
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Manteno Planning Commission met December 10

Village of Manteno Planning Commission met Dec. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Dan McGowan, George Weiland, Emily Fisher-Gentry, Jerry Dole and Francis Smith

Absent: Todd Creek; Sherri Crawford

Attendance: Ryan Marion, Building Official; Trustees Diane Dole & Todd Crockett; Diane Fedrow; Peter Nagel; Gregory Deck; Patricia Beaupre and Court Reporter with Eunice Sachs & Associates.

Pledge of Allegiance – Chairman Smith

MOTION: A motion by Weiland, second by Gentry, to waive the reading and approve the meeting minutes of October 30, 2019 as presented with no corrections or deletions. Motion approved 5-0. Crawford and Creek were absent.

Chairman Smith opened the Public Hearing portion of the meeting.


PC-SUP 19-05 - A Public Hearing is being held to consider a request by Peoples Bank of Kankakee County for a Special Use Permit from the Village Ordinance 9-8-B4, drive-in banks for their property located at 198 South Creek Drive that is located in the C-2 Commercial Zoning District.

Mr. Peter Nagel was sworn in by the Court Reporter. Mr. Nagel is the architect for the Peoples Bank building. Mr. Nagel stated that the building will be a one-story 3400 square feet and compiles with all zoning requirements. The bank is asking consideration for a special use permit for the drive-in.

There were no comments or questions from the public, commission members or staff.

PC-SUP 19-06 - A Public Hearing is being held to consider a request by DFKF LLC (Petitioner) and Robert Eakins III (Owner) for a Special Use Permit from the Village Ordinance 9-8-B4, animal hospital, on the property commonly known as 1004, 1016 & 1024 Lincoln Drive, Manteno, in the C-2 Commercial Zoning District.

Mr. Gregory Decker, attorney and Dr. Diane Fedrow, petitioner, was sworn in by the court reporter.

Dr. Fedrow stated that her partner, Kathy Feegan and herself would like to open a low cost spay and neuter clinic. There will be no overnight stays. The sale of property is contingent on obtaining the special use permit. The primary purpose of the property will be for spaying and neutering. There may be some emergency care performed if needed. Dr. Fedrow stated that there are no traffic issues and there will be no negative impacts on neighbors. All clinic operations will be handled inside the existing building.

Mr. Marion asked if there will be any issues with parking. The current lot has eleven spots, but zoning requires twelve. Mr. Marion does not want to create a parking issue on the street. Dr. Fedrow stated she will be the only veterinarian and may have three other employees. With the additional land the parking lot can be expanded if parking becomes an issue. There are no plans to expand the building currently.

Commissioner McGovern asked about times and days of operation. The clinic will be open five days a week from approximately 7:30 am – 5:00 pm. There will be no weekend hours at this time.

Commissioner McGovern asked about the animal relief area and how will it be maintained. Dr. Fedrow stated that there will be no outdoor run areas. There will be a fenced area on the expressway side of the building dedicated for a pet relief area.

Ms. Patricia Beaupre, resident who lives directly across from building, stated once she saw that Dr. Fedrow was involved with the project she is comfortable with the idea that is proposed.

Court reporter swore in Ms. Beaupre that her testimony was true and correct.

Chairman Smith stated that all required notices were sent for both Special Use Permit public hearings.

There were no further comments from the commission, public or staff. Chairman Smith closed the public hearing.


MOTION: A motion by McGowan, second by Weiland, to approve Plan Commission Recommendation 19-09, A Recommendation approving a Special Use Permit from Title 9, Zoning, Chapter 8, Special Uses Permitted, Article Number B-4, Drive-In Banks, in a C-2 Commercial Zoning District for property owned by Peoples Bank of Kankakee County and located at 198 South Creek Drive. Motion approved 5-0. Creek and Crawford absent

Commissioner McGowan asked if a requirement to have a surface for pet relief should be added to the recommendation. Mr. Marion stated that Code Enforcement could be used if the pet relief area becomes an issue for neighbors.

MOTION: A motion by Dole, second by Gentry, to approve Plan Commission Recommendation 19-10, A Recommendation approving a Special Use Permit from Title 9, Zoning, Chapter 8, Special Uses Permitted, Article Number B-4, Animal Hospital, in a C-2 Commercial Zoning District for property owned by Robert Eakins III (Owner) and DFKF LLC (Petitioner) and located at 1004, 1016 & 1024 Lincoln Drive. Motion approved 5-0. Creek and Crawford absent

There were no comments or items to discuss.

MOTION: A motion by McGowan, seconded by Dole, to adjourn the meeting at 6:17 p.m. Motion approved 5-0. Creek and Crawford absent.
