
Kankakee Times

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Kankakee Valley Park District Board of Commissioners met April 24.

Kankakee Valley Park District Board of Commissioners met April 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board Meeting was called to order at 5:03 pm by President Hollis. Those present for roll call were Commissioner A. Hollis, D. Tucker, M. Mullady, and D. Skelly. Those absent were Commissioner L. Cooper. Staff present: Director Heitz, superintendent of Building & Grounds Collins, Superintendent of Recreation Woodard, Attorney Coghlan, Ariana Padilla, Ken Mosier, Alex Altidor. Others present: James Wasser, Helen Spriggs, Patricia Starks-Howard, Brant Fred, Glenn Davidson.

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comment:

James Wasser: Seen everything that’s happening at Splash and have done a little investigation. Heard there is an underground spring. Heard the pumps failed because of lack of maintenance. Director Heitz said the pumps were working. Piping underground have to be tested. Attorney Coghlan said the contractor went out of business. The District had a company do a large amount of work on the lazy river. Was there a GM and construction manager? John said he doesn’t recall. James said he’s had 40 years in construction. One recommendation would be to have a good gm and architect.

Glenn Davidson: May 1 we have a new mayor. It will be his last day as alderman. Wanted to have a party to congratulate the new mayor and alderman. Wanted to use the Rec Center Charlton room. Could he get it donated because it’s such a historic event? Hope that the city and park district can work together moving forward or continue. He has a company that is willing to clean the carpet downstairs for free, as a token.. Those who haven’t met her, come out and meet. All are invited, Please join the celebration. City council at 7 and would be to the Rec Center by 7:45 or 8pm. Whether we get it or have to pay, we are having it.

Brant Fred-K3 BMX. Asking about the renewal or extension of BMX track. Commissioner Hollis said we are going to look into the agreement. Dayna will be in touch with you.


Election Results:

Oath of Office-

Attorney Coghlan read the oath of office to Bill Spriggs.

Election of Officers-

Attorney Coghlan asked if there were any nominations for president.

A motion to nominate A. Hollis for president was made by Commissioner Mullady. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Tucker, M. Mullady, A. Hollis. Nay: D. Skelly, B. Spriggs. With 3 ayes, 2 nays, motion carried.

A motion to nominate Dave Skelly for president was made by Commissioner Spriggs. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, B. Spriggs. Nay: D. Tucker, M. Mullady, A. Hollis, With 2 ayes, 3 nays, motion failed.

A motion to nominate Matt Mullady for vice president was made by Commissioner Tucker, seconded by Commissioner Hollis. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, D. Tucker, M. Mullady, B. Spriggs, A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

A motion to nominate Bill Spriggs for secretary was made by Commissioner Mullady, seconded by Commissioner Tucker. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, D. Tucker, M. Mullady, B. Spriggs, A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

A motion to nominate Dave Skelly for treasurer was made by Commissioner Tucker, seconded by Commissioner Mullady. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, D. Tucker, M. Mullady, B. Spriggs, A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

Duane Tucker will serve as Commissioner.

Consent Agenda:

Consent agenda for Monday, April 24, 2017 consists of board and special meeting minutes, bills payable, and financial statement.

A motion to receive the consent agenda for Board Minutes of March 27, 2017, Special Meeting Minutes of March 25, 2017 & March 29, 2017, Bills Payable and Financial Statements was made by Commissioner Mullady, seconded by Commissioner Hollis. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, D. Tucker, M. Mullady, B. Spriggs, A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

A motion to approve the consent agenda Board Minutes of March 27, 2017, Special Meeting Minutes of March 25, 2017 & March 29, 2017, Bills Payable and Financial Statements was made by Commissioner Tucker, seconded by Commissioner Hollis. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, D. Tucker, M. Mullady, B. Spriggs, A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

Old Business:

Boat Club Agreement-

Director Heitz talked about the Boat Club agreement. They are having a special event. She talked about the separate agreement that used to be in place. This would be in addition to. Commissioner Skelly said the agreement has been done in past because we have had metered parking. This is an event that’s never been done. They are requesting part of the lot to be blocked off, and use of the electric panel.

