
Kankakee Times

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Village of Bourbonnais Board of Trustees met Dec. 2

Webp 22

Bourbonnais Trustee Bruce Greenlee | Village of Bourbonnais

Bourbonnais Trustee Bruce Greenlee | Village of Bourbonnais

Village of Bourbonnais Board of Trustees met Dec. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Regular Village Board Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 5:30 PM by Village President Paul Schore

Procedural: A. Pledge of Allegiance led by Abigail Boudreau, a 4th Grade Student from Liberty Intermediate School.

Procedural: B. Roll Call - Village Clerk Brian Simeur

Members present: Mayor Paul Schore, Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini. Also in attendance, Attorney Patrick Dunn, and Administrator Michael Van Mill. Absent: Treasurer Ron Riebe


Action, Minutes: A. Regular Board Meeting Minutes from November 18, 2024

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Jeff Keast to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes from November 18, 2024, as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

Mayor Schore requested from the Board to move up Agenda Item 15.A in the meeting.


Action, Proclamation, Information: A. PROCLAMATION NO. 24-371 - Honoring BBCHS Student Savannah Zirbel IHSA State Swim Champion & Record Holder

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Angie Serafini to read Proclamation 24-371 in its entirety.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Angie Serafini to adopt Proclamation 24-371.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini




6. FINANCE COMMITTEE - Trustee Rick Fischer, Chair

Action, Accounts Payable: A. Finance Committee - Consideration of the December 2, 2024 Accounts Payable

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Randy King to approve the general and special fund bill list, as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

Action, Ordinance: B. ORDINANCE NO. 24-2473 - An Ordinance Levying Taxes for all Corporate Purposes for the Village of Bourbonnais, Kankakee County, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Commencing on the First Day of May 2024 and Ending on the 30th Day of April 2025 (SECOND READING)

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Bruce Greenlee to read Ordinance 24-2473 by title only.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

➢  Following the second reading by Clerk Simeur, Finance Director Tara Latz stated this is for the Property Tax Levy for tax year 2024 payable in 2025. The tax levy was decided to be 0.4314, which is a decrease from the rate requested in the 2023 Tax Levy. Since a lessor rate is being used from the prior year, there is no increased tax effect on taxpayers. In fact, many homeowners could see a decrease in the amount they pay on the Village of Bourbonnais portion of their property tax bill of anywhere between $8 to $28 depending on their home value. The only way a taxpayer would see an increase over last year is if their home value has gone up significantly.

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to adopt Ordinance 24-2473.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

7. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE - Trustee Angie Serafini, Chair

Action, Ordinance: A. ORDINANCE NO. 24-2474 - An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4, Alcoholic Liquors of the Municipal Code of the Village of Bourbonnais, Illinois Adding One Class A License and Deleting One Class L License (FIRST READING)

Motion by Trustee Angie Serafini, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to read Ordinance 24-2474 by title only.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

➢  Following the first reading by Clerk Simeur, Attorney Patrick Dunn stated a local wine bar has a Class L license and they want to change it to a Class A license. This will eliminate the Class L license and replace it with the Class A license.

Motion by Trustee Angie Serafini, second by Trustee Randy King to suspend the rules and have a second reading tonight on Ordinance 24-2474.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

Motion by Trustee Angie Serafini, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to adopt Ordinance 24-2474.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

Action, Ordinance: B. ORDINANCE NO. 24-2475 - An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Section 2-191 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Bourbonnais, Illinois Concerning Recording Minutes (FIRST READING)

Motion by Trustee Angie Serafini, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to ready Ordinance 24-2475 by title only.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

➢  Following the first reading by Clerk Simeur, Attorney Dunn explained this Ordinance amends Chapter 2 to allow any chairperson of any committee or subcommittee to keep the minutes of their meetings.

Information: C. Administration Committee

➢  The 4th Annual Rockin' Around the Tree Lighting Ceremony featuring sounds from Bourbonnais students will be held this Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 6:00 PM located at The Grove at Goselin Park.

➢  The 5th Annual Holly Homes and Holly Jolly Lighting Contest - now through December 25th. Online map for viewing and people's choice voting is kicking off this Friday, December 6, on the Village's Facebook page.

Vote for your favorite until December 15. Visit the Village website to view our online map of participating homes.

➢  Very Merry Coloring Contest - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be awarded to the following categories: ages 6 and under, 7-10, all ages and family, and special needs. Entry's will be accepting through December 16.

➢  Miracle at the Grove - featuring a holiday market on Saturday, December 14, 2024 from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Free ice skating will be available at the rink during this event.

➢  Ice Rink - Skating is available Thursday-Sunday from 10:00 AM - 10: 00 PM, $5 skating rental fee Saturday Sunday from 1:00 - 4:00 PM.

➢  Coffee with a Cop will be held at Starbucks on Friday from 9:00 AM -11:00 AM.


9. POLICE COMMITTEE - Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Chair

Information: A. Police Committee

➢  Trustee Greenlee recognized Police Chief Jim Phelps on his honorable contribution and service to our community for the last 12 years as the Chief of Police.

➢  Mayor Schore expressed how much Chief Phelps will be missed and thanked him for all his years of service.

10. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - Trustee Randy King, Chair

Information: A. Public Works Committee

➢  Public Works Superintendent Terry Memenga gave an overview on all the work Public Works is doing, including decorating the Village with all the holiday lights.

➢  Team finished out brush collection for the year.

➢  Installed the Synthetic Rink for use for the winter.

11. UTILITY COMMITTEE - Trustee Jack Littrell, Chair

Information: A. Utility Committee

➢  Trustee Littrell gave an overview of the November 19 Utility Committee meeting where a presentation was given by Mr. Dave Tyson & Mr. Art Strother on operations, treatment and future challenges over at Kankakee River Metropolitan Agency (KRMA).


Committee Meeting Set: A. Set Committee Meetings - Calendars

➢  Public Works - Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 3:30 PM

➢  Finance - Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 4:00 PM


14. VILLAGE ATTORNEY'S REPORT - Patrick Dunn - None


Action, Proclamation, Information: A. PROCLAMATION NO. 24-371 - Honoring BBCHS Student Savannah Zirbel IHSA State Swim Champion & Record Holder - Moved up in the meeting.

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Angie Serafini to read Proclamation 24-371 in its entirety. Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Angie Serafini to adopt Proclamation 24-371. Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

Information: B. Mayor Updates

➢  Salvation Army Coat Drive is going on now at the Village of Bourbonnais and the Bourbonnais Police Department. Donations of new and gently used winter items can be dropped off at either location or we will be accepting donations now through December 23rd.

➢  Shop with a Cop Donations will be accepted through Friday, December 13th.

➢  Toys for Tots - Village of Bourbonnais Administrative Office and Bourbonnais Police Department will be accepting donations for the US Marines Corps Toys for Tots toy drive please consider new, unwrapped toys.


Information: A. New Business

➢  Trustee Fischer stated the first Finance Committee Meeting in January will fall on January 1, so we are moving it to January 2, 2025.



Procedural: A. Public Comments

➢  Resident stated they would like to have some chickens in his backyard. Mayor Schore explained we do have an Ordinance that does not allow poultry in resident's yards. This would have to be discussed at a Community & Economic Development Committee meeting.



Action, Procedural: A. Adjournment Time

Motion by Trustee Jack Littrell, second by Trustee Jeff Keast to adjourn the Regular Board meeting at 5:56 PM.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini
