
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Manteno Planning Commission met July 9

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Village of Manteno Planning Commission met July 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Todd Creek, Emily Fisher-Gentry, Dan McGowan, George Weiland, Sherri Crawford; and Francis Smith

Absent: Jerry Dole

Attendance: Ryan Marion, Building Official; Chris LaRocque, Village Administrator; Trustee Diane Dole; Trustee Todd Crockett; Jerry Curwick, Rick Jones, Tim Stewart, Ken Carlson, Todd Gereaux, Nick Africano

Pledge of Allegiance – Chairman Smith

MOTION: A motion by Creek, second by Gentry, to waive the reading and approve the meeting minutes of June 11, 2019 as presented with no corrections or deletions. Motion approved 6-0. Dole absent.

Chairman Smith opened the Public Hearing portion of the meeting.


PC-VAR 19-01 - A Public Hearing is being held to consider a request by Taylor Ford of Manteno for variances for a pole sign at property located at 222 South Locust Street, Manteno, IL in the FB-1 Zoning District.

Mr. Nick Africano, representative for Taylor Ford of Manteno gave a brief presentation of the type of pole sign that Taylor Ford would like to place on their property. The two-sided electronic sign would be 16’ x 9’ in a “V” shape. Taylor Ford would allow local events to be advertised on the display. The brightness of the sign could be dimmed or calibrated to not be offensive to the neighborhood.

Chairman Smith stated that all required notifications have been completed.

Commissioner Crawford asked about the placement of the sign on the property. Mr. Africano stated that the placement would be on the pole on the south portion of the property, which currently has a used car sign on it.

Mr. Marion stated that current code allows for a 32 square foot per side. This sign would be 159 square feet per side.

Commissioner Crawford asked if there were any other signs in the village with that size. Mr. Marion stated that on I-57 some of the signs are large and had obtained variances, but not along Rt. 50.

Commissioner Weiland asked about a curfew for the brightness of the sign. Mr. Marion stated that the American Legion has an electronic sign that has a timer that allows for the dimming of the sign at night. Mr. Africano stated it would probably be in Taylor Ford’s best interest to dim the display during the nighttime hours and then even turn off the sign from midnight to six a.m. This could be negotiated with Taylor Ford. The sign would be 29 feet in height. Mr. Africano stated that Taylor Ford wants to be a good neighbor. There have been no complaints from the same type of sign that is located in Bradley, however this sign is not located near a residential area.

Commissioner Creek asked if the size of the sign was chosen for a specific reason or could a smaller size still serve the same purpose. Mr. Africano stated that size was chosen for the aspect ratio but there is no scientific reason for choosing this size. The size has just been good for Taylor Ford. Mr. Africano stated that if there are concerns Taylor Ford will work to alleviate those concerns as best as possible.

Commissioner Gentry questioned whether such a large sign will bring more business but understands that Taylor Ford needs to advertise.

Chairman Smith stated that he owns property next to subject property and has no objections to the sign.

There were no further comments from the commission, public or staff. Chairman Smith closed the public hearing.


MOTION: A motion by Crawford, second by Weiland, to approve Plan Commission Recommendation 19-02, A Recommendation approving a Variance from Title 9, Zoning, Chapter 13, Signs, Article Number 14(A)3, Maximum Area, 14(A)3, Maximum Height, 14(A)4 Number of Signs, and Title 9 Zoning, Chapter 10, 9-10(C)4 Pole Signs in FB-1 Zoning for the property located at 222 South Locust Street, Manteno, Illinois. Motion approved 6-0. Dole absent.

