Village of Chebanse Village Board Met June 28
Here is the minutes provided by the boartd:
Mayor Mathy called the regular Village Board meeting to order at 7:00 pm on June 28, 2021 and announced that the Village is taping and Kathy Washington from the Advocate would be taking notes.
The following Trustees were present: Trustee Beherns, Trustee Kohler, Trustee Perzee, Trustee Randles and Trustee Snyder. Trustee Odle was absent. Also, present were Mayor Mathy, Attorney Hiatt, James Smith from Maintenance and Clerk Pasel.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mathy
OATH OF OFFICE: Clerk Pasel administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Mathy. Mayor Mathy administered the Oath of Office to Trustee Kohler and Trustee Snyder. Trustee Odle was absent.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Trustee Perzee and a second by Trustee Snyder to approve the May 17, 2021 Board meeting minutes. Vote:
Beherns Aye
Kohler Aye
Perzee Aye 5 Ayes, 0 Nays
Randles Aye Motion Carried
Snyder Aye
APPROVAL OF TREASURER’S REPORT: A motion was made by Trustee Perzee and a second by Trustee Beherns to approve the May 31, 2021 Treasurer’s Report. Vote:
Beherns Aye
Kohler Aye
Perzee Aye 5 Ayes, 0 Nays
Randles Aye Motion Carried
Snyder Aye
BILL STATEMENT: A motion was made by Trustee Perzee and a second by Trustee Snyder to approve the June 28, 2021 Bill Statement. Vote:
Beherns Aye
Kohler Aye
Perzee Aye 5 Ayes, 0 Nays
Randles Aye Motion Carried
Snyder Aye
DE-ANNEX ROADS: Trustee Snyder stated that he is contacting the Otto Township Board. Nothing further at this time.
REPORTS OF VILLAGE OFFICERS: James reported that Doug has installed the new water control system and it is working great. The new playground equipment at the Civic Center will be installed in the coming weeks. Ben Cox should be here around July 14th to install the new sidewalks.
Clerk Pasel reported that for the third year in a row our IML insurance rates will remain the same.
WATER DISPOSAL TRANSFERS: Trustee Perzee informed the Board going forward, instead of transferring money into the general fund from the water disposal account each month, it will be transferred into the sewer fund.
ORDINANCE NO. 21-04: A motion was made by Trustee Beherns and a second by Trustee Perzee to approve Ordinance No. 21-04 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance N 16-01 To Provide Metered Water Billing and Rates of the Village of Chebanse. Vote:
Beherns Aye
Kohler Aye
Perzee Aye 5 Ayes, 0 Nays
Randles Aye Motion Carried
Snyder Aye
ORDINANCE NO. 21-05: A motion was made by Trustee Perzee and a second by Trustee Beherns to approve Ordinance No. 21-05 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 16-01 The Chebanse Sewer Use Ordinance of the Village of Chebanse. Vote:
Beherns Aye
Kohler Aye
Perzee Aye 5 Ayes, 0 Nays
Randles Aye Motion Carried
Snyder Aye
ORDINANCE NO. 04-19 MUNICIPAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS TAX ORDINANCE: Clerk Pasel stated that this Ordinance was never filed with the Illinois Department of Revenue. If we want to collect the revenue, it needs to be filed. The Board would like to review the Ordinance and discuss it at the next meeting.
TICKET TRACKING: A motion was made by Trustee Perzee and a second by Trustee Snyder to purchase the Ticket Tracking Module from LOCIS at a cost of a one- time fee of $300.00 and $5.00 per month. Vote:
Beherns Aye
Kohler Aye
Perzee Aye 5 Ayes, 0 Nays
Randles Aye Motion Carried
Snyder Aye
LIENS: Attorney Hiatt stated he has concerns with filing liens when the residents have not had a chance to be heard on the matter. It is his opinion that we utilize the Adjudication process or small claim
lawsuits. Attorney Hiatt will check with Watseka and a few other places that do adjudication and report back to the Board.
GATA COMPLIANCE: A motion was made by Trustee Perzee and a second by Trustee Randles to approve our Auditor processing and managing the Village’s GATA compliance with a cap of $1,000.00. Vote:
Beherns Aye
Kohler Aye
Perzee Aye 5 Ayes, 0 Nays
Randles Aye Motion Carried
Snyder Aye
CIRCUS EVENT: A motion was made by Trustee Snyder and a second by Trustee Kohler to donate the Village’s proceeds of the Circus event to the American Legion. Vote:
Beherns Abstain
Kohler Aye
Perzee Aye 4 Ayes, 1 Abstain, 0 Nays
Randles Aye Motion Carried
Snyder Aye
PLAYGROUND BARRIERS: A motion was made by Trustee Perzee and a second by Trustee Snyder to approve purchasing barriers for the playground at $36.00 each with a cap of $1,500.00. Vote:
Beherns Aye
Kohler Aye
Perzee Aye 5 Ayes, 0 Nays
Randles Aye Motion Carried
Snyder Aye
PETERSON CONSULTING: Clerk Pasel reported that she met with Peterson Consulting concerning the Villages capital assets. With the amount of time it will take to compile the information needed to complete this, the Board would like Julie to speak with our auditor and get recommendations for completion.
RAIL SAFETY WEEK PROCLAMATION: A motion was made by Trustee Beherns and a second by Trustee Snyder to approve the Rail Safety Week Proclamation. Vote:
Beherns Aye
Kohler Aye
Perzee Aye 5 Ayes, 0 Nays
Randles Aye Motion Carried
Snyder Aye
THANK YOU FROM CHEBANSE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Mayor Mathy read a thank you letter from Megan McFall, Principal of Chebanse Elementary School thanking the Legion and the Village for bringing the Circus to town.
AMEREN VOLTAGE CONVERSION PROJECT: Mayor Mathy informed the Board that Ameren would be upgrading their equipment in town. The project is expected to take several months and will have scheduled outages. Maps will be available and residents will be notified of any outages.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Trustee Perzee and a second by Trustee Beherns to adjourn the meeting. Time 8:10 pm. Vote:
Beherns Aye
Kohler Aye
Perzee Aye 5 Ayes, 0 Nays
Randles Aye Motion Carried
Snyder Aye