
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Manteno Planning Commission met May 28

Webp meeting 07

Village of Manteno Planning Commission met May 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Todd Creek, Dan McGowan, George Weiland, Emily Fisher-Gentry, Jerry Dole and Francis Smith

Absent: Sherri Crawford

Attendance: Ryan Marion, Building Official; Chris LaRocque, Village Administrator

Via Zoom: Trustee Dole and Court Reporter with Eunice Sachs and Associates

Pledge of Allegiance – Chairman Smith

MOTION: A motion by Weiland, second by McGowan, to waive the reading and approve the meeting minutes of March 10, 2020 as presented with no corrections or deletions. Motion approved 6-0. Crawford absent.

Chairman Smith opened the Public Hearing portion of the meeting. Chairman Smith announced that due to the large number of public hearings, each public hearing will be opened, testimony heard and then the public hearing will be closed, and any recommendation will then be voted upon. Mr. LaRocque will call any individuals that are sitting in the next room to address the commission so that the crowd numbers can be kept at ten or under in the board room.


PC-RE-SUB 20-01- A Public Hearing is being held to consider a request by Harlyn Schmidt (owner) and Joan Bittler (owner of 413 Hesburgh Dr) for a re-subdivision plat. The court reporter swore in Neil Piggush, engineer representing Mr. Schmidt. Mr. Piggush stated that the request is to re-subdivide two (2) townhome lots or four (4) parcels in Park West 15th addition. The new lot would be Park West 22nd addition. The new lot will be in compliance with the R-2 Zoning District.

Mr. Schmidt entered into a contract of sale for the rear portion of the Ms. Bittler’s property. An affidavit consent and bill of sale was provided by Mr. Piggush.

Chairman Smith asked if there were any comments from the public. The Court Reporter swore in Mr. Roy Hodges. Mr. Hodges has lived on Beauchamp since 1990. Mr. Hodges stated that village personnel promised the various homeowners on Beauchamp that nothing would be built on this lot. Mr. Hodges stated that this lot has had three separate requests over the years to be sub-divided and all have been denied. Homeowner concerns are the drainage issues at 832 & 834 Beauchamp and 862 & 864 Beauchamp. Mr. Hodges stated that the proposed new lot sits higher than existing lots. The building of a townhome/duplex would only exacerbate these issues. Mr. Hodges stated that Maple Street is a very busy secondary street so adding two (2) more driveways onto Maple Street would make the road more dangerous for the children who bike and walk to school.

Commissioner Weiland asked Mr. Hodges about current drainage issues. Mr. Hodges stated he had pooling water in his backyard after the last large rain. Mr. Hodge also stated that 862 & 864 Beauchamp have also had water in the basement at some time.

Mr. Hodges also presented a petition signed by 25 neighborhood residents against the re- subdivision of the lot and variance requests.

Mr. Maurice O’Keefe, 832 Beauchamp, was sworn in by the court reporter. Mr. O’Keefe supports Mr. Hodges. Mr. O’Keefe stated that after a large rain he has one-fourth of his backyard covered with water. Mr. O’Keefe stated his understanding is that this has been requested four (4) different times and doesn’t understand what justification this commission has to hear this request again.

Chairman Smith stated the request has been submitted before, but just to the village administration and building department. The denials were given by the administration and was never presented to the Plan Commission for consideration.

Mr. O’Keefe is concerned with the drainage issues and with the traffic on Maple Street.

Mr. William Ward, 862 Beauchamp, was sworn in by the court reporter. Mr. Ward stated he has been a resident for 18 years. Mr. Ward stated that he has the same concerns as those previously stated. Mr. Ward does not feel there is any gain to add an additional duplex to the neighborhood. Mr. Ward feels there are enough rentals in the area.

Chairman Smith asked Mr. Ward if his drainage problems are new or have they always existed. Mr. Ward stated that he has always had drainage problems.

Ms. Patricia Hoffman was sworn in by the court reporter. Ms. Hoffman has lived in her home for four years on Hesburgh Drive. Ms. Hoffman is concerned that this will change the value of her home.

Mr. Hodges wanted to clarify with the Commission that Mr. Ward’s crawl space had flooded twice in the past.

Mr. Piggush stated that half of the storm water would be diverted to the street and the other half would be diverted to the storm sewer that is in the rear of the proposed new lot. There is also a 30’ storm sewer located along Maple Street.

PC-VAR 20-01 - Chairman Smith stated that this is a request by Harlyn Schmidt for a variance for a side yard setback on the property located at 403 Hesburgh Drive. This will clean up an existing side yard setback issue on an existing lot in the subdivision and bring the lot in compliance. This will be a five-foot variance from the current ten-foot requirement.

