
Kankakee Times

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Village of Manteno Finance Committee met Jan. 10

Webp 47

Village Clerk – Robin Batka | Village of Manteno

Village Clerk – Robin Batka | Village of Manteno

Village of Manteno Finance Committee met Jan. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:



Committee Members:

Timothy Nugent, Mayor


Timothy Boyce, Trustee (7:02 am)


Todd Crockett, Trustee


Diane Dole, Trustee


Joel Gesky, Trustee


Sam Martin, Trustee


Wendell Phillips, Trustee


Other attendees:

Chris LaRocque, Village Admin


Jim Hanley, Supt. Of Public Works


Al Swinford, Chief of Police


Ryan Marion, Building Official

Sheila Martin, Treasurer


Jakob Knox, Community Relations Dir


Robin Batka, Village Clerk

Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk


Trustee Gesky called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.

A motion was made by Mayor Nugent, seconded by Trustee Crockett, to approve the minutes of December 13, 2023, as written; motion carried by voice vote - all ayes, no nays.

Public Participation:

Annette LaMore addressed the committee about speaker, Jim Waser, at the Kankakee County Board meeting yesterday. Ms. LaMore recommended a book, “The Hundred Year Marathon – China’s Secret Strategy to replace America as the Global Superpower” that should be read by all board members. She stated that the group is not going to weaken or stop protesting, please hear us and act accordingly.

Items for Discussion:

• Mr. Jon Majerski, President of MYBSL gave a short slide presentation on the growth of the program and the future goals of the program. Also, present were Jason Rozneck, Vice-President, Jennifer Dole, Secretary and Colleen Bechard, Treasurer. Mr. Majerski stated that the program saw a growth of 25% over the last few years. There were eleven Raptor teams, which are travel teams. It is expected in 2024 that this number will decrease to 8-10 teams. The future renovations that the program would like to see completed are dug-out renovations; drainage at Field 5 and adding foul ball netting to Fields #1, #2 and #3. Long term goals are renovations to Field #4, purchasing maintenance equipment and lights at Field #3. The program is requesting help from the village, township, and area businesses to accomplish some of the goals. The program did increase the cost of participation by $15 per player for the first time since 2019.

The committee suggested that designs and quotes for dugout renovations and drainage should be obtained to get a better cost estimate. Also, the need for foul ball netting is a safety concern and a quote for cost should be obtained so that this project could be completed before the beginning of the season. The cost for the lights has not been updated. Mayor Nugent would like to make sure neighbors are considered to make sure they are not adversely affected. The concession stand bathrooms will need to be updated along with the flooring in the concession stand. (see slide show presentation attached)

• World Fuels Extension Request – Mr. LaRocque stated that the most recent extension that expired in April 2023 has generated $162,132.47 in sales tax over a three-year period. The village rebates 50% of that back to World Fuels. The business maintains an office on Main Street. The request for another three-year extension to the agreement is being proposed. There are no changes to the agreement. The proposed extension will be presented at the next board meeting for approval.

• Itinerant Merchant Changes – Mr. LaRocque stated that the village’s Itinerant Merchant ordinance has not been updated since 1956 except for the addition of food trucks. Most changes proposed are procedural in nature and the addition of penalties for non-compliance. The suggested fee schedule is $50 per day for for-profit business and $25 for non-profit business. Trustee Dole asked for a highlighted mark up of the proposed changes to be given to board members.

• Public Participation Updates – Mr. LaRocque stated that the public participation ordinance had not been updated since 2011. The proposed changes have been proposed by our village attorney and are highlighted in the packet. Once the board members review the proposed changes and there are no additional changes it will be adopted at a February board meeting.

• Fiber Networks / HR Green Proposal – Mr. LaRocque stated that there have been a couple of fiber network companies that would like to come to the village to build a fiber network to compete with Comcast. The village does not have policies or procedures in place for this type of work. HR Green, our village engineer, has prepared a Professional Services Agreement to prepare policies and procedures for a cost of $24,900. This will be placed on the next board agenda for approval.

• Updating the Hassett Community Center – Mr. LaRocque stated the village had looked at this last year but had put the project on hold until the decision concerning the old police department had been completed. Mr. LaRocque wanted to bring this up again since a plan has been made for the use of the old police department. Mr. Hanley stated that the public works department could do the flooring, but the painting and other items should be put out for bid. A more detailed plan and cost estimate will be prepared and then presented.

• Square on Second – south green area discussion – Mayor Nugent asked if there were any new ideas for the area or to just leave as is. Trustee Gesky would like to see it turfed and leave as open space. Trustee Martin stated that the large trees near that area will not be around long, and a plan needs to be in place for their removal. Trustee Crockett would like to investigate handicap accessible playground equipment either there or at another park.

• Project Cost Recaps – Please see packet for updated spreadsheets. The village is awaiting final draw requests for the public works and police department projects. Trustee Martin would like to see the change orders also included along with the budget on each sheet.

• Month End Financial Report – Revenue remains steady. Most departments are at or below their budgets for this time of year.

• Misc:

o Mr. LaRocque stated that the Los Dos Pueblo restaurant is looking into adding gaming machines. Los Dos Pueblo can add up to six machines. Steam Hollow is closing so we are losing four machines at that location. The village does receive requests for “gaming cafes,” but the newest trend is a “wine bar.” Mr. LaRocque is expecting a business plan from one such idea.

A motion by Trustee Boyce and seconded by Trustee Crockett to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 a.m. Voice vote – all ayes.
