Westmont Village Board: Left to right - Trustee Frank Brady, Trustee Marie Johanik-Guzzo, Village Clerk Jinny Szymski, Mayor Ron Gunter, Trustee Steve Nero, Trustee Linda Liddle, Trustee Bruce Barker, Trustee Amylee Hogan Simonovich | Westmont Village
Westmont Village Board: Left to right - Trustee Frank Brady, Trustee Marie Johanik-Guzzo, Village Clerk Jinny Szymski, Mayor Ron Gunter, Trustee Steve Nero, Trustee Linda Liddle, Trustee Bruce Barker, Trustee Amylee Hogan Simonovich | Westmont Village
Westmont Village Board of Trustees met Jan. 23.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
Public Comment is subject to the public comment rules and procedures adopted by the Village.
a. Board Reports
i. Mayor
ii. Clerk
iii. Trustees
a. Village Board Minutes
i. Board Meeting Minutes
Board to consider approving the minutes of the Village Board meeting held January 9, 2025.
Background of Subject Matter
Required Parliamentary Procedure
Type Motion
b. Finance Ordinance #2
i. Total to be announced at the meeting.
Type Consent Item
c. Purchase Order(s)
i. Village of Addison $298,712.33
Emergency Dispatch & Alarm Services Jan 1, 2025 - April 30, 2025 (Consolidated Dispatch). This item is a simultaneous payment.
Type Consent Item
Budgeted Yes
ii. Meade, Inc $130,000.00
FY 2025B (1-1-2025-12-31/2025) streetlight locate and repair services. This is an open purchase order to be used throughout the fiscal year.
Type Consent Item
Budgeted Yes
iii. Currie Motors $61,499.00
2024 Ford Super Duty F250 to be used in the Water Department. This purchase is to replace an existing vehicle at the end of its useful life.
Type Consent Item
Budgeted Yes
iv. HP Quincy Partners $304,441.54
CBD TIF Economic Incentive Agreement for Quincy Station for incremental property taxes paid during the prior calendar year to the CBD TIF. This payment is number 2/10.The maximum amount under the agreement that can be reimbursed over ten years is $2,354,000.00. This is a simultaneous payment.
Type Consent Item
Budgeted Yes
v. Total of Purchase Orders $794,652.77
Type Consent Item
d. Total of Purchase Order(s) and Finance Ordinance(s) i. Total to be announced at the meeting.
Type Consent Item
a. Downtown Incentive Program - FY25(B) Annual Budget and Activity Targets
Board to consider an ordinance adopting the FY25(B) Downtown Incentive Program Annual Budget and Activity Targets.
Background of Subject Matter
In accordance with the DIP procedures, the Board defines the program parameters on an annual basis to establish tier funding, eligible activities, incentive bonuses, and any other program specifics. FY25(B) will fund all Tiers, 1, 2 and 3.
Additional Background
FY25(B) is the first budget cycle proposed to fund Tier 3 projects, which could receive a grant award of up to $100,000. Specific activity targets are not currently anticipated, but will be discussed at the Community
Development Committee preceding the Village Board, and any recommendations of the CDC may amend the final ordinance.
Type Ordinance
Budgeted Yes
b. Special Use Permit and B-1 Development Permit Request - 216 North Cass Avenue
Board to consider an ordinance approving requests from Cass Avenue Properties, LLC d/b/a Dolce Vita Day Spa and Salon Smith, LLC, d/b/a Salon Four, at 216 North Cass Avenue for the following:
1. Special Use Permits to allow both petitioners to operate a barbershop and beauty parlor, located on the ground floor, in the B-1 Limited
Business District.
2. B-1 Development Permit, for both petitioners to operate a barbershop and a beauty parlor located on the ground floor.
Background of Subject Matter
The petitioners are requesting a special use permit to operate a beauty parlor and barber shop on the first floor of the property with two separate businesses. Dolce Vita Day Spa currently operates at 220 North Cass Avenue and is proposing to expand their current service to two rooms with additional employees at 216 North Cass Avenue. Dolce Vita Day Spa currently has four employees and operates from Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00am to 8:00pm by appointment. Salon Four has most recently operated their hair salon at 36 North Cass Avenue and is proposing to relocate their business at 216 North Cass Avenue. Salon Four is proposing to be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm, and 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturdays, with three employees.
