
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Manteno Planning & Zoning Committee met Feb. 27

Webp 48

Trustee – Samuel J. Martin | Village of Manteno

Trustee – Samuel J. Martin | Village of Manteno

Village of Manteno Planning & Zoning Committee met Feb. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Committee Members:

Timothy Nugent, Mayor


Tim Boyce, Trustee


Todd Crockett, Trustee

Diane Dole, Trustee


Joel Gesky, Trustee

Samuel Martin, Trustee

Wendell Phillips, Trustee


Other Attendees:

Chris LaRocque, Village Admin


Jim Hanley, Super of PW


Ryan Marion, Code Official


Sheila Martin, Treasurer


Al Swinford, Chief of Police


Bruce Hill, Novotny Engineering


Jakob Knox, Marketing Dir


Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk


Mayor Nugent opened the meeting with the absence of Trustee Crockett at 7:50 a.m.

MOTION: A motion by Trustee Boyce, second by Trustee Dole to approve the minutes from January 23, 2024, meeting. Voice vote – all ayes, no nays. Motion approved.

Public Participation – None

There were no action items.

Discussion Items:

• January 2024 Recap – Mr. Marion gave a recap of active new construction, permits issued, inspections, sidewalk inspections and contractor registrations for January 2024. (See attached). Mr. Marion stated that he has had a few inquiries about new multi-family units on current available lots but not any new developments.

• Photovoltaic Ordinance Update - Mr. Marion stated that our attorney is working with several municipalities to update their solar systems since the State guidelines have changed. The village has also worked with the county to have our ordinance coordinate with their regulations. The updates to our ordinance are more detailed, naming types of systems and then giving more rules and regulations along with fees. Mr. Hill stated that the handling of stormwater needs to be addressed in the ordinance. This update is a proactive movement since solar systems are becoming so popular. Mr. Marion and Mr. Hill will work on language to add to the ordinance and then the ordinance will be presented to the board for approval at a board meeting in the future.

• Misc.:

o Mr. Marion stated that the I-57 cameras went down but they were easily fixed by a $30 part. Interior cameras at the village hall are being updated with the cameras from the old police department building. Thies Park will have cameras with the improvements that will be taking place this summer. A camera in the Community Center also needs to be replaced. A camera will be added to the detention area at the new police department building. Chief Swinford would like to see camera Cook and South Creek and County Highway 9 and Sycamore.

o HR Green will be adding location of cameras to the GIS maps.

o Mayor Nugent would like to have any needed stop sign posts and other decorative poles be repainted. Mr. Hanley will add that to his budget.

A motion by Trustee Boyce, seconded by Trustee Dole, to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 a.m. Voice vote: all ayes, no nays. Motion approved.
