Members of the Kankakee County Buildings and Grounds Committee met Wednesday, May 11.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Kankakee County Buildings and Grounds Committee:
Buildings & Grounds
Committee Meeting
May 11, 2016
9:00 a.m.
Members Present
Mr. Einfeldt, Mr. McConnell, Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Snipes, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Enz, Ms. Peters, Mr.
Washington, Mr. Hildebrand, and Mr. Wheeler
Members Absent
Mr. Tripp
In Attendance
- Board Members
Mr. Bossert and Mr. Byrne
- Department Heads
Brian Gadbois and Erich Blair
- Media
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Einfeldt, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present.
2. Public Comment
3. Approval of Minutes – not ready
4. Buildings and Grounds – Brian Gadbois
- Facility Dude Report
Mr. Gadbois reviewed the Facility Dude Report with the committee.
- Monthly Financial Report
Mr. Gadbois reviewed the financial report with the committee.
Mr. Sirois asked where Mr. Gadbois is at on his budget numbers year-to-date.
Mr. Gadbois stated that he typically spends about $57,000 a month, including payroll, but right now, he’s running about $12,000 below budget.
- Building Report
Mr. Gadbois reviewed the county buildings with the committee and updated them on various repairs
that were made in each building.
- First Floor Building Remodel Update
Mr. Gadbois stated that he, Mr. McConnell, Mr. Bossert, and Doug Bright from J2HB met with the cabinet people. The end result was that it will cost about $39,000 to re-do the first floor, carpenter work and case work only. They met with the case work person and asked him if we could take the case work out of the bid, which was $40,000, and modify the cabinets that we currently have. Hemenover was called back here, and he went through and measured. The case work was about $19,000. Mr. Gadbois spoke with them this morning and, at best, it will only save us $500 to modify the existing cabinets. He called Don Pepin and asked him if we could hire a carpenter, time, and material to modify our existing cabinets. Mr. Gadbois told the committee to keep in mind that $40,000 less the case work price is $21,000. We have to be under $30,000 in order to stay below the bid minimum. Mr. Pepin didn’t know. Mr. Gadbois stated that, if we use existing cabinets, at some point, he will have to shut the Treasurer’s building down because he will have to tear everything apart over there. Mr. McConnell agreed with Mr. Gadbois that he finds it hard to believe that it’s going to take $9,000 to do what has to be done.
- Jerome Combs Detention Center Shower Repair Update
Mr. Gadbois stated that he met with seven painting contractors to discuss solutions, create specs, and create a job quote for this. There are 56 showers there. He received a spec from SherwinWilliams yesterday with the paint that they recommended for it. He was supposed to meet with Pittsburgh Paints. He called them on Thursday, and the individual he was supposed to meet with told him he would be gone on Friday, and on vacation the following week. Mr. Gadbois asked him if he could please send someone here to speak with him about this, but he never heard back from him. Mr. Gadbois sent the spec from Sherwin-Williams out to the seven contractors. The other problem with Pittsburgh paint is the only place you can buy it is at Menards, and because it’s specialty paint, he can’t just go in there and buy it. It has to be specially ordered. He expects the quotes back on May 17.
- Jerome Combs Swipe Security System
Mr. Gadbois discussed the security system at the Jerome Combs Detention Center. New components are needed. Ruder Electric helped with a temporary fix, and a complete replacement will cost $22,735.
Mr. McConnell suggested an alternative repair. Mr. Gadbois stated that Sheriff Downey offered for his department to pay part of the cost. Mr. Wheeler stated that the committee’s position should be to authorize the recommendation that this be prioritized and send it to the Finance Committee to allocate the resources.
A motion was made by Mr. Snipes that this issue be forwarded to the Finance Committee with this committee’s recommendation to prioritize it as an urgent need, and to recommend that the Finance Committee allocate the funds when available. Mr. Sirois seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
5. Other Business
6. Old/New Business
7. Adjournment
A motion was made by Mr. LaGesse, and seconded by Mr. Snipes, to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 a.m. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Steve Einfeldt, Chairman
Diane Owens, Executive Coordinator