PC-VAR 20-02 – Chairman Smith stated that this request is for a variance to allow for drive-way entrances on Maple Street. Mr. Piggush stated that there are already ten driveways south of the High School, six driveways across from the High School and three driveways north of the High School. Mr. Piggush stated that adding two more driveways would not compound a safety situation.

Commissioner Creek asked staff on whether there is an ordinance on distant between a driveway and corner. Mr. Piggush stated the proposed driveway would be 140’ from the corner.

Commissioner Creek asked if the drainage issues could be reviewed before moving forward with approval of the subdivision. Mr. Marion stated that storm sewer pipe and grading of current lots could be reviewed.

Commissioner Creek asked if wording could be put into the recommendation that drainage would have to be approved by staff and engineering before proceeding. Chairman Smith stated that it could be, but it may not solve the problem. Mr. Marion stated that it is not Mr. Schmidt’s responsibility to solve other resident’s drainage problems.

Commissioner Dole stated that with all the rain all residents throughout the village have had the same problems with sump pumps running.

Commissioner Weiland agrees with Commissioner Creek that drainage issues should be reviewed until the process moves forward.

Chairman Smith requested that the commission act upon the side yard setback variance and then continue the public hearing for the re-subdivision and driveway variance request until Mr. Schmidt, village officials and neighbors have a meeting to discuss any solutions.

Commissioner McGowan asked if the village could check into why the water may not be reaching the storm drain. Mr. Marion stated that the village has received 10” of rain over a 4-day period, it may just have been overwhelmed. Mr. Marion stated that this is the first time that the village has been informed of any issues in this area. Commission McGovern agrees that the public hearing be continued until the issue is addressed.

Commissioner Gentry asked about the history on this parcel. Mr. Marion stated that the area has been tried to be subdivided numerous times, but the driveway issue was always the problem. After contacting our village attorney, it was found that a variance could be issued for driveways on a secondary street.

Mr. Hodges wanted to clarify a few items stated by Mr. Piggush. The water doesn’t reach the storm sewer that sits in the back of his lot. Mr. Hodges stated that the curb cuts for the driveways will be directly across the street from Westshore Blvd.

Mr. Piggush asked for clarity on what is being considered. Chairman Smith stated that a recommendation will be sent to the village board to approve the side yard setback variance and that the re-subdivision and driveway variance be tabled until a meeting can be held between the village staff, neighbors and Mr. Schmidt to discuss the drainage issues. Mr. Piggush stated that from testimony he heard is that the water is not reaching the storm drain and does that problem, which is off Mr. Schmidt’s property, require Mr. Schmidt to correct the issue. Chairman Smith stated that it might not be his issue to correct but having a discussion and review of the issue would be in the best interest of Mr. Schmidt. Mr. Marion stated that the village will meet with everyone to discuss the issue.

There were no more comments or questions from the public and commission.

Chairman Smith closed the public hearing.

MOTION: A motion by Gentry, seconded by Creek, to approve Planning Commission Recommendation 20-03, A Recommendation approving a Variance from Title 9, Zoning, Chapter 7, R-2 Two Family, Article Number C, Yards, C-8 Side Yard Setback, for the property located at 403 Hesburgh Drive, Manteno, Illinois, 60950. Motion approved 6-0. Crawford absent.

MOTION: A motion by Dole, seconded by Weiland, to table the request for re-subdivision and driveway variance until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Motion approved 6-0. Crawford absent.

Chairman Smith opened the public hearing for Main Street Pharmacy.

PC-SUP 20-01 – A request by Mr. Bill Bush, DBA Main Street Pharmacy, for a Special Use Permit to add a drive-thru window.

Mr. Bill Bush was sworn in by the court reporter. Mr. Bush stated that the drive-thru is being requested for the west side of the building. This will allow their customers to conduct business in a safe way and minimize the impact on other surrounding businesses.

Chairman Smith asked if the village had any concerns with customers entering the drive-thru off First Street. Mr. Marion stated that the area is being updated by the village. Bollards are being placed around a Com-Ed pole to protect it. Mr. Bush stated a civil engineer has sized the drive- thru lane so that a very large truck or car will be able to maneuver thru the lane. The turning lanes are in excess of the minimum requirements. Stacking could be an issue, but the pharmacy has created protocol internally to have anyone who may need to wait to pull in the adjacent parking lot and have their medication delivered to the car.

There were no comments or questions from the commission and public.