Additional Background
The users are both considered a barbershop and beauty parlor and due to
the property being located in the B-1 (Limited Business District) a Special Use Permit must be approved prior to operating or obtaining building permits. Additionally, both business are requesting a B-1 development permit, separately.
At its meeting on January 8, 2025, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the Special Use Permit request (4-1, 1 absence, and 1 vacancy).
Type Ordinance
c. Downtown Incentive Program Grant - 216 North Cass Avenue Board to consider an ordinance awarding a Downtown Incentive Program (DIP) grant to Cass Avenue Properties LLC, for the installation of new windows (glazing) and the front door at 216 North Cass Avenue.
Background of Subject Matter
The applicant proposes to install new windows and front door to replace the existing storefront windows and a door that are in poor condition. The business owner of Dolce Vita Day Spa (220 North Cass Avenue) recently purchased the vacant building at 216 North Cass Avenue. The owner has proposed to expand their existing spa services and provide a leasable space for a local hairdresser.
Additional Background
Application and award request are for a Tier 1 DIP grant, with a total project cost of $12,275.00. The project is eligible for a grant award of $2,455.00.
Type Ordinance
Budgeted Yes
d. Downtown Incentive Program Grant - 17 North Cass Avenue Board to consider an ordinance awarding a Downtown Incentive Program (DIP) grant to Cass Avenue Management Group, LLC to install a water line and sprinkler system at 17 North Cass Avenue.
Background of Subject Matter
The applicant proposes to install a sprinkler system in both the commercial (West Suburban Insurance Agency) and residential portions of this mixed use building.
Additional Background
Application and award request are for a Tier 2 DIP grant, with a total project cost of $74,253.00. The project is eligible for a grant award of $50,258.00.
Type Ordinance
Budgeted Yes
e. Engineering Agreement -Phase 2 Design Residential Alley Reconstruction
Board to consider an ordinance approving an engineering agreement with Thomas Engineering Group, LLC for Phase 2 design engineering for Residential Alley 7S Reconstruction.
Background of Subject Matter
Request to approve the sum of $111,845.00 for Phase 2 design engineering for Residential Alley 7S Reconstruction.
Additional Background
This agreement will include topographic survey, soil boring, detailed design, plans, specifications and special provisions, cost estimates and bidding assistance for the residential alley located between Quincy Street, 55th Street, Hudson Street and Washington Street. This project will be constructed in 2026.
Staff Recommends approval of this proposal in the amount of $111,845.00 for Phase 2 design engineering..
Type Agreement/Contract
Budgeted Yes
f. IGA for Police & Fire Dispatch Services
Board to consider an ordinance approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Addison for police and fire dispatch services through the Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center.
Background of Subject Matter
This IGA mirrors previous IGA's between the parties and provides that Addison will provide dispatch services for the Village's Police and Fire Departments, and for other member municipalities. The term of this new IGA is from 5/1/2025-4/30/2028. Pricing for Year 1 is $826,079.00, with standard annual increases thereafter.
Type Agreement/Contract
g. Surplus Items - Police Department
Board to consider an ordinance to declare outdated, unused items from the Police Department Investigation Division as Surplus.
Background of Subject Matter
The Westmont Police Department requests that the following unused and/or non functioning items be declared as surplus. Surplus items are to be removed from Village inventory and disposed of with the Board of Trustee’s authority by the Village Manager in the manner determined to be the most appropriate.
Type Ordinance
h. IMRF Resolution
Board to consider a resolution related to IMRF participation by elected officials.
Background of Subject Matter
The Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund requires the governing body of a municipality to confirm which elected officials' positions are expected to work a minimum of a 1,000 hours per year, and therefore are eligible to participate in the pension system.
Additional Background
A 2017 resolution identified the Mayor and Clerk as being expected to work that many hours. Since 2017 the expectations of the Clerk's duties have changed, so this resolution clarifies that at this time the Clerk is not expected to be working at least 1,000 hours per year.
Staff recommends approval
Type Resolution
i. Mayor's Clerk Appointment
Board to consider a motion approving the Mayor's appointment of Amanda Szymski to the position of Village Clerk.
Background of Subject Matter
Village Clerk Virginia Szymski retired after 27 years as the Village Clerk leaving the position vacant until the April election. Amanda Szymski will fill this vacancy.
Type Motion
This Board may adjourn to closed session to discuss matters so permitted and may act upon such matters upon returning to open session.