
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Bourbonnais Library Board met November 19

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Bourbonnais Library Board met Nov. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Dave Stejkowski called to order the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Bourbonnais Public Library District at 7:02 p.m. on November 19, 2018.

Trustees present: Dave Stejkowski, Mary Kay Blankestyn, Laura Contreras, Deborah Hendrick, Laurie Hofman, Ellen Stringer, and Judith Smead.

Also present: Library Director Kelly McCully.

President’s Report: Stejkowski noted there was a quorum present and reported that he and Youth Services Supervisor, Rory Parilac, were part of a trivia team that won first place out of twenty-seven teams at the Bishop McNamara High School Trivia Night.

Secretary’s Report: The Board reviewed the minutes from the regular Board Meeting held October 15, 2018. Blankestyn made a motion to accept all the minutes as presented. Smead seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes.

Correspondence & Communications and Public Comment (action items only):


Financial Report: Stringer reviewed the transactions and asked for any questions. Stringer made a motion to pay the monthly bills as presented. Contreras seconded the motion. Stejkowski, Blankestyn, Contreras, Hendrick, Hofman, Smead, and Stringer voted yes. The balance sheet will be submitted to the auditor.

Director’s Report:

Deadlines: December 5, Last day to adopt a Levy Ordinance. December 10 – 17, Filing period for the candidates seeking election in the April 2, 2019, Consolidated Election. December 26, Last day to file certificate of compliance with Truth in Taxation Act. December 26, Last day to file a certified copy of levy ordinance with County Clerk. December 27, Last day to file Audit Report with County Clerk (done).

December 27, Last day to file Annual Finance Report with Comptroller (auditors submit this). December 31, Last day for the second half year review of the minutes of all closed sessions.

Marketing: Currently 876 people are on the library email list. There are 1,293 likes on Facebook, and 244 followers on Instagram. The October 30, 2018, edition of the Bourbonnais Herald featured an article about the library’s Pumpkin Patch Party.

Newsletter: The Bourbonnais Public Library newsletter is now in digital format. The newsletter is available on the library website and is emailed to patrons that join the library’s email list. Paper bookmarks with a calendar of monthly events are available at the Circulation Desk.

Community Projects: The Library will participate in the Gallery of Trees at the Kankakee County Museum during the month of December. The Library’s tree includes ornaments decorated by library staff members. The Library will host “Reading in a Winter Wonderland” at the Gallery of Trees on Monday, December 17, at 6 p.m. This event is for all ages.

Building & Grounds: On Saturday, November 10, just prior to closing the fire alarm activated due to a problem with the sprinkler system. PIPCO made repairs on Tuesday, November 14, and Ruder Electric is scheduled to finish the repairs. A full report was made by Custodian Bill Johnson.

Painting: Precise Painting finished painting the lobby on Friday, November 16.

Additional security camera: Midwest Integrated Solutions installed an additional exterior camera on the west side of the building after damage to the pergola was discovered. The camera gives a full view of the lawn on the west side of the building, the Community Garden, and the pergola.

Online Resource: A new online resource, Lynda.com, will be launched on December 1, 2018. Lynda (owned by Linkedin) offers thousands of beginners to advanced online training courses that cover technology, business, and creative skills. The new resource will provide opportunities for staff continuing education and will offer library patrons a variety of online learning programs that will be accessible 24/7 from the library website.

Holiday Party: The Holiday Party will be held on Sunday, December 2, at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6 p.m. at Rigo’s Place located at 164 N. Schulyer Ave. in Kankakee.

Trustee Training: Each year as part of the Per Capita Grant requirements, trustees are asked to complete training. This year trustees are required to review chapters 6-10 of the “Trustee Facts File Third Edition” published by the Illinois State Library. Trustees will be discussing Chapter 8, “Human Resources”. Director McCully included a link to access the digital copy.

Committee Reports: Personnel: None.

Finance: None

Policy Committee: None Building and Grounds: None. Long Range Planning: None.

Unfinished Business: Review and Approve POS System: Director McCully reviewed a simplified version of the Magna POS System from Today’s Business Solutions Inc. This system will be paid for by Per Capita Grant funding. These funds must be spent during this fiscal year and can be used to up-grade or add new technology at the Library. After a brief discussion, Stringer made a motion to approve the POS System purchase and Credit Card Terminal rental as outlined by McCully. Smead seconded the motion and it passed with all ayes.

New Business:

Discuss Mobile Hotspots: Director McCully explained Mobile Hotspots from Mobile Beacon, a partnering solution for municipalities, schools, libraries, and nonprofits. The Library will circulate ten hotspots in partnership with Bourbonnais Elementary School District and Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High School. The Districts have both agreed to sponsor the annual service fees (five per district) for the mobile devices. The Library would have the responsibility of managing the program. Students, with a required parent signature, would be able to take the hotspots from the Library. There is the option of getting ten more hotspots next year.

Review and Approve Website Proposals: Director McCully discussed two proposals for a new website. The Board looked at information from LinkPoint Media and Olive Street Design. Blankestyn made a motion to accept the proposal for a new website from LinkPoint Media. Hendrick seconded the motion and it passed with all ayes.

Approve Levy Ordinance FY2019-2020: The Board reviewed Ordinance #18-06. This year’s levy requests 4.8%. Stejkowski made a motion to approve Levy Ordinance #18-06. Smead seconded the motion. Stejkowski, Blankestyn, Contreras, Hendrick, Hofman, Smead, and Stringer voted yes.

Discuss and Approve Staff Service Awards: The budget for the Staff Service Awards is $3,425. The individual award amounts did not change from last year, but the overall dollar amount increased because of four additional employees. The consensus of the Board was to approve the staff awards as presented.

Review and discuss Chapter 8, “Human Resources”, of the Trustee Facts File Third Edition: McCully led a discussion of this chapter. Major topics included the hiring a library director, performance evaluations, terminating employment, trustee relationships with subordinate staff and salary and benefits.

Public comment: None. Adjournment: Smead made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 p.m. Hofman seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes.
