
Kankakee Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met May 1

Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met May 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


6:30PM Meeting called to Order / Pledge 

Roll Call was taken, all members present. 

*Motion to approve minutes from previous 4/17/23 meeting, with addition of adding "hard soda's & seltzers" to the first reading Ordinance O-4-23-2 

Motion: Morgan 2nd: Wiedl Motion Carried 6-0-0 

*Motion to approve Bills for payment: <4/27/23 General Fund $8,594.88, M.F.T $1,125.00, Fest Fund $234.86, Payroll <4/15/23 $15,330.24, Payroll <4/18/23 $4431.91 

No Public Comments: 

Departmental reports: 

Clerk Dillman: reported all liquor and gaming licenses have been distributed. Results of the 4/4/23 Consolidated election: Whorrel 139 votes, Detloff 113 votes, Danahey 105 votes, Wiedl 117 votes. *Motion for Resolution R-5-23-1 to accept results from 4/4/23 election 

Motion: Bruni 2nd: Morgan 

Ordinance & Insurance, Raloff: 

Motion Carried 6-0-0 

*Motion to approve second reading Ordinance O-4-23-2 Adding two E Class licenses, with changes to past Ordinance as explained 

Motion: Raloff 

2nd: Bruni Motion Carried 6-0-0 

Pres. Hawkins: Thanked, and presented Mr. Raloff, and Mr. Coats a certificate, and small gift in appreciation to their years of service with the Village Board 

No Executive session 

6:44PM Meeting Adjourned 


6:46PM Meeting Called to Order 

Clerk Dillman swore in recently elected Trustees Whorral, Detloff, Danahey, and Wiedl 

Roll Call was taken, all members present. 

Public Comments: Dan Chappel presented a billing for services rendered. 

*Motion to approve bills for Payment: <4/23/23 General Fund $14,928.74, T.I.F. $55,476.26 

Motion: Morgan 2nd: Wiedl Motion Carried 6-0-0 

Departmental reports: 

Clerk Dillman: 

*Motion to approve Gaming License to Flannagan's Pub for 6 machines 

Motion: Morgan 2nd: Bruni 

Motion Carried 6-0-0 

Finance, Morgan: Discussion held concerning reinstituting vehicle stickers again. 

*Motion to initiate vehicle stickers for the Village 

Motion: Morgan 2nd: Bruni vote results 2-3-1 No: Detloff, Wiedl, and Morgan; Danahey abstaining Motion did not carry. 

Mr. Morgan gave an update on the current T.I.F projects. 

Mr. Morgan gave an update on SLFRF, and a compliance report has been submitted. 

Mr. Morgan gave a PTELL report, Village EAV is up, and the Village in the black, with the '23 budget. Community Outreach, Wiedl: Spring cleanup, Saturday 

Building & Grounds, Bruni: Discussion held concerning the two bids for the Library AC replacement. *Motion to approve bid from GPS Heating for Library AC replacement no to exceed $3600 

Motion: Bruni 2nd: Morgan Motion Carried 6-0-0 

*Motion to replace lighting on Village Hall, not to exceed $1000 

Motion: Bruni 2nd Danahey Motion Carried 6-0-0 

Other discussion concerning signage, and painting held on the Village Hall project. 

Discussion concerning the wooden train for Hilgert Park to be donated by the GP Foundation, to be brought up for a vote at the next meeting while more information is gathered. 

Law Enforcement: no report 

Chief Frey: commented that a fence should be erected around Peoria Packing's solar farm to prevent damage. 

Pres. Hawkins: Made the following appointments, 

*Motion to accept the following appointments 

Village Attorney, Spesia & Ayres 

Village Engineer, Piggush Engineering 

Village Treasurer, Joe Hubbard 

Village Police Chief, Carl Frey 

Village Road Commissioner, Steve Sullivan 

Village Building Inspector, David Crouse 

Village Adjudication Hearing Officer, Brian Hyatt 

Village Adjudication Secretary, Kerry Zizic 

Motion: Morgan 2nd: Danahey Motion Carried 6-0-0 

Pres. Hawkins announced the new committee assignments. 

*Motion to approve Class E liquor license for Flannagan's Lucky Leprechaun Laundry & Gaming 

Motion: Bruni 2nd: Morgan Motion Carried 6-0-0 

No Executive session held. 

7:44PM Meeting Adjourned 
