
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Manteno Planning Commission met August 13

Webp hall

Village of Manteno Planning Commission met Aug. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Todd Creek, Dan McGowan, George Weiland, Sherri Crawford; and Francis Smith

Absent: Emily Fisher-Gentry and Jerry Dole

Attendance: Ryan Marion, Building Official; Trustee Diane Dole; Jerry Curwick, Curwick Construction

Pledge of Allegiance – Chairman Smith

MOTION: A motion by Crawford, second by McGowan, to waive the reading and approve the meeting minutes of July 9, 2019 as presented with no corrections or deletions. Motion approved 5-0. Dole and Gentry absent.

Chairman Smith opened the Public Hearing portion of the meeting.


PC-VAR 19-02 - A Public Hearing is being held to consider a request by Jerry Curwick DBA Curwick Construction for a variance from the Village Zoning Ordinance 9-7C-8(D)3 Rear Yard Setback in a R-2 Zoning District to allow for a 10’ variance on his lots 124, 127, 128, 129 and 131 in Eagles Landing Subdivision Unit 2.

Mr. Jerry Curwick presented a site plan showing the lots and their dimensions. All lots have common area in the rear of each lot so the setback variance would not affect any residential lots to the rear. There is also a 20’ to 30’ foot to the edge of the water. The proposed building would be similar to those already in the area; a ranch style with the same color scheme that is presently in the subdivision.

Commissioner Crawford wanted to clarify that Mr. Curwick is seeking a reduced back yard set back because the building on the lot will be a little larger compared to what was previously built on some area lots. There will be no patio in the back.

Mr. Marion stated that these lots are the perfect spot for a variance since there are no neighboring lots behind the buildings.

Ms. Rita Lane, 465 Eagles Landing Drive, stated she will be living next door to the one of the lots that is requesting a variance. There are residents who will be impacted since they will be looking out of their back window to see a side of a house.

Mr. Larry Roland, 349 White Hawk Way, asked if the building will be a duplex. Mr. Marion stated that a design has not been submitted to the village.

There were no further comments from the commission, public or staff. Chairman Smith closed the public hearing.


MOTION: A motion by McGowan, second by Creek, to approve Plan Commission Recommendation 19-02, A Recommendation approving a Variance from Title 9, Zoning, Chapter 7, Article C-8(D)3, Rear Yard Setbacks, in the R-2 Duplex Residential District for the properties known as Lots 124, 127, 128, 129 and 131 Eagles landing Subdivision, Second Addition, Manteno, Illinois. Motion approved 5-0. Gentry and Dole absent.

Mr. Marion stated that there may be a September meeting to discuss a Special Use Permit for a drive-up window for a bank that is coming to the village.

MOTION: A motion by Weiland, seconded by Crawford, to adjourn the meeting at 6:11 p.m. Voice vote: all ayes.
