr. Clark and the Iroquois County Clerk made election machines available so that students are able to talk more about electing, casting votes, and more about the electoral process. They needed something real to vote for, so Dr. Murphy passed out the billboard contest and tied this in with the Life Education Center. Seventh and eighth graders chose which billboard would be the winning billboard for the year, and the importance of the election is that something will follow. They elect; they make a choice; and then something happens. This month and next month, everyone will be seeing the winning billboard throughout both counties promoting healthy lifestyles, decreased drinking, and alcohol prevention.
General Office Information
Mr. Clark stated that his office delivered microfilm of the County Board records and minutes to the Illinois State Archives. The microfilm is from 1979 to present, and they sent the original records to Springfield where they will be duplicated and stored in archives at no cost to the County. There are records from 1853 – 1979 as well. The records are not available online, but can be requested and obtained, or people can also go to Springfield.
Mr. Clark spoke to the committee about Automatic Voter Registration that allows for automatic registration when you go to certain facilities. It will be available for anybody who walks into a driver’s license facility as they will be automatically registered to vote unless they opt out. In July of 2019, there are four state agencies that will also come on. There will be the Department of Human Services, Employment Security, DNR, and Professional Regulation. In addition, the law allows for the State Board of Elections to appoint certain agencies for automatic registration.
Mr. Sirois asked how many registered voters there are currently.
Dan Hendrickson stated that there are 66,000 active registered voters and approximately 3,000 inactive.
5. Recorder: Lori Gadbois
• Monthly Reports – September & October 2017
Mr. Snipes made a motion to combine and approve the above reports, and Mr. Payton seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Ms. Gadbois reviewed and discussed the reports with the committee.
• Recorder’s Update
Ms. Gadbois gave a presentation about the Recorder’s new website and stated that records are available online from 1988 through current. She also stated that there are approximately 1,530 subscribers to property fraud alerts, which can also be accessed online.
6. Animal Control: Julie Boudreau
• Monthly Reports – September & October 2017
Ms. Parker made a motion to combine and approve the reports, and Mr. Stauffenberg seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Ms. Boudreau reviewed and discussed the reports with the committee.
Dr. McKay, the Kankakee County Veterinarian Administrator, has resigned. A new Veterinarian Administrator has been selected, and her name is Dr. Marcia Gortowski, from VCA County West Animal Hospital in Aroma Park.
Ms. Boudreau stated that the Animal Advisory Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 22nd, at 3:00 p.m., in the second floor conference room of the County Administration Building.
• Bid for Truck
Ms. Boudreau stated that solicitation of bids will be posted at the County Administration Building. Bids are due by November 29th for the old Animal Control vehicle.
• New Website
Ms. Boudreau discussed the new website and reported that it now lists various services offered by the County online.
7. Assessor: Erich Blair
• Monthly Reports – September & October 2017
Mr. Payton made a motion to combine and approve the above reports, and Ms. Peters seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Blair was not present.
8. Old Business
9. New Business
10. Adjournment
Ms. Peters made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:16 a.m., and Mr. Parker seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.