Kankakee Public Library Board of Trustees met Dec. 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Present: Bruce Conway, Mike Gall, Geraldine Adams, Bob de Oliveira, Ursula Wells, Sheila Donahue-Kramer,
Absent: Kent Wade, Alia Lockett-Faulkner, Dr. Beth Patrick-Trippel
Also present were: Stephen Bertrand, Library Director; Korie Haug, Business Manager
Review of Minutes: The November 2018 minutes were reviewed. Ms. Donahue-Kramer motioned to approve the minutes and Ms. Wells seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Comments: The board heard from the Key City Toastmasters Club; a club that seeks to provide leadership and public speaking skills to the community. The club currently meets in a free meeting room on the first floor, but they feel they need more space in order to be able to grow the club. They requested a partnership with the library to be able to use the third floor meeting room twice a month, free of charge. Mr. Conway asked what the club would provide for the Library in exchange for a partnership. Mr. Bertrand gave examples of what other partnerships provide to maintain their status. Toastmasters mentioned they would like to work with a teen group and help develop public speaking skills for young people of our community. The board was encouraging of this idea and Mr. Bertrand decided he would meet with Ms. Rose to discuss the needs of the teens. The club representative said she would meet with other members to brainstorm more ideas. The Board took a provisional vote to accept Toastmasters as a partner. Ms. Kramer made a motion and Mr. Gall seconded. The board approved unanimously.
A representative from Family Bridges presented to the board. Family Bridges provides training for healthy relationships in all aspects of life. They have been renting space from the library, but requested the room fee be waived for January in order to re-direct their funds to be able to better serve their couples. It was mentioned that the program they run is twelve eight hour workshops, so they could potentially ask to become a partner to complete the entire workshop. Mr. de Oliveira questioned the group about religious affiliations and if they worked with all couples. Family Bridges said they have non-religious materials and are welcoming of everyone. The board was hesitant that the group meets Saturdays and would be in the gallery, possibly taking space from a paying renter. The board decided to waive the fee for the January dates contingent on availability of the space. Ms. Wells made a motion and Ms. Adams seconded. The motion to waive the fees for January passed unanimously.
Communications: Mr. Bertrand has happy to announce stats are still rising. He also explained the tax disbursement settlement sheet to the board, explaining that the treasurer holds the money until the end of the year.
Bills and Invoices and Financial Report: The board reviewed the bills and invoices from November. Mr. de Oliveira motioned to approve, and Mr. Gall seconded. The bills and invoices passed unanimously. Mr. Bertrand suspects the library will be about two percent under budget.
Director’s Report: Mr. Bertrand spoke to the bank about acquiring debit cards for all supervisors. The bank wants the potential holders to sign a form and provide some information for background checks. Mr. Bertrand would also have them sign a form accepting responsibility for the card. Mr. Bertrand announced the security cameras are on their way. He was sad to inform the board the Technical Services Supervisor Melissa Landis announced she is leaving her position. Ms. Kyneka Washing in Adult Services will also be leaving. Interviews have started to fill the two positions.
Unfinished Business: There was no unfinished business.
New Business: Ms. Forquer requested the board pass an official policy on proctoring exams for remote students. Mr. Bertrand informed the board proctoring is a common practice amongst libraries. The board supported this and motioned to first suspend the rules dictating a first and second reading of the policy. Ms. Donahue-Kramer motioned first and Mr. de Oliveira seconded the suspension. Mr. Gall moved to approve the exam proctoring policy and Ms. Wells seconded the motion. The policy passed unanimously. The board also was presented with the 2019 closed dates. Ms. Donahue-Kramer moved to approve the dates and Mr. de Oliveira seconded the motion. The 2019 closures passed unanimously.
Executive Session: Executive session was not needed.
There being no additional business, Mr. de Oliveira moved to adjourn; Mr. Gall seconded and the meeting ended at 6:37 p.m.