Village of Manteno Village Board met Feb. 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Roll Call
President Timothy Nugent
Trustee Timothy Boyce
Trustee Diane Dole
Trustee Samuel Martin
Trustee Wendell Phillips
Trustee Todd Crockett
Absent: Trustee Joel Gesky
Also Present:
Chris LaRocque: Village Administrator
Al Swinford: Chief of Police
Jim Hanley: Superintendent of Public Works
Ryan Marion – Building Official
Press Present: None
The meeting was called to order by President Timothy O. Nugent. Roll call followed the Pledge of Allegiance, led by President Nugent.
Motion by Boyce, seconded by Phillips to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the Regular Board Meeting minutes of January 21, 2020 as presented by the clerk.
Motion approved: 5-0 Gesky absent
Public Participation: None
Reports of Village Officials:
Village President’s Report- Timothy Nugent
The Mayor read a request from the Will-Grundy Counties Building & Construction Trades Council and Kankakee-Iroquois Counties Building Trades of the AFL-CIO will to hold its annual fundraiser for DAD's day (DOLLARS AGAINST DIABETES) scheduled for Saturday June 20, 2020 between the hours of 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Motion made by Boyce to approve the fundraiser request, seconded by Martin.
Motion Approved 5 Ayes 0 Nays Gesky absent
The Mayor asked Jim Hanley, Superintendent of Public Works, if we are in good shape with salt with the snow predictions for later this week. Jim replied we are in good shape with another 100 tons of salt delivered this past week. Jim reminded everyone of the snow plow parking requirements of parking your vehicles on the even side of the street on even days, and parking on the odd side of the street on odd days so that the plows can fully clean both sides of the street.
Village Administrator’s Report- Chris LaRocque
Nothing on the agenda tonight
Committee Reports:
Public Works and Utilities- Trustee Boyce
• Ordinance 19-35 - An Ordinance authorizing the Sale of Personal Property (Surplus Municipal Equipment) to include: 1998 John Deere 4X2 Enclosed Cab Gator, John Deere F925 Mower, 2004 Mobile Irrigation Unit, Homelite Voltamatic Generator, Powerwasher, Goodman CAPF1824B6CA Furnace, Goodman GSC130241 AE Air conditioner. Jim Hanley added that these items will be surplused on the auction website
Next Public Works meeting on February 25,, 2020 at 7:00 am Village Hall
Parks and Recreation - Trustee Martin
Nothing on the agenda tonight
Next Parks and Recreation meeting Wed March 18, 2020 7:00 pm Village Board Room
Public Safety and Health- Trustee Dole
Nothing on the agenda tonight. Trustee Dole covered safety tips:
• Check the batteries of your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors and make sure they are working correctly.
• Dryer safety – Make sure that the lint filter is cleaned after every use and to clean around the space surrounding your dryer so it is free from clutter.
The Village is looking to hire more crossing guards for the Village. You would need to be able to pass a background check and be available for morning and afternoon hours, sometimes in inclement weather. Contact the Village Hall for an application.
Next Public Safety and Health Committee meeting Wed February 12th, 2020 at 7:00 am Village Hall Conference Room
Planning and Zoning- Trustee Crockett
Nothing on the agenda tonight.
The next Planning and Zoning Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday February 25, 2020 at 7:00 am at the Village Hall Conference Room
The next Planning Commission meeting that was scheduled for Tuesday February 11, 2020 at 6:00 pm at the Village Board Room has been CANCELLED
Finance- Trustee Gesky, absent – Covered by Mayor Nugent
• Payment of bills $19,662.87 includes TIF #1- $1,284.00 & TIF #3 $0
• Bills authorized and Paid between Board Cycle: $44,422.57
The next Finance meeting will be held Wednesday February 12, 2020 at 7:00 am at the Village Hall Conference Room.
General Government- Trustee Phillips
Nothing on agenda tonight
Mayor Nugent read the items to be included on the Consent Agenda. The consent agenda is as follows:
Old Business: (A)
New Business: (B)
• Ordinance 19-35 - An Ordinance authorizing the Sale of Personal Property (Surplus Municipal Equipment)
Awarding of Bids/Contracts and Authorization to Purchase (C)
Financial Reports: (D)
1. Payment of bills $19,662.87 (includes TIF #1- $1,284.00)
Motion by Dole seconded by Crockett, to approve a single roll call vote on the question of passage of agenda items. Motion Approved 5-0 Gesky absent
Motion by Dole seconded by Martin to approve by an omnibus vote those ordinances, resolutions, motions and orders contained on the consent agenda.
Motion Approved 5-0 Gesky Absent
Trustee Boyce: Wendell would make a great crossing guard.
Trustee Martin: I agree with Tim.
Trustee Dole: Hope we don’t get snow.
Trustee Crockett: Has the ice rink been used much this year? Jim Hanley responded that yes, it has had a lot of use. The lights go off at 10:00 pm
Trustee Gesky: Absent
Trustee Phillips: I have been in contact with several people who are interested in the crossing guard position.
Motion by Crockett to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 pm, seconded by Dole
Motion approved 5 Ayes 0 Nays Gesky absent