East Village Farms LLC – Concept Development Plan

Mr. Jerry Curwick, along with Mr. Tim Stewart and Mr. Rick Jones are owners of the property located at the south east corner of 10000 N Rd and Rt. 50. Mr. Curwick presented the concept development plan for 55+ manufactured home community. Mr. Curwick gave a brief history of the development. Initially, in 2006, the project was proposed to be a traditional residential neighborhood. With the downturn of the economy the project was put on hold. Mr. Curwick stated that the concept of a 55+ manufactured home community would work well in Manteno since the village already has four such parks. The park would have a resort feel such as a full staffed club house, and a 16-acre lake with a walking path, and plenty of green space. There would be an area for permanent structures that are a live/work areas. Mr. Curwick stated that the impact on the Village would be minimal. This would be a PUD with private roads all maintained by one entity including the landscaping. There is a potential of 515 units.

Chairman Smith stated that the village currently has 811 units similar to what is proposed by East Village Farms. If this project was developed, the number of units would increase by 63%.

Mr. Curwick stated that a feasibility study has not been completed at this time. Two of the biggest companies who run these types of parks stated that there is a need for this type of development in our area.

Chairman Smith asked if the developers had spoken to the Fire Department. Mr. Curwick stated that he did have a meeting with Chief O’Brien and that he feels he has Chief O’Brien’s support.

Chairman Smith stated in conversations with Chief O’Brien that he has concerns about keeping up with all the calls from the four current parks and would need more manpower and equipment if another park was developed in Manteno.

Mr. Curwick stated that the tax money received from impact fees should compensate for the added burden of additional residents.

Mr. Marion stated that the village has talked about licensing fees to help the Fire Department.

Chairman Smith asked Mr. Curwick about a rumor that he had heard about having a campground area in the development. Mr. Curwick stated that after discussions with village officials this idea has not moved forward and is not a part of the plan.

Mr. Curwick stated that this project would be done in phases, possibly 6. The first phase would include the entrance, clubhouse, lake and model homes.

Mr. Curwick stated that this type of development is found in many areas of the United States. The density of units (3.3 units per acre) per acre is lower than Oak Ridge and Maple Valley. The price range for a unit would be approximately be $100,000 to $150,000. The lot rent may be around $500. The units would be built in a factory in Indiana and then moved to the lot. There may be approximately 6 models available for potential residents to choose from.

Mr. Curwick has spoken to Aqua Illinois concerning the park. The system would be owned by Aqua. Mr. LaRocque spoke to Mr. Keith Mulholland with Aqua concerning this property. Since the property was not part of Manteno when Manteno sold their sewer system in 2018, Aqua has started the process before the ICC to add this portion to their sewer map.

Trustee Crockett asked about landscaping along Sycamore. Mr. Curwick stated that there will be landscape berms along with evergreen trees and green space along Sycamore. Mr. Curwick stated the area would be attractive. Mr. Gereaux stated that since this is the concept phase, more detail would be given during the next phase of the process to show sizes of sidewalks, green space, etc.

Mr. Curwick stated that the intent is to sell the units, but if units aren’t selling then renting may be an option. The development will be marketed as a full-service development. Mr. Curwick would like to continue the process and hopes to break ground in Spring 2020.

Commissioner Weiland likes the idea and site-plan presented but is concerned with the location since the entrance is located on a main road into Manteno.

Mr. Curwick stated that the officials may look at another community named Sea Breeze that is similar to what is being proposed.

Chairman Smith stated that the Plan Commission needs to present a written report to the Village Board either recommending approval or disapproval of the concept development plan. Chairman Smith summarized the comments from the Commission stating the following:

1. the concept plan is intriguing

2. a feasibility study would like to be viewed

3. Would like to see more discussions with the Fire Department over their concerns of adding 515 more units

The Commission would like to see the project moved to the next step.

Mr. Marion stated that Chief O’Brien is working on a plan concerning the potential financial impact that a development would have on his department and will be invited to the next meeting when the East Village Resort is discussed.

Chairman Smith will prepare a letter with these comments and forward the letter to the Village Board.

There were no updates.

MOTION: A motion by McGowan, seconded by Crawford, to adjourn the meeting at 7:08 p.m. Voice vote: all ayes.
