Village of Grant Park Board met August 6.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
6:00PM Meeting called to order/ Pledge
Roll Call was taken, all members present
*Motion to approve minutes from previous 7/16/18 meeting
Motion: Morse 2nd: Morgan Motion Carried 6-0
Public Comments: Tom Peterson wanted to thank the Board for lowering the speed limit on 12000E road. He also mentioned the candidate “meet and greet” on August 16th at the Community Center.
*Motion to approve bills for payment: <8/02/18 General Fund $45,402.19, Sewer Fund $2,049.37, M.F.T. $5,268.45, Festival Fund $14,036.36, T.I.F. $55,863.00 (schools dispersment). Payroll <7/14/18
$15,220.36, <7/28/18 $15,105.26 Stipend <7/16/18 $1,275.00.
Motion: Dickson 2nd: Veldhuizen Motion Carried 4-0-2 Morse & Weidl abstaining
Clerk Dillman swore in the following 2 Officers
Mark Million, full time officer @$19.36/hr
Bruce Beauchamp, part time officer @ $17.00/hr
Departmental Reports:
Clerk Dillman, no report
Streets & Alleys, Veldhuizen: no report
Finance, Dickson: no report
Sewer & Garbage, Morgan: Reported the EPA made its annual visit to the Sewer Plant and found no violations. Fiscal report due end of the month
Buildings & Grounds, Morse: Octoberfest a month away, all going well. $4,270 received so far in donations, and $700 for the 5K run. Activities will be advertised.
Ordinance & Insurance, Weidl:
First Reading held for Ordinance O-8-18-1 2018-2019 Appropriation Ordinance
First Reading held for Ordinance O-8-18-2 Regulation of and Application for small wireless facility
Law Enforcement, Coats: no report
Pres. Roth: Aldridge memorial sign has arrived, and will be installed soon.
6:12PM Motion to enter Executive Session to discuss personnel
6:38PM Returned to open session, no action taken
6:39PM Meeting Adjourned