PC-VAR 20-03 – Mr. Bush addressed both variance requests. Mr. Bush stated that their building fronts on three sides due to its location. The building can be viewed on Main Street, East First Street and North Walnut Street. The signage plan shows a static sign on each of the three sides with the name of the business. There are directional signs for the drive-thru and then two (2) electronic message boards located on the west and east sides of the building.

Commissioner Creek asked about a drive out lane along the east side of the building. Mr. Bush stated that their building was shortened to allow for this drive out lane to help with patrons and employees at the township office and local bar. Mr. Marion stated that there is a ten-foot space between where the building sits and where vehicles exit.

There were no comments or questions from the public or commission.

Chairman Smith closed the public hearing.

MOTION: A motion by McGowan, seconded by Weiland, to approve Planning Commission Recommendation 20-04, A Recommendation approving a Special Use Permit from Title 9, Zoning, Chapter 8, Special Uses Permitted, Article Number A-4, Drive-In Uses, in C-1 Commercial Zoning, for the property located at 24 West First Street, Manteno, Illinois 60950. Motion approved 6-0. Crawford absent.

MOTION: A motion by Creek, seconded by Gentry, to approve Planning Commission Recommendation 20-05, A Recommendation approving variances from Title 9, Zoning, Chapter 13, Signs, Article Number 14 (D)1, Premises Signs, Number Allowed, and 14 (D)2 Maximum area allowed in C-1 Commercial Zoning, for the property located at 24 West First Street, Manteno, Illinois 60950. Motion approved 6-0. Crawford absent.

Mr. Marion did remind Mr. Bush that the LED signs should have a dimming capability when it is installed.

Chairman Smith opened the next public hearing.

PC-SUP 20-02 – A request by Basham LLC and Frank Clement for a Special Use Permit to operate an automobile repair shop at 360 South Locust Street.

The court reporter swore in Michael Basham.

Mr. Basham stated that Franks Dent Repair will be moved from current location at 370 South Locust Street to 360 South Locust Street. The same type of repairs will be performed at the new location. Chairman Smith works across the street from the current location and has no problems with business.

There were no comments or questions from the public and commission members.

Chairman Smith closed the public hearing

MOTION: A motion by Gentry, seconded by Dole, to approve Planning Commission Recommendation 20-06, A Recommendation approving a Special Use Permit from Title 9, Zoning, Chapter 10, Special Uses Permitted, Article Number, C-3-(B), Automotive Repair, in FB- 1 Zoning District for the property located at 360 South Locust Street, Manteno, Illinois 60950. Motion approved 6-0. Crawford absent.

Chairman Smith opened the next public hearing.

PC-VAR 20-04 – A request by Chad Miller for a variance for a five (5) foot addition to a nonconforming building at property located at 11 South Main Street.

The court reporter swore in Kirk Andreina, Cornerstone Engineering.

Mr. Andreina stated that the structure was built in 1989 and the zoning ordinance changed in 1999. The owner would like to improve the property to fit into Main Street. The proposed plan would include a five (5) foot extension to the front of the building and the owner will seek a façade improvement grant with the village. New doors would be installed in the bay feature.

Chairman Smith asked if the intent, once the improvements are completed, is to open a business at the location. Mr. Andreina stated that the building’s current use is storage. An option in the future would be to divide the building into two (2) 1000 square foot business locations or one large business area.

The court reporter swore in Jacob Carlile, Carlile Architects. Mr. Carlile is responsible for the building addition and renovation of the project. Mr. Carlile stated that the goal of the project is to increase the storage space for the functional use of the building and in the long term to have the building look like the rest of Main Street.

There were no comments or questions from the public or commission members.

Chairman Smith closed the public hearing.

MOTION: A motion by Creek, seconded by Dole, to approved Planning Commission Recommendation 20-07, A Recommendation approving a variance from Title 9, Zoning, Chapter 11, Nonconforming Building and Structures, Article Number 2(A), Additions and Enlargements, for the property located at 11 South Main Street, Manteno, IL 60950 in the C-1 Commercial Zoning District. Motion approved 6-0. Crawford absent.

There was no further new business and there was no old business.

Mr. Marion stated that the next regularly scheduled meeting will be June 9, 2020 if Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Piggush have their plans together. The village will also set up a meeting to meet with neighbors and look at the properties.

Commissioner Creek stated that if Mr. Piggush can show that the drainage plan for the duplex lot is not going to make the drainage problem worse and all water runs to the street or to the storm drain than he is inclined to approve the re-subdivision. Chairman Smith and Commissioner Creek agreed that the matter needed to be addressed before the commission could vote on a recommendation.

MOTION: A motion by McGowan, seconded by Gentry, to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m. Motion approved by voice vote.