A motion to approve the Boat Club Agreement was made by Commissioner Skelly, seconded by Commissioner Mullady. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, D. Tucker, M. Mullady, B. Spriggs, A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

Metered Parking-

Director Heitz said there was talk before she started that they weren’t doing metered parking. Was there problems with the meters? She put together a spreadsheet to include the revenue for the last 3 years. We just need an answer because boat slip patrons will be in May 1. Commissioner Mullady asked stated the meters were expensive up front. Do we know the present state of the meters? Have we tested them? Commissioner Hollis said they were more user friendly as people could use their credit cards. Ariana: the meters do take credit and cash. If there is an issue, they sent a text message to staff. Commissioner Mullady said he’s concerned about people coming down here because things are cheaper, but then end up with a ticket on their car. It’s not very welcoming. Attorney Coghlan said one of the issues in the past was that the notice to people wasn’t very good. It’s easy to miss that sign. No other signs in the lots. Whatever is decided, we really need to have better posting so they can’t say they never heard about it. Commissioner Spriggs asked about collections for the machines? Ariana said when the machine is full it lets us know. Kenny and another guy pick up the money and it accounts for the amount. Checked 2-3 times a summer. Commissioner Skelly said it’s a bad PR move. He thinks the expense is costly. It’s not fair. If we are going to charge for boat ramps, etc. Why not do all of them? Why not have meters at Bird Park? Director Heitz asked Commissioner Skelly how it would affect boat slip patrons as they receive two parking passes with the boat slip rental. Commissioner Spriggs said we need money right? Yes. Commissioner Tucker said given the overhead, what’s the net revenue? Commissioner Skelly asked about the expenses that are listed here, what are they for? It’s credit card, stickers, and company costs. Last year there weren’t policing either and still made revenue. Commissioner Tucker asked if the $6,000 has been consistent. Is this the only spot in the district that has meters? All related to boats. Kenny said they work pretty well. They may need paper or it gets jammed, sends a text. Commissioner Spriggs asked when they would go in to effect. May 1-October 15. Commissioner Skelly has a hard time charging the residents. Commissioner Spriggs said we need the money. We could always change our minds down the line.

A motion to continue with metered parking was made by Commissioner Tucker, seconded by Commissioner Hollis. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Tucker, M. Mullady, B. Spriggs, A. Hollis. Nay: D. Skelly. With 4 ayes, 1 nays, motion carried.

New Business:

Equipment Trade (Golf Carts)-

Director Heitz said we have the extra long golf cart. It’s not suitable for what we need now. Softball doesn’t like it because it’s loud. We have use for 2 regular size carts. Rick went to Stevenson Auto Sales and they will trade. No exchange of money. We give him the large golf cart and he gives us 2 smaller ones that are quieter. Brand new 5 year batteries. These golf carts are rented out by NSA on tournaments. Commissioner Tucker asked about the golf cart, is it paid for? Yes. At the very high end, was valued at $8000. More like $6500 if he sold it. The smaller once are $4200. Do feel like it’s a good deal. Commissioner Tucker asked the year for the carts? 2013 is the one we are trading in and would receive two 2014 in exchange. Commissioner Tucker asked who would use them? Maintenance and softball rentals. Commissioner Hollis said we did get a request for a group to use them last year for an open house to shuttle people. Commissioner Tucker asked about liability issues when we loan them out? Attorney Coghlan said we are still covered. Commissioner Mullady asked about liability? When a group rents them, are we handing them a policy that’s signed? We do within a contract for River Road with Gerry Gund and the NSA. Commissioner Hollis thinks it would be a great idea to get a policy. Commissioner Spriggs asked about just a waiver? Director Heitz said we have waivers and will make sure we are covered liability wise if we were to rent out other than to NSA. Commissioner Hollis said there are several other sponsor groups that have use for them. Commissioner Spriggs asked if everyone would pay a fee to use them? Yes. If other groups used them, would they be charged and be required to sign waivers. Transportation would be the issue to other locations.

