City of Watseka Public Works Committee met Sept. 26.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
PRESENT: Aldermen Cahoe, Barragree, Marcier, Miller, Alderwoman Musk, Mayor Allhands
ABSENT: Aldermen Garfield and Rushbrook
GUEST: Public Works Supervisor Loren Grosvenor
Alderman Cahoe opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. There was no public comment. Public Works Supervisor Loren Grosvenor reported on the following:
Meter Reading Improvements: The cost per meter for radio read is $140 each, the cost drops to $135 if purchasing 475 meters, if purchasing 950 the cost drops to $130.00 per meter. Loren stated by doing this the city can utilize staffing in other areas and removes human error. The committee stated 475 meters at a time would be a good place to start. Alderman Cahoe makes a motion to purchase 475 meters at a time annually from Core and Main to start the process of AMR readings and Alderman Marcier seconded. This will be paid for from water and sewer funds. Roll call carried 6-0.
Sewer Lateral Ownership: There was another lengthy discussion concerning ownership of sewer laterals and who’s responsible for jetting and installing clean outs. The current ordinance states from the home to the sewer lateral is homeowner responsibility including the right of way. After much discussion the committee is in agreement to change the ordinance that if a clean out is needed that is the responsibility of the homeowner, and the homeowner is responsible from the home to the edge of the sidewalk and if no sidewalk then it’s the property line. From the sidewalk to the road is the city responsibility. If the city jets a sewer and it’s on the homeowner’s side, there is a $200 fee payable up front. This will be discussed again next month.
Fire Hydrants: Rogers Hydrant Service are scheduled to start early October. They will report any and all issues to Loren with the hydrants. They should be done in about 2 weeks. Loren stated it will be up to the city to color code the hydrants.
Mayor Allhands stated the city has received the 2nd installment of the ARPA money in the amount of $324,357.77.
Mayor Allhands also stated on the council agenda next week is a proposal from Prairie Archology for $4615.00 for the Martin Ave Road extension project. This is a phase 1 cultural resource survey and report.
Peters Park Playground: Ladder, handrails, and steps have been installed, warning signs have been put up, age-appropriate decals have been installed, ground has been leveled and mulch spread out, plywood, fence and signs have been removed to open playground equipment.
Oxidation Ditch: Helm Mechanical started work on 9-5-22, a slide gate has been installed on the first ring for discharge to the clarifier, Evoqua is scheduled to complete startup on new motors 10-6-22, once all rings are in service the Oxidation ditch will be restored to 100% capacity giving operation more flexibility to treat more during rain events instead of diverting flows to the excess flow clarifier. Loren stated there is a broken valve and the cost to fix it is $10,000 to $15,000, he also stated it’s been broken for a long time.
New Well: Peerless drilled 2 new test wells behind city hall. The water quality is similar to well 9 and 10, the capacity is about 1000 gallons per minute or more. Loren will get with Keith to put this out for bid. Loren stated the new well be in the 6-figure range but it’s been discussed to use the ARPA monies for this project.
Road Improvements: IPC has storm sewer structures being delivered next week to Herron Ct and work is expected to start before the end of the month. Union Pacific has agreed with a joint effort with the city to remove trees and brush along Kay St. 20 foot out on both sides of the road. Loren stated IPC asphalt plant is broke down for a couple of weeks and as soon as they are up and running pothole patching will begin again. Alderwoman Musk asked about the swail on W Mulberry she believes it needs to be cleaned out again. Loren stated he has looked into purchasing a bush hog from McCullough Implement. The cost to rent is $1100/week or to purchase is $8000. Alderman Cahoe makes a motion to recommend to the Council to purchase a bush hog from McCullough Implement for $8,000 and Alderman Marcier seconded. Roll call carried 6-0.
Staffing: Luke Witvoet has put in his 2 week notice, his last day is 9-30-22. Loren has hired Collin Barrett with a start date of 10-3-22, he has a CDL and a spraying license so weeds will be sprayed as soon as he starts, Brandon Serna is back to work after being off for a work comp issue, he does have a 25# weight restriction at this time. Union contracts have been sent to the union from the attorney and are on the agenda for next week.
Metro: Loren stated he has been on the phone multiple times in the last couple of weeks talking to their corporate office. He has been getting a good response from them about several issues throughout the town.
Alderman Marcier asked about the camera truck and Loren stated it needs to be updated at some point. Loren stated a new truck would cost about $60,000
Alderman Cahoe makes a motion to adjourn at 8:40 and Alderman Marcier seconded. Roll call carried 6-0.