Paxton-Buckley-Loda Community Unit School District No. 10 Board of Education met March 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
President Dawn Bachtold called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Upon roll call, the following board members answered present: Dana Bergandine, Allen Johnson, Shawn Young, Jason Dirks, Craig Loschen, Steve Pacey, and Dawn Bachtold.
Others present were Cliff McClure, Barry Wright, Josh Didier, Travis Duley, Amy Johnson, Brock Niebuhr, Makenzie Bruns, Emily Adwell, and Amy Teske-board secretary.
Emily Adwell and Makenzie Bruns, who are PBL High School students, addressed the board regarding the Prairieland CEO program and their experiences in the program this school year.
Steve Pacey read a letter dated February 28, 2020 from Ali Ifft resigning as a first grade teacher at Clara Peterson Elementary effective immediately.
Steve Pacey read a letter dated March 10, 2020 from Tracey Devine resigning as a special education teacher at PBL Junior High effective the close of the 2019/2020 school year.
Steve Pacey read a letter dated February 27, 2020 from Helen Ellis requesting an FMLA leave.
Mr. McClure recommended the board approve the consent agenda. Craig Loschen made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Dana Bergandine seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
Jason Dirks made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Craig Loschen seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
Allen Johnson made a motion to approve payment of current board bills. Shawn Young seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
No visitors were present to address the board. There were no committee reports.
Mr. McClure recommended the board approve the intergovernmental agreement between PBL CUSD No. 10 and Paxton Park District through March 31, 2021. He stated there have been no changes made to the agreement since last month’s meeting. Allen Johnson made a motion to approve the intergovernmental agreement between PBL CUSD No. 10 and Paxton Park District through March 31, 2021. Craig Loschen seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
A discussion was held regarding 2020 summer maintenance projects. Mr. McClure advised that Mr. Bachtold continues to work on the maintenance project list. He stated that some projects may begin right away. Mr. McClure asked the board if they had any questions or concerns regarding the list of maintenance projects. The board had no questions or concerns.
Mr. McClure provided the board a quick update on the Clara Peterson Elementary addition and renovation project. He stated that all furniture has been delivered, stair treads have been selected, and the learning stairway and rubber baseboard have been ordered. Mr. McClure advised that there is some concrete work left to be done as well as some shelving in the kindergarten area which will be done by PBL.
Mr. McClure recommended the board approve the PBL High School 1-to-1 Guide. He stated that the fee structure needs to be finalized yet, but everything else is ready to go. Shawn Young made a motion to approve the PBL High School 1-to-1 Guide. Dana Bergandine seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
Mr. McClure recommended the board approve the flag agreement. He stated that there have been no changes to the flag agreement since last spring, and at that time the board agreed to hold off on approving the agreement until they were ready to begin construction of the project. Mr. McClure advised that soil testing has been ordered as well as the flag. He stated that certificates of insurance will need to be provided to the district to cover the workers and volunteers as well as the flag and flagpole. Shawn Young made a motion to approve the flag agreement. Craig Loschen seconded the motion.
Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
Mr. McClure recommended the board approve the FY 2020 audit contract with Russ Leigh and Associates in the amount of $6,700.00. He stated the contract is $100.00 more than last year’s contract, and Russ Leigh works well with our staff and assists us throughout the year if necessary. Dana Bergandine made a motion to approve the FY 2020 audit contract in the amount of $6,700.00 with Russ Leigh and Associates. Allen Johnson seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
Mr. McClure recommended the board approve the non-renewal of licensed personnel, Kate Provin. Shawn Young made a motion to approve the non-renewal of licensed personnel, Kate Provin. Dana Bergandine seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
Mr. McClure informed the board that he met with Red Cross and Ford County EMS late last month regarding a sheltering agreement with them. He explained that with what is currently going on in the world he feels that the board should only enter into a sheltering agreement that has specific terms of use. Mr. McClure advised that he would bring this topic back up at next month’s meeting for tentative approval.
Mr. McClure informed the board that he would like to discuss the possibility of selling the property located at 341 East Center Street, Paxton, Illinois formerly known as Eastlawn Elementary School. He stated that this property is approximately three acres in size. Mr. McClure advised that the board could sell the property by auction or by bid. He stated the board would need to meet in closed session to determine this and to determine a minimum price. Mr. McClure advised that the board could divide the property into one, two, or three lots and sell it that way. However, he stated the board cannot do a request for proposals on the property. He suggested that where the former school was located could be one lot, and then the property across the street could be divided into two lots. Mr. McClure advised that there is interest in the lots, and the lots need to be appraised so that the board can begin to discuss a minimum price on the property. Mr. Pacey stated that the former Eastlawn property should be for residential property as the block where the school building existed should remain residential. He stated that he is concerned about the future of the community and the population of the school district. Mr. Pacey feels we should be looking into tax abatements for these proposed lots to be sold. Mr. McClure suggested that the board could do both if they wanted, and he will work on getting the former Eastlawn property appraised.
Mr. McClure advised that at last month’s meeting the board discussed the possibility of joining the Illini Prairie Conference (IPC). Mr. Niebuhr stated that he has met twice administratively with all PBL coaches over the past month to discuss the district’s best interests. He stated that it is his recommendation that PBL apply to join the IPC. Mr. Niebuhr advised that there are currently ten schools in the conference, and PBL would be the tenth school for football. He stated that travel would remain about the same for PBL with three trips that will be long – Chillicothe (2.50 hours), Olympia (1.25 hours), and Pontiac (1.00 hour). A discussion was held regarding the pros and cons of joining the IPC. Mr. McClure stated that IPC is one of the best 3A conferences in the state and that the letter of application to join will set off a series of decisions. He explained that after tomorrow PBL is saying we want SVC administration to drop PBL from the Sangamon Valley Conference at the close of the 2021/2022 season. He stated that PBL will be one of the smallest public schools in the IPC. Mr. Niebuhr added that he feels there will be a chain reaction when PBL makes the move to IPC as well. Allen Johnson made a motion to approve writing a letter of application to join the Illini Prairie Conference. Shawn Young seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
Mr. McClure informed the board that PIT crew and band parent minutes have been uploaded to the board’s website. He also stated that there is e-learning information for the board to review and thanked Amy Johnson (PBLEA president) for helping make the teacher’s institute day happen on Friday on such short notice.
Allen Johnson made a motion to go into closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act pursuant to 5 ILCS 12/2(c)1, the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)5 and security procedures and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff or public property pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)8. Jason Dirks seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
Closed session began at 6:50 p.m.
Allen Johnson made a motion to come out of closed session. Shawn Young seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
Closed session ended at 8:20 p.m.
Mr. McClure recommended the board approve the hiring of Aaron Slack as an ag teacher at PBL High School with an eleven month contract. Dana Bergandine made a motion to approve the hiring of Aaron Slack as an ag teacher at PBL High School with an eleven month contract. Allen Johnson seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
Mr. McClure recommended the board approve the FLMA request of Helen Ellis. Dana Bergandine made a motion to approve the FMLA request of Helen Ellis. Allen Johnson seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
Allen Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jason Dirks seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all board members being present, the vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.