A motion to approve the golf cart trade was made by Commissioner Tucker, seconded by Commissioner Mullady. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, D. Tucker, M. Mullady, B. Spriggs, A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

Purchase of Mower-

Director Heitz said we mentioned before that we need to purchase mowers. She and Rick went to Bradley mowers. They have a 48 months of no interest for mowers identical to what we currently have. 72 inch wide 2017 Exmark. On the low end would like to purchase 2 of them. Expense would be about $21,000. On the high end $24,000. That’s for 2. Commissioner Hollis asked if this is something we need? He talked with Dayna about some of this. It would come out of capital. Director Heitz said the one thing we ask is if we can finance it until we receive our tax dollars. Just so we have some reserve and not depleting. Commissioner Tucker asked if we could even get financing. After July we would pay them off. Commissioner Skelly said we are under the bid amount but should go out to bid. Director Heitz said this is the state bid amount. This is approved through the state. Commissioner Skelly thinks we should still go out to bid. Until we know what else is out there why not check locally. If don’t ask, we don’t know. Commissioner Hollis asked Rick when we can get those. Do we need them ASAP? Rick said that’s the only way we will stay caught up with the grass. If we have to call a special meeting to take care of that, then we can do that. Putting together a bid package would be about a month. Bid package is different than RFP. Commissioner Spriggs asked how many mowers we have. 5 right now and we can’t keep up. Inquiry into the mower that the state has, they said the one is junk. Commissioner Skelly thinks a letter can get that back. It’s not a commercial mower. Do we have enough manpower? Yes. Commissioner Spriggs asked what else we could do instead of spending $24,000. Could we rent mowers? We can look into it. Duane asked if we have any intergovernmental agreements with people. Is there any way to borrow some equipment? Make a trade? Commissioner Hollis said with new people coming into the city, might be able to work with us more. Commissioner Hollis said still go out and get quotes.

Staff Reports:


Rick Collins: Ice Valley is running well. Only issues are trying to maintain the grass. Commissioner Hollis asked about Sun River Terrace. Rick said someone took the time to cut the steel pole down. Going to have them welded. A lady told Commissioner Hollis that it was someone trying to scrap the metal.


Melissa Woodard: Spring softball has been going on. Had lots of rain out so there is rescheduling. Summer league deadline is May 15.


Ariana Padilla briefly discussed her report.

Executive Director-

Director Heitz: Tax extension for 2016 will be received this year in July. On page 63, the levy amount is not total extension because of the TIF. We will most likely not receive the full amount. Through today, we had the opportunity to move the extension around. The liability insurance was on the high side so moved a portion of that to corporate and recreation. We want to tax for what we need. If we find in a special fund we are short, and have an excess in corporate and rec, those are the funds you can transfer from. We can’t transfer from special funds back. For the audit fund, would like to put more in to that next year. Abe was in today working with Alex. Should have the draft here this week.

We have Municipal Trust Bank that is dormant. We need to reactive or close the account We would like to look into our banking fees. We pay a lot in fees. Will come with some ideas next month. Dave suggests a local bank.

Gave more info on Splash Valley. Took a look at 3 year revenue. Some had lifetime memberships. discussed the end results of Splash Valley survey.

Dr. Patricia Starks Howard presented a power point presentation and detailed project outline. Dr. Howard would like to start a summer program (EAGLE) at the Rec Center. There would be some logistics to work around but we have already discussed that and both believe it will work. Approximately 100 children. Dr. Howard has made arrangements for lunch and snacks. Commissioner Hollis asked if it will be when they are out of school? Yes. Would there be field trips? Dr. Howard said there would be enrichment and guided learning. Most of it would be contained at the Rec Center. Children can lose 2-3 months of academic learning during the summer. Want to keep the learning going. Not looking to do a lot of field trips. A lot of enrichment within the building. Computer skills, reading, math. Commissioner Tucker asked if this is the first time doing this in our community? Dr. Howard Just retired from the district after teaching 39 years. Hours would be after summer school hours as to not compete. Has not been implemented anywhere else. Commissioner Spriggs asked if this is all her program? It’s her idea but is incorporated and not for profit. Her dream is to continue to have tutoring after school, enrichment. Main goal is to enrich and to build up the experiential base. They just haven’t experienced much.

