
Kankakee Times

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Village of Manteno Finance Committee met June 12

Webp meetingroom02

Village of Manteno Finance Committee met June 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


Committee Members:

Timothy Nugent, Mayor


Timothy Boyce, Trustee

Todd Crockett, Trustee

Diane Dole, Trustee

Joel Gesky, Trustee


Sam Martin, Trustee

Wendell Phillips, Trustee


Other attendees:

Chris LaRocque, Village Admin


Jim Hanley, Supt. Of Public Works


Al Swinford, Chief of Police


Ryan Marion, Building Official


Sarah Marion, Event Coord.

Sheila Martin, Treasurer


Geoff Aggen, Tyson Eng.

Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk


Trustee Gesky called the meeting to order at 8:18 a.m.

A motion was made by Mayor Nugent, seconded by Trustee Gesky, to approve the minutes of the May 8, 2019 as written; motion carried by voice vote - all ayes, no nays.

No Public Participation

Items for Discussion:

• LinkPoint Media Presentation (Website Update) - The Village is looking at updating the village website. Mr. Josh Lundmark with LinkPoint Media gave a short presentation on his proposal to update the website. Webfoot Designs will also be asked for a presentation on the website update.

• 315 N. Locust St - A fourth offer has been received from O’Reilly’s. They have shortened the time frame and removed language about marketing the property to other vendors. The village will continue to look at the proposal and will revisit it in 30 days just to see if there is any other interest.

• Sewer Funds Reinvestment – On July 19th the $25 million that is currently in CD’s at HomeStar Bank will be coming due. Mr. LaRocque would like to look at all options even with other banks.

Mayor Nugent stated that there will be two (2) new banks that will be opening offices in Manteno. People’s Bank has purchased property and will be building a new building. The National State Bank of St. Anne have rented an office on the west side of I-57, but will be remolding the old Family Video building to have a permanent office. There is some interest from the new banks concerning our investments. The village wishes to receive the highest interest rate as possible. The rates have declined since last year. All banks will be contacted to gauge their interest. The People’s Bank building site is in the Enterprise Zone, but the National Bank of St. Anne’s building is not. All information will be available at the next Finance Committee meeting in July for a decision.

• Taylor Ford Sales Tax Agreement – Mayor Nugent met with Mr. Dave Taylor, owner of Taylor Ford, concerning an extension of the sales tax agreement. Mr. Taylor would like to extend the agreement another 5 years. Taylor Ford is purchasing property adjacent to their current location to expand the business. The percentages will be the same as we have offered World Fuels. The amendment will be on the next village board agenda for approval.

• 154 N. Walnut St. – The closing on the property is scheduled for June 21st. The RFP’s for demolition will be posted with proposals due on July 8th.

• Mast Arm Inspections (IDOT Mandate) – Mr. LaRocque stated that the village did receive a quote for approximately $6,000 to inspect all the mast arms in the village. There are 15 poles. The village bills the state for their portion of the maintenance costs. The county does not pay anything. The village will ask if IDOT will pay for portion of repair if during the inspection a problem is found.

• Month End Financial Report – Mr. LaRocque stated that there was an interfund transfer of monies generated by the soccer association for a concession stand at Legacy Park. The monies have been placed in the Legacy Park fund. Also moved were some funds from the Hometown Hero and Memorial Park projects for labor costs.

• Misc:

o Mr. Marion stated that at the Plan Commission meeting last night Aqua Illinois presented a plan for solar panel arrays to be built near the treatment plant. The Commission suggested screening to be added to the plans for the solar arrays. Mr. Marion feels that the screening is unnecessary. The Special Use Permit approval will be on the village board meeting agenda on June 17th. The screening is not in the recommendation, but it was a suggestion by the commission members.

A motion by Trustee Gesky and seconded by Mayor Nugent, to adjourn the meeting at 8:43 a.m. Voice vote – all ayes.
