
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Watseka Finance, Legal & Audit Committee met May 21

Webp 14

Don Miller, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Watseka

Don Miller, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Watseka

City of Watseka Finance, Legal & Audit Committee met May 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

PRESENT: Aldermen Marcier, Cahoe, Barragree, Miller, Anderson, Mayor Allhands

ABSENT: Alderman Muench and Alderwomen Rohlfs and DeLahr

Alderman Marcier opened the meeting at 6:30 pm. There was no public comment.

Alderman Marcier makes a motion to recommend to the council to accept the April treasurers report and Alderman Barragree seconded. Roll call carried 6-0.

Alderman Marcier stated the committee has a request to donate $1,000 to the Farmers Market. The market has 10 vendors signed up at this time. Alderman Cahoe makes a motion to recommend to the council to donate $1,000.00 to the Watseka Farmers Market and Alderman Barragree seconded. Roll call carried 6-0.

Alderman Marcier stated he failed to add in Chief Ken Baier’s pay raise last month. He is requesting a 5% increase which is the same as the rest of the non-union employees. Alderman Marcier makes a motion to recommend to the council to increase Fire Chief Ken Baier pay rate to $2016.00 per month effective 5/1/2024 and Alderman Anderson seconded. Roll call carried 6-0. It was stated there are 6 fire department employees that are now on IMRF because they have hit the 600-hour requirement.

Carlile Group -JC Penney building was discussed in great length again. Carlile Group has a proposal of $19,600 to get RFP’s. There was discussion about demolishing the building vs trying to save the building. There was discussion about painting the outside and doing some tuck point work and using revolving loan funds to do this or even if it is demolished. It was finally decided to get more current bids to demolish the building and this time include the Watseka Elks in the cost as Mayor Allhands feel they should be closed also. This will be discussed again next month in the Code Enforcement meeting.

Alderman Marcier stated Alderman Cahoe has quotes from Rieken Overhead Doors to replace the garage doors at the fire stations 1 and 2. Alderman Cahoe stated the doors are over 25 years old and the walk in doors also need to be replaced. After short discussion Alderman Cahoe makes a motion to recommend to the council to accept the proposal from Rieken Overhead Doors for 5 garage doors for a cost of $32487.51 and Alderman

Anderson seconded. Roll call carried 6-0. This will be paid for out of capital equipment. Alderman Cahoe also stated he has a proposal from Illiana Lock Service for $9,328.13 to install a new door and a new security system. After a short discussion Alderman Cahoe makes a motion to recommend to the council to accept the proposal from Illiana Lock Service for $9328.13 and Alderman Anderson seconded. Roll call carried 6-0. This will also be paid for from capital equipment. Alderman Cahoe stated the new furnace and chamber unit has been installed at the firehouse and public works will be replacing the apron at station 1. Alderman Cahoe stated station 1 was built in 1998 and station 2 was built in the late 70’s.

Alderman Anderson questioned the committee about the kite event that was held. He asked if it was a city event and in what meeting was the $500 donation discussed.

Alderman Marcier makes a motion to adjourn at 7:05 pm and Alderman Cahoe seconded. Roll call carried 6-0.