Theotis Pace: has worked with her at Kennedy Middle School. Would be beneficial to collaborate on resources. She has a unique way of educating our youth. We need more people like her. Collaborate with school district, etc. Would enhance the park district perception positively. Commissioner Hollis has wanted to see this happen for a long time. Hopefully with new administrative with the city, can work together. Need to close that gap and keep it going even after the summer. Appreciate you coming to us and definitely support it. Dr. Starks wants to make us all one. Commissioner Tucker asked how this will be marketed. We do have a flyer but there is no place on it yet. We do have a website. Eagleeducationalsevices.org

Committee Reports:

KCCVB Report-

Lisa is not present. Next meeting we need to talk about who will be on what committee moving forward.

Historical Society Report-

Nothing new.

SRA Report-

Last meeting, the foundation has taken off. Evaluation of the director.

Commissioners Forum:

Commissioner Hollis would like to thank Lisa Cooper for service to the Board. Takes a lot to sit up here and deal with what we have. Like himself, her first meeting was dealing with some issues. Applaud her for sticking through it. Would like to thank everyone for voting him back on as president. Will continue to strive to make this park district one of the best in the state. With some of these programs, think it can be done. If we can continue working with the community, can work to get some things done.

Commissioner Tucker would like to know how many people have we hired? Keep a staff count and tally. Just want to know what’s going on. Do more face to face.

Executive Session:

A motion to go into executive session was made at 6:42pm by Commissioner Tucker seconded by Commissioner Skelly.

Executive Session is for the Purpose of Litigation 5 ILCS 120/2 (11) and Personnel 5 ILCS 120/2 (1)

A motion to return to regular meeting was made at 6:47 by Commissioner Tucker seconded by Commissioner Mullady.

Regular meeting re-convened at 6:28 pm.

Commissioner Hollis said on the director should Fridays send out things that are going on. If you want to send that out so there’s more with the board. Maybe us calling in more. Or, just stopping by and setting up a meeting.

Commissioner Spriggs said that an hour and a half ago he was an outsider. Seen vast improvement in the last 6-8 months. Gotten a lot of phone calls from people that want to help us and I think we need help. Can give names and numbers. Thanked everyone for their confidence in him.

Commissioner Skelly would like to address alderman for use of Rec Center. Think it’s an excellent idea. Personally have a hard time with donation because it sets a bad precedent. Would volunteer his use of his one rental, he would pay the staff cost. If we can, co-sponsor the event. The board should incur the cost, not the park district. Need to start off on the right foot. Hate to keep harping on the foundation. Need to get the office back from them. Don’t know what the status of it is. It’s a loose end but maybe at committee we can decide what we are going to do with it.

Commissioner Tucker is looking forward to working with the city. Carpet cleaning donation would be good for the Rec Center.

Commissioner Mullady was contacted by Dennis Wiley. Kankakee River Rats wants to host their tournament at our facility. Each entrant must use a kid’s pole. Scheduled for June 10th at 7 am. First time for this event.

Commissioner Tucker congratulated Dayna. It’s been 6 months. Should do an evaluation. Would be a good time to look at things and objectives to see where we need to go. On for committee meeting. Commissioner Hollis will bring the forms we have used in the past. Measure what’s been done and set future goals. Need to work with the community better.

Theotis Pace talked about the sponsor group meeting. Lots of people would not put their Executive Director against the sponsor groups. Didn’t think it was right. Lots of the groups do sweat equity which are things that the park district can’t do right now. Commissioner Spriggs made a good point that night. There was a lot of hostility that night. Dayna got hung out to dry but can find a common ground. Knowing it was for only $3500, it wasn’t worth the fight and not fair to Dayna.

Adjourn Meeting:

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 7:25pm by Commissioner Tucker, seconded by Commissioner Hollis. Upon voice vote, all ayes, motion carried.

Official Reports:

1. Board Meeting Minutes March 27, 2017

2. Special Meeting Minutes March 25 & March 29, 2017

3. Bills Payable

4. Financial Statements

5. Boat Club Agreement

6. Metered Parking

7. Equipment Trade

8. Purchase of Mower
