
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Bradley Insurance and Finance Committee met August 2.

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Village of Bradley Insurance and Finance Committee met Aug. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Members Present: Chairperson Allen, Trustee Gadbois and Trustee Barber

Others Present: Mayor Pro Tem Balthazor and Trustee Watson

Absent: none

Public Comment-None

The meeting was called to order at 11:30 am. A motion was mad by Trustee Barber and seconded by Trustee Gadbois to approve the minutes from the July 5, 2018 committee meeting.

All were in favor. A motion was made to adjourn to executive session at 11:31 am by Trustee Barber and seconded by Trustee Allen. All voted yes.

At 12:10 pm, open session resumed. Discussion was held on proposals related to the general fund, beginning with collections. There was only one bid for the collections services so staff is putting it out for bid again.

A telecommunications tax was discussed, specifically a resolution to be sent to the full board for consideration. Finance Director Patoska reviewed data from the Illinois Department of Revenue on anticipated revenues for the village and revenue being collected by nearby municipalities. Bradly could receive up to $360,000 annually, but that number would decrease in coming years. The revenue could be used to support dispatch services, whether the services are in-house or outsourced. Trustee Barber questioned if it could be done by referendum and asked about the state approved tax going to county dispatch centers. Trustees Barber and Watson expressed concern about the tax in light of the sewer increase. Trustee Gadbois suggested holding a community informational session prior to first reading. It was determined this would be done on Thursday, August 16 at 6:00 pm in the Village Board Room and would be announced to media next week and at the August 13 board meeting. Trustee Watson suggested also discussing outsourcing dispatch services but staff indicated they would not be prepared to discuss that so quickly. A motion to send the resolution to the full board for consideration was made by Trustee Gadbois and seconded by Trustee Allen. All were in favor.

Director Patoska said the refunding of the Route 50 TIF bond would be completed around January 1, 2019.

Trustee training and reimbursement was discussed. Staff presented two training opportunities, Illinois Municipal League and Illinois Basic Economic Development course. Trustees should let staff know as soon as possible their plans for attending either of these and to be sure to stay within the budget.

FY18 budget amendments were presented. There was some discussion again on police overtime.

A motion to send the FY18 budget amendments to the full board for approval was made by Trustee Gadbois and seconded by Trustee Barber. All were in favor.

The next meeting was set for September 6 at 4:00 pm. Meetings will be set on a month-to-month basis.

A motion to adjourn was made at 1:13 by Trustee Barber and seconded by Trustee Gadbois. All were in favor.
